
What You Should Know About Lead Generation Websites


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The primary goal of a lead generation website is to generate leads. This article will cover everything you need to know about a lead generation website.

B2B websites must be easy to find the information users are looking for.

What is a Lead Generating website?

B2B website visitors should aim to find the information they are looking for. They should also assist their company in obtaining qualified leads via different methods.

A lead generation website is designed to generate new leads. It provides quality information for your sales team and informs visitors about the product or service you offer.

How to Create a Website That Generates Leads

Before you can start building a website, you need to understand who you are trying to reach. It is easiest to identify who you are selling to before you start building a website. Next, add all of your activities to it.

Before you launch your website, ensure that the website’s architecture is tailored to your target audience. Your main menu should contain links that will make it easy for people to find the information they are looking for, such as articles specific to their industry or addressing their particular pain points.

Another important factor is how many customers you can convert

The first step to creating conversion paths for your customers is persona creation. You should have three conversion points for each persona. One at the top (ToFu), which will convert them from visitors into leads, one in middle (MoFu), which indicates that they are marketing qualified, and one at the bottom (BoFu), which indicates that they’re ready to start the sales process.

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These conversion points should be in place before you decide on the pages you want to convert. To convert visitors, sitewide calls to action (CTAs), and forms that collect the information required by your sales team should be used.

ToFu products should be given to people who are still learning about their problems.

Site visitors should be given a deliberate next step. You don’t want anyone to be scared by giving them a BoFu assessment. You can avoid this by using the ToFu and MoFu strategies.

A step-by-step guide for building the best lead generation website

Allen Martinez says that conversion rate optimization should be used only if your website has a good understanding of your clients. This is how you can deal with it.

Lynda Weinman was my web designer instructor at the Art Center College of Design. Lynda Weinman is the woman who founded Lynda.com and then sold it to LinkedIn for $1.5billion (just to give context).

As a youngster, I had the privilege of being surrounded by creative minds who were constantly coming up with innovative ways to use technology. We were concerned about a website’s aesthetic appeal as well as its ability to communicate important information.

The X-factor is a website’s ability to create a user experience that is fluid and easy to use. It also requires testing the site to make sure conversions are smooth. This is what you came up with. Brand-Response, which I use to describe a multilayered experience centered around the product-market match, is what I call brand-response.

It’s not about flashy click-bait marketing tactics. There is something more fundamental and strategic at work here. Telling stories is how brand loyalty is built. You can make your brand unique and connected while using the latest technology to enhance the narrative experience. This is how you do it.

Let’s make it clear: A website can exist in either or

You’re trying to identify and demonstrate the market when you launch or test. If necessary, this could take several months or even years. These three elements are the foundation of a successful business: a strong brand, a compelling narrative, and an engaged audience.

This stage is when you are growing your business or scaling it up to new heights. These are all elements of your brand, your tribe, and the technology and tools that can help you close more deals.

It seems that many people aren’t sure which mode they are in. If you don’t have much demand for your product, it’s a waste to focus on conversion rate optimization.

Check Lusha

If you are still searching for your tribe or audience, then your brand promise(s), and narrative should be the focus of your attention. Right now, you’re just getting started. It’s also known as the MVP (minimum viable products) phase.

Consider the following data as evidence:

Andrew Robertson, President and CEO of BBDO Worldwide, stated last year at AT&T Shape that “the correct [creative] messages account for 80 percent of the return route.” Data from Google North America, Facebook, and other sources have confirmed this statistic.

Your narrative and message are key factors in the success or failure to generate leads. There are a lot of articles about “sales enablement”, so I will limit it to 20%. However, it is important to remember that technology and tactical “tricks” are only your smallest levers of success. The remainder of this article will focus on storytelling.

If your company is not already at unprecedented heights, your narrative will be the one that reaps the greatest rewards.

The following scenario is possible: Your website has a steady stream of organic, social, and sponsored traffic, but you are missing the most important visitors who are most likely to buy. How do you communicate your value proposition so that it inspires trust and leads directly to sales? These are some tips to help you create a highly targeted lead-generation website.

Get to know your audience for lead generation website

Consumer research is crucial to the success of your business. Without doing a thorough study, you won’t be able to know the needs of your target audience. This information can help you answer which of these questions.

Deciding what type of content you want to produce.

How to say it and what to say.

You must be able to communicate with your audience using the right language.

Images that resonate with your audience

You can decide from the beginning what message you want to convey, and the language and images that you use. To get your customers to purchase your product or service, it must appeal to them on an emotional level. If you want your audience to feel exclusive, you must use imagery and language that emphasize exclusivity.

Consider the journey taken by your user through your content. Noble Digital, for example, uses the See, Think to Do, Care model to create content. My argument about material flow is better illustrated with a movie than online prose. It also serves to remind you that your website should contain videos whenever possible.

SEE: The consumer’s first step in their journey is to be inspired or entertained by the material they see. The video below will provide visual inspiration. It’s all about dreaming about the possibilities.

Although it may seem wasteful to your CFO to invest in such information, consider it a primer. It sparks interest in your brand and leads potential customers to the next steps. This type of information should be shared outside your website with links to your site, so readers can learn more.


The next section of information is for those who want to learn more. This video is for what kind of people? All of them are soccer players looking to improve their game, win with their team, or find better equipment. This information can be used on your website and elsewhere to show that your company cares about your customers.

You can also combine the educational content and the fun, as in this video.


This video is intended to inspire viewers to act. This video is for soccer players who know they need new sneakers to play at their best. These people are convinced that they will need the product and are willing to purchase it right away. This video could be either a standalone or part of another video, depending on the context.

Think about the idea of thinking and doing simultaneously. In this video style, they learn something new while being challenged.

This isn’t a complicated situation, right? A simple logic flow guides people through a decision tree. Click on this to serve them. This overlay may be visible to some people more than once, but those who click on it will be pixeled for future targeting.

It is important to give priority to thinking and seeing, rather than doing. To produce the Do, all you need to do is see and think. If you push “Do”, you will get a boring salesperson or salesman. Direct marketing is unnecessary once they are on your site. Now is the time to connect with your audience and tell your story. Make sure you communicate your message!

Video is a great way to communicate with your audience. Yet, it’s often overlooked or poorly done. Video on your website has a few advantages: It can educate, entertain, or elicit an emotional response from the user.

Sales should be speeded up (video is essential for complex services and B2B).

If they found you through a search, this may increase the time that people spend on your site.

This strategy will help you retain customers and increase brand recall. What number of AdWords ads did you click on during the past month? (I guess that it’s not.)

Customer care is essential after a person becomes a potential advocate of your business.

You can create all the content you need by understanding your customers’ journey from awareness to appreciation and praise for your brand. Once you have a clear understanding of your site’s capabilities, you can begin creating content — white papers and video tutorials as well as blog articles and infographics — that is specific to your audience.

How do you get there? Now it’s time for you to get into the details. Focus groups and surveys can help you to get to know your customers better and discover what makes them feel part of your brand.

Establishing authority

It is important to have elements that build your brand’s reputation to keep people coming back to your website. Here are some examples of real-world social proof that will make your prospects feel at ease.

  • Customers’ feedback.
  • Experts in the field and business executives can make recommendations.
  • You may also find other websites, movies, podcasts, and media that do not belong to you, that feature your products.
  • You can keep track of the number of people who have benefited from your services. (Think of McDonald’s “number of served” counter on their signage).
  • Pictures and graphs

This last point is critical, but it is often forgotten. People are drawn to visuals and might be compelled to buy a moving product. It is impossible to duplicate the emotional impact of beautiful pictures in the same way as language. Visitors to your website will feel more connected to the brand’s attributes if they see a picture of Nike shoes worn by an athlete than a description of its attributes.

Go beyond the box to group your customers

When you hear the phrase “segment consumers”, it may be code, back-end data buckets, and tech that come to your mind. Ugh!

If you use drop-downs, forced popups, page takeovers, or quizzes, I can see your eyes glazing over. I am also in the mood for sprinting!

Imagine if it was visually stimulating. Adidas is an excellent example of a landing page that works.

Consumers are free to decide on their preferences and not the business’s when it comes to the “front end”. They also self-segment to the relevant pages, generating clear data that allows brands to understand who replies to what. It’s a win/win situation.

It’s a lot less technical than that. It’s an approach that is very human when it comes to encouraging user flow. Fundamental reasoning is based on “pains and gains” to find out what inspires or troubles your audience.

CTAs are not used to make a purchase. Instead, they focus on the result the user is looking for with the shoes or the promise of the brand. They will believe you have them if they can be persuaded to visualize themselves in these two images. This is an excellent example of user flow.

Monitor your key performance indicators (KPIs), in detail

Adidas may have two main goals. First, it might classify customers into product categories, and then, encourage them to buy. This is a larger communication strategy that goes beyond selling.

Selling is not necessarily the most important goal. Why? Because it is difficult to come back after you have made your move. Let’s face facts, conversion rates for most websites are three to five percent.

A 95-97 percent probability that a first-time visitor won’t make a purchase, opt-in, or take any other actions. Therefore, your funnel must have more flow.

Most companies require an “experience,” which is the ability to motivate and inspire your visitors to associate with your brand. This is how your clients will be indoctrinated. “How much chaos and control do you want in a shoe?” Adidas user asks. This is an interesting point. It’s something I hadn’t considered. These will go well with my skin? Are they going to help me improve my soccer skills?

Yes! You must… You need to…

Users rarely make purchases until they have visited your site several times. Reminisce about the first time you visited your site. How many levels of inspiration are there to overcome obstacles??

It is important to remember that brand response, which is vision-reality, should be used. Marketing is about balancing the “vision” and “sales reality” of selling the product to different audiences at different stages of their journey.

A well-designed website will handle many communications simultaneously and route all traffic in a way that only the most advanced intersections are capable of.

Although it is not an easy task in web design, it is essential. Art, infrastructure, and goal setting all play an important role.

Don’t be afraid to put a large red “purchase” button in front of your viewers. If a user is ready and willing to purchase, it shouldn’t be difficult for them to find the buying route. This can be avoided by focusing 20% of your energy and time on it. This won’t have a significant impact on your bottom line.

Instead, focus on the benefits and challenges your target audience will face as a result of using your product. This is what you expected, right? Are you expecting more pop-ups and statistics? And a lot more user experience fluff? Nope! It all comes down to the story! The tale should be visually appealing and motivating.

Does your website look appealing to the eye or boring? What does this all mean? This means that you must provide better visual representations of your argument. If your website looks great and your story is compelling, you will be unable to stop talking about it. It’s a wonderful piece of art when done right.

It is important to distinguish between primary and second KPIs

If you are to succeed in your career, you must understand the difference between primary and secondary KPIs. Your website should have the most important KPI easily accessible. Your tale allows people to visualize themselves using your products, and they are more likely to take action. You should always make the key KPI easily visible, such as in the sidebar or header of your website.

The following KPI options are available:

Register for email notifications

Please request a call.

You can download an object for free, such as an educational whitepaper about your product.

You buy what you want

Secondary KPIs are things you monitor after the fact. Without the customer knowing, you have established objectives and tracked these things.

These are some examples of supplementary KPIs you might use:

A set number of minutes in a video.

Extensive workdays (e.g., reading multiple blog posts).

Social media shares

Click-throughs for Advertisement

First-click-to-purchase trends in the sales cycle.

Tracking your key performance indicators

These KPIs are wonderful, but you should not be using them to learn more about your audience. If you don’t spend the time to consider what data means, it is useless.

You need to understand why your social shares are declining and what you can do for them to rebound. It is important to know why people don’t sign up for your email newsletter, and what you can do about it.

A variety of tools are available to assist in the analysis and interpretation of KPI data.

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Analytics Event Tracking
  • To monitor clicks and other events, a JavaScript custom is made for you.
  • Heat mapping is a way to see where visitors spend the most time on a page.
  • WordPress social sharing plugin


If you approach your lead generation from the perspective of an author, it is impossible to underestimate your efforts. These are the steps to building the best lead-generation website.

  • Get to know your customers.
  • Boost your reputation.
  • Creatively segment your audience.
  • This process requires that you measure both the primary and secondary KPIs.
  • Sort the data into MQL or SQL leads, depending on which stage of conversion you are at.
  • Testing.

All the data you have collected is useless if it doesn’t get tested. How will you know which elements are successful if you don’t make changes to your campaign?

It’s possible that 10,000 views per month seemed like a huge accomplishment until you realized you could make a few modifications and your traffic shot up. These methods will allow you to generate more leads than ever before. But, it is crucial to ensure its success.

This post does not reflect the views of MarTech. Here are the names of the staff writers.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.