
Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Optimal Email Engagement


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To ensure your campaign’s success, you need to keep up with the latest trends in the world of sales and marketing. Artificial intelligence (AI), used in email marketing, is a trend that’s sweeping the world of marketing and sales. Marketers can use AI to hyper-personalize emails, generate deeper customer insights and increase revenue by utilizing AI. We will explore the benefits of AI in email campaigns and give you practical tips to improve your campaign’s efficiency.

AI and Email Marketing: Benefits

The advantages of AI for email marketing are numerous. AI can save you time by automating repetitive tasks, generating more meaningful customer insights to personalize, and predicting customer behavior. AI can create hyper-personalized emails tailored to the recipient’s preferences based on their behavior, demographics, and purchase history. This personalized approach leads to higher engagement and, ultimately higher revenue for your company.

  • North Face, a clothing retailer, used AI to personalize emails and send them to its subscribers. The emails included recommendations for outdoor activities based on their location and weather. This led to a 60% rise in click-through rate.
  • EmailOctopus uses AI to analyze past email performance and suggests the best day and time send emails to your subscribers. This resulted in a 45% rise in email opens and a 32.2% increase in click-through rates.
  • EasyJet used AI to create customized emails that included real-time flight information and prices. This led to a 25% rise in click-through rate and a 100% boost in revenue per email.

AI: Practical ways to boost your email marketing campaign

AI can be used to improve your email marketing campaigns.

AI can be used to create personalized subject lines

The subject line is the first thing recipients will see when they open your email. AI can be used to create customized subject lines that will increase the open rate of your emails. AI can analyze the past behavior of the recipient, including their engagement rate, to create a subject that is more likely to grab their attention.

Here are a few examples of how AI can be used to create customized subject lines for email marketing campaigns.

  1. AI can be used to analyze the behavior of your subscribers. By analyzing their behavior, including past interactions with emails, purchases, and browsing histories, AI will help you create subject lines that are tailored to your subscribers’ interests and needs. You could, for example, use AI to suggest subjects that highlight the products or services that the subscriber is interested in or has purchased.
  2. AI can be used to optimize and test your subject line. AI will analyze how subscribers react to different variations. You can increase your open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates by testing and optimizing subject lines. You could, for example, use AI to test different variations of your subject line that include words, emojis, or personalization elements.
  3. AI can be used to create dynamic subject lines: Subject lines that are personalized in real-time based on subscriber behavior, preferences, and other data points. AI can be used to create dynamic subject line changes based on subscriber location, weather, or other real-time information. You could, for example, use AI to create subject line recommendations that are personalized based on subscriber location. For instance, “10% off umbrellas today in New York City only.”

AI can optimize the send times

Your email campaign’s timing can have a significant impact on its success. You can use AI to determine when recipients are most active and optimize the send time to ensure your emails arrive at the best possible time. This can increase revenue by increasing open and click-through rates.

Three tools will help you to accomplish this.

  • Persado, Persado’s AI-powered language marketing tool, helps optimize email subject lines and body copy to increase open and click-through rates. The device uses natural-language generation algorithms to create customized messaging that resonates well with each recipient’s interests and preferences. The tool also analyses data from past email campaigns to determine when to send messages depending on the recipient’s engagement patterns and time zone.
  • Phrasee is an AI-powered platform that helps optimize email subject lines to increase the open rate. The tool uses natural-language generation algorithms to generate personalized subject lines tailored according to the recipient’s interests and preferences. The tool uses machine learning to analyze past data to determine when to send emails based on recipient engagement and time zone.
  • Optimail – Optimail’s AI-powered platform for email marketing helps optimize send times to increase engagement and conversion rates. The tool analyses data from past campaigns to determine when to send messages depending on recipient engagement patterns and their time zone. The tool uses machine learning to optimize subject lines and email body copy to increase open and click-through rates.

AI for Dynamic Content

Dynamic content is tailored to the preferences of each recipient, making it more relevant and engaging. You can use AI to create dynamic content that is tailored to the interests of each recipient at each stage of ‘s buyer’s journey. This leads to higher engagement and ultimately higher revenue.

  • Personalization: AI can be used to customize email content based on recipient browsing history, purchasing behavior, demographics, and other data. Amazon, for example, uses AI to personalize its email marketing campaigns. It recommends products based on the items customers have purchased or viewed previously on their website.
  • Dynamic Content: AI can automatically create dynamic content based on recipient behavior and preferences. Netflix, for example, recommends movies and TV series to its subscribers based on their viewing habits and preferences. AI can also generate customized subject lines, emails, and images.
  • Predictive analytics: AI can be used to analyze data to predict the most efficient content that will work for each recipient. AI, for example, can analyze open rates and click-through rates as well as other engagement metrics to determine which subject lines and email copy will be the most effective. It can optimize your email campaign for maximum engagement and return on investment.

AI can optimize email layout

The design of your email can affect its effectiveness. You can use AI to optimize your email layout to make it engaging and easy to read. This will lead to higher engagement and ultimately higher revenue for your company.

  • Email marketers can personalize emails based on AI algorithms to cater to specific preferences and behaviors. AI can, for example, analyze the user’s interactions with a brand in the past to determine the type of content that they are interested in and visually present this content within the email layout. Non-customers are not shown discounts for new customers; referral bonuses only appear to existing customers, etc.
  • AI can create dynamic content in emails that are based on recipient behavior or other variables. AI can, for example, analyze a recipient’s device, location, or previous email engagement to determine the most relevant content. This can significantly increase the open and click-through rate of emails. Case studies are based on data for engineers or managers; creative agencies may prefer to see highly visual comparisons.
  • AI-powered A/B tests can be used to optimize email layouts for maximum engagement. AI algorithms can analyze past email campaigns to determine what layout elements (such as font, color, and image placement) have the greatest impact on open and click-through rates. These data can be used to make data-driven decisions about email design.

The conclusion of the article is:

AI can be a powerful tool to boost the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns. AI can be used to optimize send times, create dynamic email content, and optimize layout. This will help you create hyper-personalized emails that increase engagement and ultimately revenue.

AI has been added to many CRM and marketing systems, including HubSpot and Salesforce. Connect with our AI team if you have any questions or would like to learn more about AI use cases in marketing or sales.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.