
The Game-Changing Impact of AI-Powered Warmup Emails


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Email warming up improves delivery and your bottom line. Inboxes are home when email warmup is performed with AI.

Warming up your account is one of the best ways to avoid your emails ending up in the spam folders.

This article will show you how to use AI-powered email warmups to improve the deliverability and reputation of your email.

What is Email Warmup?

Email warmup is a process that involves establishing the reputation of an email address to increase its daily email limit. This process can be done manually but is a time-consuming and tedious task that’s better left to automated systems. Automated email warm-up can save you a lot of time, not only at the beginning but also in the long term.

Warmup functions powered by AI can be used to simulate human conversations across email accounts. It’s like you and your friends emailing each other, but it is fully automated.

Why Email Warmup is Important

How to Build and Maintain Email Reputation

Email warmup aims to improve the reputation of your domain. A good reputation will increase the chances of your emails being delivered.

Your emails could be marked as spam if you have just acquired a domain or IP address. This is because you need an excellent better online reputation. Sending a few carefully-crafted emails, and then gradually increasing their volume over time can help you build a good reputation.

Improves Deliverability

Email warmup improves your deliverability as well as builds your reputation. Email warmup is a way to tell mailbox providers you are not spam.

Sending a large number of emails all at once from a different domain or IP address would appear suspicious to mailbox providers and you would be more likely for your emails to be marked spam. You’re more likely to get your emails into the inbox if you increase the volume slowly over time.

How to send more emails

Email warmup allows you to reach a larger audience with cold emails by improving deliverability, and establishing a positive reputation.

You won’t reach many people if your emails are marked as spam. If your emails get delivered to the inbox you can reach more people, and possibly receive more responses.

Reduce the chance of your email being flagged as spam

Email warmup reduces your chances of having an email marked as spam.

If you send a cold message, your email may be marked as spam. If you have been building up your reputation and warming up your account, your chances of getting your email marked as spam will be much lower.

How to Warm Up Emails Manually

Although we do not recommend email warmup by hand, it is feasible. This is a laborious process, but it can be easily solved by using a free email warmup tool like the one that comes with Instantly. Understanding the email warmup process will help you understand how the AI-powered service works. Email warmup relies on positive interactions with your sending domain.

How to do it manually

  1. You can send emails safely to 20-30 people who will engage in your emails. Engagement can include things like marking emails important and sending responses.
  2. Send them clear instructions about how you can get their help.
  3. Send out small numbers of emails to the group.
  4. Increase the number of emails sent over 2-3 weeks.

Instructions for Participants in the Email Warmup Campaign

  • Click here to open your email
  • Open Your Emails
  • Mark them as spam if they appear in your spam folder
  • Mark all emails as important
  • Send meaningful responses (not filler texts)
  • Send emails to people you know

You can increase your daily email count by doing any of the tasks above. Start with 2 emails per week on a new domain, and increase that number to 80-100 per day.

The AI-powered, 100% automated email warmup

AI-powered warmup email is as easy as clicking a single button!

AI-powered email warmup allows you to rest assured that all your emails will get opened, and a large percentage will reply with positive, thoughtful sentiments. Instantly AI’s algorithm will write emails to Google, Outlook, and other email providers to verify that the account and domain you are using are legitimate and relevant.

Emails in future campaigns are more likely to reach main inboxes since you will be sitting comfortably at a 100% open rate with an exceptional response rate. Cold emails sent from newer sites often end up in the spam folders. But with AI-powered warm-up, you can conduct full-scale outreach on a new domain within 2 to 3 weeks.

The average lifespan of an outreach site is longer than that of a manual warm-up method, as the chances of your domain getting flagged or penalized for spam by SMTP have been greatly reduced.

Email Warm-up Never Ends

When should you disable email warming? Simple: Never!

Email warmup helps your domain maintain its reputation by building trust among mailbox providers. You still have to convince mailbox providers of your emails’ value and non-spam nature once you reach their “inbox”. This can be done by keeping a low bounce rate and maintaining a constant sending history.

The Key Takeaways

Email warmup can have a huge impact on the success of your campaign. AI-powered email warming is the best way to boost your email outreach.

Here’s a recap of why you should warm up your email for each domain that you send from:

  • Email warmup is a process that builds trust with mailbox providers to increase your chances of getting into the inbox.
  • It’s possible to do email warmup manually. However, it is a laborious process. Using an email warming service can make the process much easier.
  • AI-powered warmup email is as easy as clicking a single button. You can focus on your campaigns instead of worrying about delivery.
  • It’s never too late to start warming up your email. Maintain a consistent history of sending and keep bounce rates low to protect your reputation.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.