
Discover the AI Tools That Enhance Email Marketing Effectiveness


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Digital marketing is changing at a rapid pace. What worked yesterday might not work tomorrow, and what works today may need to be upgraded to take advantage of new technologies and trends. Email falls under this latter category.

In the 1990s, email marketing took off as consumers all over the world gained access to the Internet. Email marketing is not spam. Email marketing is not spam. It’s somewhere in the middle. Your customers don’t give their information lightly, and — if used right — email marketing can be both a relationship-building and profit-building tool.

Adobe’s report revealed that email was “ahead of its time” in terms of return on investment. The report cited Econsultancy findings that showed 73 percent of companies believe email ROI to be “good” or excellent, compared with 35 percent for online display ads or banners. also found that 57% of subscribers spent between 10-60 minutes per week browsing marketing emails.

Tom Dwyer is the CEO of Taylrd, an online men’s clothing company that hasn’t been around for two years. He said that while Facebook and Twitter advertisements account for almost all of their advertising budget, email represents 25 percent of revenues.

Dwyer stated after the discussion that “the social media ads are paid acquisitions to get people on the site.” “For us, the end of a visit is when the customer gives us their email. Advertising is a great way to get people’s attention and make them aware of our brand. People who visit our website will be asked to enter their email addresses in a popup window that offers a code for a discount. Email is very valuable to us.

How to Create an Effective Email Sign-Up

Email addresses are required to run email marketing campaigns. The foundation of any email marketing campaign is obtaining email addresses. This list contains some of the most effective ways that brands have used to get email addresses.

  • Create CTAs that are creative, engaging and make people want to know what they’ll receive in their email.
  • Assure them that they won’t be spammed with irrelevant or unrelated material.
  • Send examples of your best email content.
  • Offer a discount or deal (According to the research of Social Habit, 70% of email recipients open emails sent by a company or brand in search of a discount, money-off coupon, or a deal).
  • Place the signup form on the homepage to maximize your conversions.
  • Allow the recipient to “tailor-make” their email.
  • Sign up with one of your social logins to reduce the friction.
  • Update consumers on new products and services ( 41% like updates).
  • Exclusive offers for email subscribers.

Carlos Alberini said that Lucky Brand engaged store employees to help it collect more email addresses at the recent Custora Carma Conference in New York. The company had only a 14 percent capture rate by simply asking for email addresses at the checkout.

Alberini explained that the idea was to get more email addresses by putting coupons in a catalog. We decided to ask customers if they have the catalog coupon for a 20% discount when they check out. The employee would then say “I’ll tell what.” People would respond, “No, I did not get the catalog. Give me your email, and I will give you the discount. We’ll make sure that you get the catalog. This led to the collection of more data. We had 1.9 million people in our database when we began this program. We have about 5 million people in our database today, 18 months after we started the program. “And the revenue expected went from $55 million to about $170 million.”

Capturing data and building upon it for your email campaigns

The more data that you can control, the better you will be able to respond to your customers. You are giving up money and your future if you let someone else control the data of the people who buy your products. Scott Galloway’s Four Horsemen

Email marketing is a powerful tool for reaching out to customers in a highly personalized and targeted way. It can be a great opportunity, even with the advent of voice search, visual searches, social media, bots, and traditional search. Here is where data analysis and collection come into play.

Adobe claims that “emails are sent as a response to online and in-store actions by customers.” To achieve this, an analytics platform is integrated into a company’s existing email platform. The software then continuously monitors customer behavior across all channels. Brands and stores can deliver more insight-driven emails depending on their investment. When a customer abandons an online shopping cart, a reminder email can encourage them to complete the sale. The more information a company has about its customers, the easier and faster it is to send emails that engage with the customer beyond an abandoned shopping cart.

Adobe says analytics gives companies the power to “notice when conversions falter and act quickly and automatically.” Online data includes website behavior, mobile behavior, and display performance. Data points offline include CRM (customer relation management), direct mailing, broadcast data, and physical stores. If certain criteria are met, like an abandoned shopping cart or a visit to a website or store that did not result in a purchase, the email system will be activated.

Personalization of Your Email Campaigns

The information that brands have gathered from the consumers’ purchase history is being used to enhance their shopping experience, including recommendations.

Brands can show their customers what other people in their state or area are buying and how they are using the products. It is possible to create campaigns around these products. When data from the online activity is captured, it can be used to define the type of customer and their buying patterns. can be used to create personalized micro-content. These can be a great way to add value and influence customer behavior.

Email marketing campaigns are more successful when they are based on individual data. Email marketing campaigns will perform better if they are more relevant and personalized based on individual data. (Here are 13 examples of effective personalization).

Email is a powerful tool that brands are only just beginning to use. New tools and data are increasing the opportunities for creating personalized email experiences. These tools and data are only scratching the surface for brands.

AI-driven tools that will help you deliver a more personalized and relevant email experience

In a report by the Relevancy Group, they concluded that “data shows that marketers who embrace AI enjoy higher deliverability and engagement from their email campaigns.” Here are seven AI-driven tools to help improve your email marketing.

Seventh Sense(@knowingwhen), ensures that your emails reach your target audience at the exact time they are opening their emails. How can you ensure that your sales or marketing emails stand out from the influx of messages hitting an individual’s inbox every day?

Artificial intelligence is used by the company to determine when prospects are most likely to respond to your email. Seventh Sense reduces stress and ensures that your emails are read by sending them at the time when they’re read. The tool can be integrated with HubSpot accounts, Marketo accounts, or company email systems to create unique profiles and learn the habits of your contacts.

Boomtrain is a marketing platform that uses AI to personalize content automatically for users. This will increase clicks, engagement, and sales. This technology replaces the manual work required to segment prospects and select appropriate, relevant content. Boomtrain analyzes the user’s behavior (from their interactions with emails, websites, mobile apps, and so on). To provide a single view of every contact and increase engagement.

Phrasee generates and optimizes Subject Lines to increase the likelihood of people opening, clicking, and converting. Marketing artificial intelligence is a problem today because marketers do not identify the problem they are trying to solve before implementing AI. Phrasee is a marketing AI that focuses on the problem it solves. Email marketing optimization.

Phrasee’s machine learning generates and optimizes email subject lines to increase the likelihood that people will open, click and convert. In subject line tests, the company beats humans in 98% of cases. Virgin Holidays, for example, sells travel packages that bring in hundreds of millions each year. Its sales are largely done via email. A modest increase in engagement and conversions can be worth millions.

Virgin Holidays increased open rates by 2% using the tool. This bump was worth millions of dollars in new revenue. Writing subject lines takes only minutes now, and not the weeks it used to take before. This allows the brand’s marketing team to focus on more valuable tasks.

Return Path is a leading expert on email deliverability. They analyze the largest collection of email data in the world to help their clients stay connected with their audiences, improve subscriber engagement and drive more revenues through the email channel. To build trust and deliver a great email experience, they partner with mailbox providers all over the world. They ensure that only wanted emails to reach inboxes while spam is blocked. Overstock is a great example of the benefits of email marketing. They move a lot of products every day. You could say that it was a big problem when Overstock’s email delivery rates decreased. Every email Overstock failed to deliver was an opportunity lost for revenue. To diagnose the deliverability problems, Overstock turned to Retn Path – an AI-powered platform for email. Overstock’s placement rates in the inbox “averaged 98 percent and reached 100 percent at their most significant domains” after several months of working with Return Path and its experts.

(@getoptimail), uses AI to adjust the personalization, content, and timing of email campaigns. In the past, drip email campaigns were optimized using A/B tests. Optimal continuously monitors behavior, and then adjusts the messages sent to prospects and customers to achieve your business goals. This could be a purchase of your product or sharing social media posts. It has been proven to increase engagement and drive conversions, as well as reduce spam complaints.

Atomic Reach is an application that creates high-quality content that converts. It’s important to create high-quality content for a content marketing program. But it isn’t always easy. How can you ensure consistency between multiple assets? How can you tell what works and why?

Atomic Reach’s content intelligence platform rates your content based on sentiment, structure, and emotional intensity. It also scores readability, clarity, and more. These insights will help your team discover the best content conversion recipe for each of your personas.

Lead Gnome is an automated email reply mining solution. It integrates seamlessly with your CRM and/or marketing automation solution. Each reply to your email is automatically classified, mined for critical sales intelligence, and synced with your MA or CRM. The reply sorter then organizes your inbox by moving auto-responses into folders, while leaving customer responses in your Inbox to be engaged immediately. This tool is integrated with HubSpot Marketo Oracle and Salesforce. Users can create workflows to automatically trigger tasks like notifications, follow-up emails, and phone calls. This tool will clean your data to deliver sales-ready leads. QuickMobile Case Study by Cvent

Are you thinking about expanding and innovating your email campaigns or introducing new ones? Check out the Econsultancy Email Marketing Industry Census to see what other people are thinking.

Email Works!

Email addresses are a great way to connect with customers, both existing and prospective. You can use them to collect data that will help you personalize your relationship. Email marketing is yours alone. You choose how, when, and why you communicate with your subscribers.

Email allows you to communicate with your customers and find out about their problems, challenges, and opportunities. Brands can create short online surveys that reward customers for taking part with a coupon to reduce the price of products they sell. Don’t forget about offering customers a coupon for a discount or “Swedish Meatballs” to get them to sign up for your emails.

According to Inc. companies like Amazon and Spotify are leaders because they leverage the vast amount of data that they collect from their customers and prospective customers. These data range from their search habits, purchases, and music to the posts and comments they make online. These companies can better understand their customers and improve marketing by using artificial intelligence and this data.

Why is this important to you? You don’t need to be a large enterprise to use data to gain a competitive edge. You just need to know how to collect data better than your competition, store it safely, and combine it using the right AI tools to create and implement ROI-busting email campaigns. Email remains an important component of Digital Marketing for Outdoor Industry Fundamentals.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.