
All About Sales Funnel Copy For Beginners


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Words can be powerful.

Some words may not be the best. They are just words.

How can you decide which words to use?

Writing copy for a sales funnel can be a difficult task.

This is why top copywriters charge thousands per hour.

This guide will help you create compelling copy to promote your sales funnel.

To skip to the best, you can click the link below…

What’s sales funnel copywriting?

Sales funnel copywriting is all about writing compelling sales copy that promotes conversion-oriented marketing experiences called funnels.

  • Copy: The text printed on the page.
  • Sales funnels – An experience that converts leads into customers, or leads into leads.

Keep reading to find out more.

Understanding the Sales Funnel

Understanding the sales funnel is essential before we can discuss copywriting.

When someone asks you for a copy of their sales funnel they don’t mean the high-level marketing funnel salespeople used to calculate MQLs and SQLs.

These are page-by-page experiences that guide visitors to a single conversion event.

Traffic flows up to the top and leads and customers flow down to the bottom.

Each sales funnel tries to achieve a single goal. Many sales funnels can be used for various purposes, including lead generation, sales, webinars, and high-ticket deals.

Kobe Digital leads this field.

We create templates and test them before recommending the best to our members. We then provide the software to customize those sales funnels.

Before you can create a word about the sales funnel, it is important to understand its purpose.

Collecting critical information

What is the purpose of the copy for the sales funnel you are creating?

Do they want to generate leads? 

Are they selling products or services to customers? What products are in your offer? 

These questions are what you should answer.

Before you start writing, you should be able to answer the following questions.

  • Who is the avatar for the customer?
  • What’s the fear?
  • What are they looking for?
  • What can you do to help?
  • Do we have proof?
  • Is the price worth it?
  • They must act immediately.

This will allow you to develop compelling sales funnel copy

Let’s look at an example. These questions will help you create your Traffic Secrets funnel. Afterward, you’ll see how these answers are integrated into our sales copy.

Who are the customer avatars Entrepreneurs looking to increase traffic to their sales funnels?

What are they afraid of? They fail in maintaining the businesses that they have created.

What are they looking for? To get consistent, high-quality traffic to their sales funnels.

What can your offer do? Let us share proven strategies to drive high-quality traffic and customers to your website.

Do you have proof? Yes! Yes!

Is it worth it? What could be better than all the bonus offers?

They should act now. The book was only printed in a few thousand copies and is selling fast.

Now you can see how answering these questions will allow you to write compelling sales copy.

You can view the entire flow by going to the page. This will give an overview of the conversion journey visitors take.

Ask these questions to your clients and get the information you need.

It is well worth it.

The best sales funnel copy is clear and compelling copy

Writing can be considered an art form.

Copywriting is a dangerous job. It is possible to be creative and create something entirely new.

If you’re writing fiction books,

Sales copywriting is all about the results.

To get an A+ university grade, you don’t have to be a master of grammar or creativity.

Focus on two things.

  1. Make it clear
  2. Be Compelling

Clarity is the key to success. Tell the person what you are offering and why it is so amazing. Then, tell them why they need it and why they should take action now.

This is the only way to succeed — and it’s all about avoiding fluff.

How to Get the Big Domino

Many people visit sales funnels with many objections.

I will show you how to create landing pages, ads, and OTO pages before we dive into the writing tips.

Let’s briefly discuss how to remove all objections in one go

By knocking down the “big domino”, you can eliminate all other dominoes.

Copywriting at each stage of the sales funnel

Let’s get down to business.

This article provides examples and advice about how to write compelling copy for each stage of a sales funnel.

If you have all the information you need and know what the “big doom” is, you should find this process quite straightforward.

A great copy starts with great preparation.

You can only continue writing after you are satisfied.

  • Find out the value and appeal of this offer.
  • Understanding your customer avatar is crucial to understand why they are interested.

1. Advertising Copywriting

A sales funnel consists of steps. Micro-conversions are also known.

Traffic is your first step.

You must get people to click your ad and go to your sales funnel.

What steps are involved?

Copywriting is an art. It is time to emphasize a fundamental truth …

It is just as important not to say the things you don’t like as to say the things you love

Don’t try to make a sales page in your advertisement. Your goal at this stage is to generate curiosity and get people to click.

The steps are easy to follow.

  • Grab their attention.
  • Make them curious about what you have to say.

He won’t tell you what he’s in for!

He tells you all about the benefits that you will receive… and how they will impact your life.

You can do the rest. 

This’s how it works.

It’s simple and very effective.

Bonus tip

2. Copywriting for Landing Pages

When someone clicks on an ad for your website, they will be taken to your landing pages

This is the sales page for any sales funnel. It’s also where most of the copywriting magic takes place.

It is easy to write compelling copy. It’s called Hook, Story, and Offer.

How it works…

Hook – Use a hook that grabs attention to get people to read more.

Story — Next tell your target market a story about their struggles and obstacles. Finally, tell them where you found the life-changing information.

Offer — Finally, you will present the solution (your products or services) to the visitor. Make an irresistible deal.

This is the base.

There are many nuances in this story. What objections should you address? 

This checklist will assist you…

  • Hook
    • Can you hook the visitor from the beginning?
    • Does your offer include a hook?
    • Does it appeal to the target market
  • Story
    • Can you empathize with visitors and understand their challenges?
    • Tell us about how you found this life-changing information.
    • Can you explain to your visitor why/how this information can be useful?
    • Have you got proof that it works?
  • Offer
    • Is it irresistible to the target market?
    • Is the price far more than the value?
    • Can you create urgency or scarcity?
    • Are You willing to take on risk?
    • Is the offer simple?

Make sure you hit all the right points when writing copy for landing pages.

Next, proceed to step 2.

3. Copywriting for OTO pages

It is important to understand that not all sales funnels have an OTO page. They may simply move directly from the landing page to the checkout page or the “Thank You” page.

OTO pages are a great way to increase the average order value of a sales funnel.

OTO stands for One-Time Offer. This is an urgent upsell with extremely high conversion rates.

After the user has submitted shipping and payment information and clicked through to this landing page,

These pages are very simple and consistent in their copywriting.

Let’s get this straight…

  • Headline — Use something catchy such as “Wait!” Headline — Use something catchy like “Wait!” or “Real Quick!” To grab their attention, you can use the phrase “Real Quick!” Next, tell them that you are offering them a “Time Offer “. . This creates urgency which increases the conversion rate.
  • Copy — The copy should not exceed 10 pages. A few sentences should be enough to explain the offer and its benefits.
  • CTA — A call for action should say “Yes!” They should order [product] for $XX to ensure that they are doing the right things.

It should be very attractive and heavily discounted. It will be easy to write copy for the OTO pages if this is the case.

4. Copywriting for Downsells

Downsells can be added to your sales funnel.

If your OTO is rejected by someone, a down-sell will be performed. It may be a payment plan or a steeper discount.

Copy for a down-sell is easy.

It should not be too long, complicated, or direct. It must be clear and concise.

Let’s get this straight…

  • Headline — A headline that grabs attention, such as “Stop!” Or even “Okay!” ” But seriously? Let them know you have a better deal. “I don’t want you to lose out, so here’s my last offer. “
  • Reiterate value — Reiterate the benefits they will receive by accepting the OTO offer. Next, give them a better deal.
  • CTA — This should say, “Alright! Let’s do it!” Or “Yes! I’m in!” “

5. Copywriting For Follow-Up Funnels


Copywriting for landing pages, advertisements, and OTO pages have been discussed before. What’s next?

The “Thank You” page is the only thing left.

The follow-up funnel.

A follow-up funnel is a series of emails sent to someone who abandons their conversion or fails to convert before they convert.

To convert leads from lead-gen funnels into customers, we recommend sending the Soap Opera Sequence within 5-7 days.

To build a sales funnel that converts people to paying customers, you’ll need to create a follow-up funnel.

  • Convert
  • Abandon

You can give converts a “Thank You”, and a Soap Opera Sequence if they are new customers. You might also send them an upsell.

Simple, yeah?

This is a reminder for them about the items in their cart and a second chance to make their purchase.

You can also offer a discount to further motivate them.

It is a good idea to send out a daily email to all your mailing lists. These emails are known as Seinfeld Emails.

6. Copywriting for Webinars

Copywriting webinars are a key skill in mastering sales funnels.

It can also be quite complicated.

We are unable to provide details.

Click here for our Perfect Webinar Secrets.

Last Thoughts

Copywriting is essential if you want to be successful in the digital age.

Words that inspire can make people take action.

The sky’s the limit.

This guide should give you a starting point. Now, you should be able to write compelling copy to drive sales.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.