
Average Conversion Percentage for Google Ads PPC


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Want to find the average conversion rate for PPC?

This article will give you a breakdown of conversion rates for various industries, networks, and devices. We’ll also share some tips to improve your conversion rates.

Okay, let’s get started!

Average PPC Conversion Rates By Industry

It is 3.75% if you want to see the average across all industries. But that’s only for the Google Search Network. The average across all industries is 3.75%.

Mobile devices convert slower than. The average conversion rate for Google Ads on search networks is 3.48% and 0.72% respectively.

A general average is not enough as conversion rates can vary between industries by as much as 500%. 

This sheet will help you understand

PPC conversion rates are similar across all industries.

Now that you know what the average industry is for each network, it’s time for some soul-searching.

Let us start by explaining why we are trying to find that information.

You are probably interested in comparing the industry averages for your Google Ads account. You can also set a goal to beat the average if you’re not interested.

While I can see the logic, average conversion rates may not be a reliable indicator of your business’s performance. 

Profitability is what matters to your business. Conversion rates can be twice as high as the industry average, but eventually, you will lose money.

Although I do not advocate lowering conversion rates, it is something that you should do.

What can I do to improve my PPC conversion rates?

It takes time to improve your account’s conversion rate. 

1 – Optimize your Landing Page    

These places are where the action takes place. Ads can only drive traffic, but your landing pages must convert visitors. 

There is no single way to optimize landing pages. The data will decide which variant you like best. 

2 – RLSA Campaigns

Are website visitors from the past more inclined to convert than others?

They might. RLSA campaigns allow you to bid higher if a website visitor searches keywords within your campaign.

Create an RLSA campaign quickly by adding retargeting audiences to existing campaigns or creating new campaigns that target past website visitors.

Google Ads RLSA Campaigns

After you have added audiences to your campaign you can adjust the bidding for those who perform well.

RLSA allows for aggressive bidding. You can target past visitors with broad-match keywords. 

The bottom line: RLSA campaigns can increase your conversion rate.

3 – Add Negative Keywords

Unsuitable search terms can cause you to lose your campaign budget and reduce your conversion rate

Use negative keywords to eliminate search terms. Add any keyword that is not producing results or costs money to any search term.

This Weekly Optimization can increase the impact of negative keywords.

4: Run a Brand Campaign

While it may seem inefficient to run a campaign for a brand, there are good chances that other people are bidding on your account. The average conversion rate of your entire account will increase.

5: Share the Leverage Search Impression

Search impression shares show you how often your ads appear in search engine results.

Search impression shares can be leveraged to your advantage by increasing impressions for campaigns with high conversion rates.

Start by searching for high-converting campaigns with low impression share percentages. This increases impressions and allows your ads to appear more frequently.

Campaigns that have low impression shares should be budgeted higher.

Campaigns that have a low budget are less likely to convert. Conversion rates will improve if you increase your budget.

The average conversion rate of PPC has been summarized.

It doesn’t matter which industry you’re in, your conversion rates can vary for every business. These conversion rates don’t provide a reliable indicator of success and are not always accurate.

PPC campaigns aim to increase leads and sales.

Your conversion rates can be improved starting at the bottom.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.