
The Best Shopify Cookie Tools for Shopify Stores


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Shopify store owners frequently ask “How can I manage cookies in my store?” This question can be answered best by Shopify’s cookie tools.

Cookies tools can be used to automate and simplify the process of obtaining consent from customers.

This makes it simple for visitors to accept cookies without hassles.

Still a bit unclear about What Shopify cookies are? Their purpose?

This may seem like a small problem but it can have serious implications, especially if it comes to the General Data Protection Regulations, (GDPR), or any other related laws.

Many regulations, such as the EU GDPR laws, require that you use a cookie popup to inform users you are keeping their data.

Shopify’s cookie tools help to ensure that privacy and security are protected to the greatest extent under GDPR law. You can also provide customers with privacy information in a non-intrusive way.

There are many apps available, so it can be difficult and time-consuming to choose the right app for Shopify.

We have researched for you, making it as simple and stress-free as we can.

These will help you in your search for the right app for your store.

Let’s first look at the cookies and how they are important for your Shopify store.

A cookie can be described as a small piece of data stored in a web browser that can later be retrieved. This data is used to identify you and your computer.

HTTP cookies are used to browse the internet. These cookies are used to identify users, improve the web browsing experience, and help you find your way around.

The cookie is sent between your computer and the network server. To determine which information it should give to you, the server will read your ID.

Website owners use cookies to improve user experience and gain insight into site usage.

Cookie consent lets a visitor to your site interact with a consent management portal (CMP), which allows the visitor to decide whether or not to allow cookies to collect their data.

Web users must have short-term memory if they are to comply with the law.

Save users’ actions in browsers and collect data to remember them. This will allow you to show targeted pages to your visitors. 

Shopify stores use cookies to store information such as browsing history and preferences, including the region visited.

This allows them more relevant content and suggestions for you when you return to their website.

The Shopify cookie popup informs visitors that your website stores Cookies. Customers must be informed if they plan to collect personal information through Shopify.

You can tell them what data you have and why. They can also opt out.

People need to know how you collect personal information.

The European cookie law requires businesses to provide clear and specific information about their use of cookies and other tracking technologies on websites and in apps.

Visitors are made aware of the reasons for their data collection and who they are being tracked by. You can also opt out of having your data collected.

This is possible with a cookie popup. When someone visits your site for the first time, it is displayed.

A popup could appear at the top or in the footer.

This help page contains additional information about Shopify’s Cookies and Customer Tracking policy.

Now you know the benefits and importance of Shopify cookie consent let’s take a look at the best tools to set one up in your shop.

1. CookieYes

CookiesYes can also be used to create Shopify stores.

CookieYes is compatible with all major content management systems like WordPress, Drupal, Magneto, Blogger, and Joomla! 

This system generates consent banners automatically for cookies to comply with GDPR requirements.

This system can be used on any website and not just on a CMS.

CookieYes makes it easy to create your consent popup and has it published on Shopify. More information is available.


  • Personal websites and blogs: $0/year/domain
  • Basic Plan: $10/month for startups and small businesses, $100/year for all domains
  • Pro plan: Medium business with increasing traffic, $20 per month or $200/per year
  • Ultimate plan to support large businesses with high traffic. $40 per month, $400/per year

2. Cookiebot

Cookiebot is Another consent management platform that scans websites for trackers and cookies, making it easier to determine what consent forms your visitors need.

Cookiebot scans Shopify to provide you with a short questionnaire about your business.

The platform will generate a consent banner based on your store analysis and the answers to the survey. To get the code, you will need to add just a few lines of code to your website.

Cookiebot is aware of all legal developments related to consent worldwide. 

Cookiebot allows you to comply with GDPR. Cookiebot has many other benefits.

  • This provides complete transparency about cookie usage and GDPR compliance.
  • This gives an overview of consent status across multiple domains.
  • Real-time geo-targeting.
  • White-listed cookies must be adhered to.

Take a look at Cookiebot’s Capterra reviews.


  • The free plan includes access to a small number of subpages and domains.
  • Premium Small: EUR12 per domain, per month
  • Premium Medium: EUR28/month and domain
  • Premium Large: EUR49/month and domain

3. Enzuzo

Enzuzo makes it easy to create a personalized privacy experience that customers trust. All this is possible with one eCommerce privacy platform.

Shopify’s cookie banner tool makes it easy to quickly create and attach a cookie banner that meets all requirements in just seconds.

Modify the template to suit your needs. Only EU visitors will see your banner.

There are many styling and customization options. You can, for example, choose the text color, link colors, or box style.

Website visitors can easily give consent and set preferences. They can also withdraw their consent at any time.

This privacy platform lets you manage all aspects of website compliance from one place.

It is possible to create and manage privacy policies that are compliant beyond the cookie banner. It places the user’s experience above the basics.

Take a look at honest reviews of Enzuzu on Shopify to get a better idea.


  • Free plan: $0 per month, no credit card
  • Starter plan: $9 / per month.
  • Growth plan: $29 / per month.
  • Unlimited Plan: $129 / per month.

4. Notification of EU GDPR cookies

EU EU GDPR cookies Notification is a tool that Shopify can use to create a native banner for your store’s branded cookies. 

This platform makes it easy to make each preference category transparent. This platform will provide a description, function, and name for each cookie. Customers can then easily understand and customize their preferences.

This app lets you record and store the consent of users and allows them to manage them in the app.

It’s possible to make changes to cookie settings at any time, even if your store visitors don’t want specific cookies.

Using EU GDPR Cookies Notification you can:

  • Cookies automatically scan
  • Preferences and cookies can be edited, managed, removed, or added
  • You must manage the export consent.
  • Customize your cookie banner with your preference
  • Cookies can be changed at any time
  • Set cookie lifetime


  • Plan for free
  • Premium plan: $5.99/month

Another great tool to use is the TrustArc Cookie Consent Manager. This implements compliance procedures for Shopify stores.

TrustArc Cookie Consent Manager helps organizations meet cookie compliance requirements worldwide while still offering a personal consent experience.

This tool tracks and identifies all trackers and cookies embedded on a website and categorizes them.

This system allows you to comply with privacy laws in your area and avoid fines or litigation.

TrustArc creates a cookie consent banner after an assessment of all cookies.

With this banner creator tool, you can create cookie popup banners that are customized to match your store’s overall design.


  • TrustArc Cookie Consent Manager is available for free for 14 days. It is then available with compliance reporting and performance monitoring.
PlatformPricing    It is easy to use Get it for Free
Kobe DigitalNo cost    The BestYes
Cookies from Eu GDPR$5.99AverageYes
TrustArcCustom    GoodYes

Kobe Digital creates a Shopify cookie popup that is GDPR-compliant in just minutes!

These steps will show you how to create a Shopify cookie popup with Kobe Digital’s cookie creator.

  • Visit Kobe Digital’s cookie popup creator.
  • Select the place where you want to place your cookie popup from the “Layout & Places” section.
  • Next, choose a layout from the many choices for your cookie popup.
  • Choose the Shopify cookie consent color from the “Palette”. Make sure that your cookie consent popup matches your website’s overall style.
  • Edit the text by clicking “Customize The Text”. Include a catchy call to action in your headline. It is a good idea to include your company’s privacy policies regarding cookies in the next section.
  • You can also control the display time for the cookie consent. It can be viewed by visitors within five seconds of clicking on your website.
  • Copy the codes and create your cookie consent popup. Include this code in your Shopify store.

The Most Commonly Asked Questions

Cookie consent banners include the cookie text or the cookie message. This text informs users about cookies and communicates with them.

This question can be answered in a few words: YES if your site uses cookies and your users are located in countries with cookie policies (CCPA or GDPR, etc. CCPA or GDPR must be followed if you have users coming from California, the European Union, etc.

These top Shopify cookie tools can be used to build your online store.

  • CookieYes
  • Cookiebot
  • Enzuzo
  • Notification of EU-GDPR cookies
  • TrustArc Cookie Consent Manager

Last words

Create a GDPR-compliant banner quickly and easily. Be informative, entertaining, visually appealing, and visually appealing.

Your customers will be thankful that you made the effort to sign them up for your services. You’ll be amazed at how much easier their lives can be when they have the right solutions.

To help you create your custom cookie popup, we have listed the best Shopify cookie tools.

These tools let you personalize and deploy cookie ads that give users more control over their data. Take a look at them all and choose the one that best suits your needs.

If you are interested in learning more about Shopify, you can check out the following articles.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.