
Cold Lead Advertising Facts You Didn’t Know


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Continue reading to learn more about cold lead advertising. We offer advice on how you can achieve your sales goals to increase conversions.

There are many definitions of “cold leads”. Cold leads make up the top layer of your sales funnel. Cold lead advertising targets sales prospects who have not expressed an interest in your products and services.

The unsolicited credit card offers from companies may be sent to anyone, even if they have never expressed interest in you. You’d be the cold lead in such cases.

What causes you to get cold?

Cold leads can also include a former hot lead that has not shown any interest in your brand. This means that they switched from being “hot”, to “cold” during the time they were regularly engaging with your website.

The most common explanations are:

  • A rival bid for your company.
  • Your response didn’t include clear instructions for the next steps.
  • You and your website failed to provide the prospect with the information they needed.
  • It is possible to warm up a cold lead. However, it will depend on what caused the temperature drop.
  • A perfect cold lead advertisement will make your sales funnel more effective.

Why is cold lead advertising important?

You might think that if your company has a limited advertising budget, it would be wiser to spend the money on prospects more likely to make a purchase. This is rarely a smart decision.

To keep your pipeline full, you need to have a steady supply of leads. If you only market too hot leads, your sales funnel is not being maintained.

This could temporarily increase sales. Unfortunately, if your current supply of hot leads are exhausted, so will your supply of new ones. A shortage of hot leads will likely result in a drop in revenue, regardless of the short-term gains.

Many organizations believe that simultaneously advertising to both hot and cold leads is the best approach. This method prevents you from creating sales funnel imbalances that could have negative effects on your bottom line.

How can you reach uninterested customers?

There are many ways to advertise to cold leads

Make an impact

To warm up a cold lead, it is important to spark their interest in your business. You can do this by giving them something for free. You can email cold leads the results of any research you have done.

This will make the lead more likely to work with your company. Leveraging leverage in the future can help you further develop your lead’s sales funnel.

Building relationships is far more important than selling

Avoid making a hard sell as soon as you receive a cold lead. Customers who have never done business with you before are less likely to buy from you.

Your priority should be to build a relationship with cold leads. It is possible to engage with them via social media and email, but not immediately try to sell your product or services.

Connect with others by using a new communication medium

You may be contributing to their current situation by the way you contact prospects. You might also try to contact them through a different medium.

Maybe it’s time for you to give up on PPC advertising for certain prospects. You might consider email marketing to these potential customers instead of wasting your time writing off the list. PPC ads may not be appealing to some prospects, but emails may be more appealing. You should at least give cold lead advertising a try.

Use Benefit segmentation

Another way to attract cold leads is benefit segmentation. This is done by sorting your prospects into groups based on the benefits and features they believe to be most important.

You can divide cold leads into 2 categories, depending on their preference for features or price. This will allow you to send a more targeted message to your cold leads than if you were sending a single message.

A deeper look at your cold leads

It is worth taking the time to review what cold leads are looking for. It is a good idea to reach out to them and ask. This type of research can help you determine why your ads creator failed. You may need to offer an incentive to get respondents to sign up.

Take a one-time discount

Offering customers a discount or reward is a great way to convince them to buy. If you offer your cold leads a 10% discount and a free month of services, they may be more inclined to look into what you have to provide. Even if they don’t buy right away, they’ve become warm leads, which allows you to target them in other ways.

Referrals can be a great source of information

Call someone you know to get a cold lead’s attention and ask them for a referral to someone who could help. This is a great way for prospects to give you a second look. You may only need one introduction to get a prospect moving up your sales funnel.

Create and maintain a blog

Cold lead advertising has one primary objective: to convince leads to become customers. Conversion is the first step in any conversion process.

It’s a great way to accomplish this is to create and maintain a blog. Although they might not be interested in the first few posts, they will be more likely to visit your site and interact with you if you keep writing about topics that are relevant to their goals.

Predictive analytics can help you to learn more about your prospects

A successful cold lead marketing strategy requires that you have a deep understanding of your target audience. This can change depending on many variables such as the lead’s age and gender, past purchases, industry, and other factors.

Manual segmentation makes it difficult to keep track of all these variables. Predictive analytics will allow you to tailor your pitches for cold leads. This will allow you to warm up more leads.

Emphasize customization

Each cold lead is an individual with their own set of circumstances. This endeavor will not be successful if you keep using the same approach over and again.

Personalization may make it easier to warm your cold leads. It is best to approach something in multiple ways. Based on what pages your cold leads have visited, they might be segmented. Advertising can be presented in different ways to people who follow you on social media.

It is important to determine what makes each cold lead unique and then use that information to create messages that resonate with them.

Improve your calls to action (CTAs).

If cold leads are not warming up, it’s possible your calls to action (CTAs), need improvement. These are the things you should look out for in a CTA.

You want to create content that is focused on the goal your readers are trying to reach.

Positioning advertisements, such as placing them at the top of a long piece instead of at the bottom, is called advertisement positioning.

The language that is friendly to the audience

It is important to test the performance of other CTAs over time. This is the only way you can find out what works for your company and what doesn’t.

CTAs with similar content may be tested by A/B testing. This will allow you to identify the CTAs with the greatest impact on your target audience over time.

Track your progress over a prolonged period

Cold lead advertisers need to be aware of your results and adapt their strategy accordingly.

You can do this by comparing conversion rates before and after predictive analytics are used to target cold leads. You won’t be able to track your progress if you don’t keep track.

Get cold leads

Qualifying leads refers to the process of determining which leads are most likely to become clients. This method is used by many businesses to decide how much time and how much money they should spend nurturing warm leads. Lead qualification can be an effective tool to warm up cold prospects.

As with warm leads, many factors affect the quality of cold leads. This means that some people will warm up more to cold leads than others.

Knowing which cold leads are warmest will help you prioritize your time and resources. If you make the most out of your resources, you’ll be able quickly to warm up those cold leads.

Educate instead of entertain

One of the most important distinctions when comparing warm leads to cold leads is how well your prospects know your product and its benefits. This is more common for warm leads. Simply convince them that your product suits their needs.

This information is often missing in colds. It is possible that they don’t know what your product does for them or why they should invest.

Therefore, your information should be more informative than the commercial. It is futile to try and convince someone your product is better than a selection of similar products.

Talk about the next steps and reach an agreement

You want to build a solid foundation for a long-term relationship with a cold lead as soon as possible.

As the most efficient way to move forward, you should decide on the next step. This could be a follow-up chat, a presentation, or anything else that you and your partner agree on.

Before you can decide on a course, it is important to get the prospect’s consent before you move forward. It is important to keep the conversation going to gain their trust and convert them.

Educate your workers

Also, your employees must be trained to deal with cold leads. Your best plan is useless if it’s not implemented by your team.

If you are not at the level you desire in cold lead generation, you may consider cold lead training for your employees. To keep your employees up-to-date on the best methods to convert cold leads, it’s a smart idea to create a training schedule.

Use the right visitor monitoring software to improve your cold lead advertising strategy.

Cold lead advertising with LeadLander is easy

Technology investment can be a great way of increasing the quality and quantity of your cold leads.

LeadLander’s website visitor track software makes it easy to track your website visitors. It can be used for many purposes including finding new prospects or confirming current visitors’ interest. You could also optimize your website’s pages.

LeadLander allows your entire team to access the data they need to engage better and convert cold leads.

How do you locate and approach cold leads?

Cold leads can be obtained from people you reached out to via cold calls or email. You might have signed them up for your email mailing list to express interest in your company. However, they may not respond to your messages or connect with you in any other way.

How do you market to people who aren’t likely to be warm prospects? Often, the first contact is via phone, email, and text message. A cold call to a specific demographic could be possible if your product or service interests them.

Prospective customers who receive these calls are more likely to engage in a sales conversation with you because they know you are fully aware of the issue and its root cause. According to Velocify, six cold calls are required to sell a product or service.

Your most promising leads might have lost interest. Customers who sign up for your email list, but don’t open your emails, could have lost interest in your company. In these cases, it’s a smart idea to reacquaint them and reacclimate them.

Send a personalized email to your cold leads. Let them know that you are still available to help them, even if they don’t have access to your emails. If you offer the option to unsubscribe from your emails, it will enhance your reputation and reduce cold leads.

If you offer cold leads a reason to pay attention to your business, they will be more likely to become customers. You can offer them a discount, or give them more information about a new feature. These promotions will help you attract recipients to your emails.


Social networking allows you to reach potential customers even if they are only browsing. Email marketing is not for everyone. To re-engage cold leads you should encourage them on Twitter and Facebook. Social media can be a great place for soft material such as market figures and testimonials from customers.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.