
A Complete Guide For Email Marketing?


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It’s becoming increasingly difficult to catch the attention of customers who receive dozens of promotional emails per day. Email marketing success will be determined by how you send your emails.

You will need to spend valuable time and resources to leverage email marketing as an online marketer. This post will help answer the question, “When is the best time to send a marketing email?” This will help you improve your internet marketing and increase your business’ efficiency.

Email Marketing is Essential for Your Business.

1. Social media is more efficient (for customer acquisition)

We are not trying to mislead you. Social media plays a vital role in every business’s marketing strategy. Social media can be a powerful channel to communicate with your audience and build relationships with them. It is an essential step towards achieving your goal, the conversion.

Email marketing, however, is the best option if you want to convert visitors into customers, members, or supporters.

A Content Marketing Institute study found that email newsletters are the best way to reach potential customers for more than 30% of B2B marketers.

2. Cost-effective

There is one constant in digital marketing in Phoenix: no matter how many new strategies or tools are developed in the next few years, there will always be the same thing. Companies must find ways to maximize their marketing budget and achieve their goals. Email marketing is still one of the most cost-effective digital marketing channels you have to reach your target audience.

Email marketing is more affordable than traditional marketing methods like TV and print ads. You might need to hire people to create email content, depending on the size of your team. Many businesses also invest in email marketing automation services. This makes email marketing easier and less time-consuming. These costs are still lower than printing and sending email marketing materials to consumers and prospects.

Email marketing has a high return on investment (ROI). emailmonday shows that every $1 spent in email marketing typically results in $38 in return on investment. This shows how cost-effective and efficient email marketing can be, especially for smaller businesses with smaller budgets.

3. Easy-to-measure

The only way to determine if your Miami digital marketing strategy is working or not is by measuring the results.

Email marketing analytics can help your business determine who opened your emails, whether they clicked on any links or performed the expected actions. You can also see the number of people who unsubscribe from your email list after they have opened it. This information can be used to analyze your digital marketing campaign, and to make improvements.

You can also use A/B testing with the right email software to see which parts of your emails generate great results. You might test different subject lines to determine which prospects open more often or which offers convert the most.

4. Easy-to-personalize

Statista’s data shows that personalized emails had an open rate of 18.8% while non-personalized emails had a 13.1% share.

It is easy to personalize your email marketing messages and content to your subscribers. You can use data from subscribers and prospects to create relevant and personalized content that your recipients will enjoy and take action on.

You can use the customer’s name to send your emails. HubSpot shows that emails with the first name of the recipient in the subject line have higher click-through rates than emails without their name.

5. Automatic email marketing

Many digital marketing processes are not possible to automate. However, automation is a strength of email marketing.

Automating your email can improve the relevancy and timeliness of your strategies. To automatically send messages to customers, you can use workflows and triggers after they complete a specific action.

Let’s use this as an example. A customer visits your website and spends some time looking at products before adding them to their shopping basket. They leave without making a purchase. Email automation is the way to go. You can send an automatic email to this visitor shortly after they have finished shopping. It will include a note about what they did not complete and a question. Email marketing automation can turn a missed opportunity into an opportunity to strengthen a relationship with the customer and close a sale.

6. It is much easier to reach mobile customers

Every day, the number of mobile phone users is increasing. Statista claims that more than 7 Billion mobile phone users will be using the internet worldwide by 2023.

Businesses must find a way to effectively interact with mobile customers if they want to compete in the digital age. Email marketing is a great tactic because 46% of email messages are viewed on smartphones or tablets. Businesses can also approach these customers and engage them using mobile devices.

Brands will have an opportunity to interact with customers every time they check their phones. Although some marketing strategies are not optimized for mobile engagement, email marketing offers many opportunities for businesses to communicate their message to mobile users.

When is the best time to send a marketing email?

Which day of week should you send email?

We’ll now show you reliable studies that looked at tons of emails to determine the best day to send your emails.

AVADA’s first study found that Thursday is the best day to send promotional emails, such as weekly newsletters. Tuesday was next.

Their research focuses primarily on when is the best time to send emails. However, AVADA found that promotional emails should not be sent on Monday or Saturday.

Similar to AVEDA’s results, GetResponse’s research suggests that Tuesday is the best day to send your newsletter if it wants to get high open rates.

GetResponse found that Monday is second when it comes to achieving a high open rate, contrary to AVADA’s study.

Despite Saturday and Sunday being the worst days to open email, research by the company shows that emails sent on weekends are much more quality than those sent on weekdays.

Campaign Monitor’s research places Tuesday and Thursday in the top three, just like the previous studies. Campaign Monitors distinguishes between these days based on conversion purposes. Thursday is the best day to get high open rates and Tuesday the best for high click-throughs.

Sending out weekly newsletters and advertising emails is best done on Thursday or Tuesday.

It’s evident that not every day is suitable for all metrics. This is why your conversion goals and most important email marketing metrics are so critical in making the decision.

Remember that your competition may also want to take advantage of the peak hours to send emails. You can test different days to find the best time for your recipients.

Which is the best time to send emails?

Your subscribers’ relationship can be decided by the time you send your advertising emails.

Your unsubscribe rates can rise if you send emails at an inappropriate time. You can make subscribers pay consumers by sending them at the right moment and turn first-time buyers into repeat customers.

Understanding your buyer personas is essential to determine the best time to send emails. These questions can be answered for your audience by answering the following:

  • What are their earnings?
  • What is their average day like?
  • What are their problems?
  • What can they do to address these issues?
  • How and when can they detect triggers to recall our items?

These questions will allow you to get a better understanding of your customer’s day and help you identify the best points for your marketing emails.

GetResponse reports that the highest click-to open rates are at 10 AM at 21% and 1 PM at 22.5% respectively. They have also seen an increase in click-to-open rates near 6 PM. This is because most people finish their day at the same time as their email and have plenty of time to open emails.

The open rate is the highest line in the graph. The click-to-open-rate is the middle line. The click-through rate is the lowest line. This data displays the percentage of messages that were delivered.

It is crucial to consider your audience when deciding the best time to send emails. You should not send emails to your purchaser if they are a professional who is busy.

Sending emails during lunchtimes or breaks is a good time to include a promotion or sale.

It is important to keep track of your daily routines and to also look at your click-through, click-to open, and open rates when you send emails.

Click-through rate

Click-through rates are the percentage of people who click on a link in an email or open a photo. This is usually lower than the total number of emails opened because some people may leave your email and not interact with it.


Click-to-open rate is a measure of how many people open your emails. It also shows the number who accessed the links. This metric allows you to identify which information is most important for customers. Let’s divide the click-through rate by open rate to calculate click-to-open ratio. Then multiply that number by 100. If your emails get 150 opens and receive clicks, your click to open rate is 50%.

Open rate

The percentage of people who opened the email campaign is called the open rate. High open rates email will have concise, effective subject lines. They are also optimized for previews and preheader text.


Did you get the right answer?

You can make your emails more engaging, engage more subscribers with storytelling and create higher-converting email CTAs.

Keep in mind that your audience should be analyzed and A/B tested to find what works. This data should be used as a guide.

Please leave a comment below about your experiences with timing emails. We appreciate your time!

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.