
What Product Features Are Desirable For Clients?


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What is a product characteristic? Unique features that make your product stand out from the rest. This is why it is important to understand. These differences are necessary to convince people to purchase your product. This blog will show you how to present the features of your product.

What is a Product feature?

These are the things you should know before deciding what to include in marketing. Product features are the characteristics of a product’s appearance, capabilities, and components. These features can be used both internally and externally for communication.

It could also lead to low conversion rates if you aren’t careful about which features you highlight on your website and in your email campaigns. Are you familiar with what a product feature is??

According to HubSpot, there are three types of product features.

– Core features: These are the essential features of your product and should appear in any description. These are the key features that make your product stand out from its competitors and provide customers with value.

– Additional features: These are optional and can be removed from your product without affecting the core. These features may make your product more attractive or improve user experience, but they are not necessary.

– Optional features: These are completely optional and can easily be removed without consequences. These features may be appealing to some customers, but they are not necessary for all users.

It’s important to keep in mind that not all product features are the same when listing them.

Prioritize the most important and put your focus on them first. It’s tempting to go overboard with marketing details, but it’s best to keep your materials concise.

People won’t be able to read long lists of features. You need to make it clear what is most important.

How can you present your Product features?

There are three things that you should include when it comes to the actual content of a feature: its purpose, its function, and why it matters.

If you are selling software products, your features could include the following:

– The ability to create custom reports

– Data backup and restoration automatically

– An intuitive interface

A brief description of what a product feature is should be included with each item. How it works and why it is important. This information will help prospects understand your product and why they should purchase it.

How can features affect your marketing?

What impact will this information have on our marketing efforts now that we are familiar with what a feature is, and how to include it in our product descriptions?

Brafton saw a 1200% increase in conversions after adopting a feature-first marketing approach.

They offered free trials and incentives to sign up, thus increasing leads and sales.

Although you may not see the same dramatic results, it is clear that highlighting the benefits of your product is a powerful way for customers to connect with you and convert.

It all boils down to what you emphasize when creating feature-based content for websites and social media profiles.

Focus on the unique features that make your products stand out in the crowd if you want to get the most engagement and leads.

Focus on the benefits your prospects will receive and how they can use them to increase sales.

To ensure your product features are included within your marketing content, it is important to first understand their meaning and impact on the reader. Next, prioritize the most significant ones and then focus on them first.

For those who are unsure, a concise and clear description of each product feature is required.

Benefits vs. Features

While features are important to customers when deciding whether to purchase your product, they want to know what problems your product can solve.

They want to know what results they will get if they purchase your products. They want to know the perks they will receive.

Benefits are the outcomes or effects users receive from using your product/service.

Features are used to represent outputs. These are products or services that your team offers to help your customers or other stakeholders achieve a particular goal.

Start by understanding what benefits your customers want. To help your customers enjoy those benefits, identify the features that your product needs and does not need.

You’ll succeed if you can describe the benefits in language that your customers understand, and then attach your product’s characteristics.

These features are what Productboard believes potential customers are looking for

Our clients desire to:

  • Recognize the needs of your users.
  • You should make a list of the things you would like to build first.
  • You can share your road map with others.
  • Follow the progress of the launch.
  • Get cross-functional team buy-in and trust
  • Activate your customer base.

As a result, Productboard has created the features listed on our Features page. As we discuss these features, we explain how they help clients enjoy the benefits that we have identified. Take a look at the following scenario.

Repository of Scientific Information

Recognize the needs of your users.

The insights board allows you to gather and organize user studies, feature requests, feedback, and other information. You can identify patterns and trends that will help prioritize what you should develop next and how to do this properly.

This relationship between features and benefits should be considered when deciding on which features to use and in what order.

It is important to consider the nature of the relationship between benefits and features when describing features.

How should features look?

The way you describe features can vary depending on whether you know exactly what you need to do to deliver the benefits you want.

Represents solutions as characteristics.

It is possible that you don’t know exactly what to provide to your customers to offer them the benefits they desire. You might be adding a feature to your product that isn’t yet in use by many of your customers.

You could also add a feature that closes the gap between your competitors. A B2B product might require certain features to be effective.

In some cases, it may be easiest to display your feature exactly as it appears on the features page.

It is possible to mention PDF Export and Prioritization Matrix specifically as features that you are working on.

When you present features as a solution it is easier to get a common understanding of the team’s goals.

Your team may be compelled to use a particular approach if you describe features as a solution. Users could be served for a problem they don’t have or the solution offered by your team.

You don’t know the best way to solve a problem when you first start, so it is ideal to describe features as needs.

Represent requirements as characteristics

You’re not trying to describe how you will achieve a goal by defining features as needs. Instead, you are identifying what you want.

Instead of “PDF Export”, you can define the feature as: “I need to share data with my supervisor.”

You can refer to a feature by calling it a need. This opens up many possibilities for meeting that need. Your team can have a say in the solution and you increase the chances of it being an innovative solution.

It can be difficult to get a common understanding of the features that you are working on. This is the disadvantage of not presenting features as desired. Your team might experience increased uncertainty as you try to find the best answer.

You may find that using both strategies is the best. If you are confident that the solution is available, define the feature. If necessary, describe your characteristics as a means of discovery.

Attractive Ways to Highlight Product Features

Now you know what features are and why they are so important to include on your website. Let’s look at seven possible ways that e-commerce and SaaS stores could use them to their advantage.

Social proof should be incorporated

While it’s fine to boast about your product features, every company does the same thing. Even if your product is superior, customers may not believe you.

Only one-third of customers trust the brands they buy.

To convince them, you will need to provide social proof. Include testimonials and quotes from customers, or trusted third parties who discuss the product’s features on relevant pages. If possible, include photos and videos of your customers using the product.

Customers will be more likely to trust brands that use real people to quickly demonstrate the features of your product.

British maternity company Isabella Oliver does an excellent job at this. It includes a Vogue quote within the product description for a tank dress.

Incorporate Social Proof into your Product Highlighting Strategies

Talk to your prospective clients

Before you can write properly about the product features, it is important to identify your target audience. Use buyer personas to guide your content. This will help you to determine which features are most important for your clients.

Begin by reviewing reviews for your product as well as those of competitors. G2 is great for software companies, while Amazon is great for e-commerce businesses. Prioritize those aspects clients love the most.

Do not try to reach everyone. This is particularly important for SaaS Solutions which may have many applications.

Every target consumer should have a landing page that only discusses the relevant aspects of them. If you try to reach everyone from one landing page, you will not be able to target any audience effectively.

Everlane is a great example of a company that understands its market and values what it offers. Each product description provides a link to the factory where it was created as well as other sustainability-related information.

Talk to Your Target Audience. Strategies to Highlight Product Features

1. Focus on the Positives

Your product’s uniqueness is what consumers care about. They care about how the product benefits them.

2. When you mention a feature, make sure to include a benefit

Writing benefits takes imagination and a bit more work. Your product’s benefits are obvious, even to you. It is not clear how the product benefits the user.

Spend some time thinking about the consumer personas you are trying to reach and reading reviews about products. These will help you get inside your client’s heads so that you can focus on the benefits that matter to them.

If you want to do a great job, interview your clients to learn about their experiences with your product. Although it takes more effort, this is the best way to get the benefits of your product.

Although the ability to track social media mentions via Hootsuite’s dashboard may be one of the most popular tools at the company, that’s not the way the company provides it to customers.

Instead, they focus on the benefit: understanding what customers believe. The function also has an additional benefit for the user, they say.

3. Concentrate on the benefits – Pay attention to the important details

Buyers will pay more attention to certain characteristics than others. It’s important to create a feature hierarchy and find ways to highlight those features that are most important to customers.

Divide your page into sections and assign each section to a different feature. Use a bold headline to grab your reader’s attention. Follow it up with a concise language and eye-catching photos.

Google takes this one step further by allowing each feature on the screen to be full-screen. They are impossible to miss:

4. With Product Highlighting Strategies, Pay Attention to the Essential Details

You can also delete the navigation menu from your landing page. Because there’s no escape route, users are forced to read your sales text and learn more about your product’s features.

Don’t let this get out of control. Most clients will be annoyed if your navigation bar is removed from your website, especially if the site is an e-commerce one.

5. Data Scanning is possible

Customers are busy and won’t read everything on your pages. They will instead read through it, looking for important information. Your job is to keep the main message clear and your product’s features concise.

Bullet points are an excellent tool, especially if you are trying to provide a lot of information.

Target’s listing page has a bulleted list of all the product features. You don’t need to click on each item individually to get the information you want.

Strategy for Highlighting Product Features: Use Images and Video to Make Information Scannable

The benefits of your product can’t be communicated using words alone. Videos and images are often more effective in communicating the benefits of your product.

Images can be used to show customers how important features look and work.

These are especially helpful for design-oriented features, and most e-commerce products. Bonus points will be awarded if you include user-generated photos in your captions.

Made, a British furniture company, did a great job in incorporating user-generated photos into their product listings. Customers can see how the sofa will look in different settings.

6. Video and images can be used to highlight product features

Video requires more work, but can be much more effective. For example, you could make an explainer video highlighting your product’s key features or separate videos for each feature.

Sales staff can use feature-driven videos during client calls and as part of your onboarding process. These videos can help you rank higher on search results, especially if they are uploaded to YouTube.

7. Blog posts and email newsletters can be created

Blog posts, emails, and other content marketing methods are great ways to highlight the capabilities of a SaaS product. This is especially true if it’s new software.

Blog entries should discuss the benefits users will get from the new features, not just the features. If you have the time, a video is a great idea.

These pieces can be posted on an as-needed basis. You can write them whenever there is a new feature you want to discuss.

Email updates should not be sent as often as possible. Send an email only if you have a new feature that you want to announce. Keep it short. Include only the most essential information and, if needed, a link to a blog article.

Users who are already using the product will be able to learn new features. Sending an email about features that could re-engage clients is a smart idea.Asana’s blog has a lot of feature-focused entries. Not many people pay attention to certain characteristics. Instead, they organize feature releases around a single theme. Then they write about it.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.