
How To Get Rewarded With Facebook Marketing


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As Facebook shifts its focus from a brand podium to a closer-knit community, the organic reach pool is slowly shrinking.

Marketers need to be more consumer-centric than ever to move away from product-based messaging.

It is not enough to be liked to ensure that your posts appear in customers’ news feeds. How can you make sure that your campaigns are converting well? Let’s take a closer glance.

What does the New Update Do?

This update will allow you to better manage your newsfeed by prioritizing which updates you want to see first.

This allows you to be more in charge of what you see on your news feed. The page will display a new item every time a Page or prioritized person posts it. Scroll down to view the rest of your feed.

The See-First Option

The “See First” feature, which is one of the latest additions to the site, affects not only the people who receive updates but also the pages (and brands).

Clicking on their name will allow you to choose who “See First”.

Websites encourage users to sign up for their newsletter to ensure they don’t miss any updates. [tweet_dis]Don’t be surprised to find brands asking to be added to your “See First”. [/tweet_dis]

While old newsletter posts will not be lost to the bottom of your pile, those that you choose to read first will be indicated by the blue star at the top right corner of their posts.

A post by a friend or brand that has been “Seen first”

Facebook used to encourage people to purchase page likes. However, now page likes are getting significantly lower returns.

Facebook posts are losing organic reach.

The Discovery Option

The Discovery option is also included in the latest update. It tailors the pages that appear in your feed to what you like.

Discovery allows you to find more options that are similar to the ones you already like.

[tweet_dis]It’s too early to know what sort of role Discovery will play in Facebook[/tweet_dis], but by putting users in greater control of what gets seen and when Facebook has left marketers with a heavy burden.

We are back fighting to get our messages heard.

What can you do with this information to increase conversion rates?

You don’t want to miss out on Facebook interaction if your engagement is low.


OpenGraph can be used by Twitter and Pinterest as well as Google+, Google+, and Facebook. It functions in the same way as meta tags for websites.

OpenGraph lets you set a title and description, keywords, and a relevant image. When users share your post, these items are activated.

OpenGraph pulls information from specific tags. These tags could include information such as sports figures, TV shows, and social causes. OpenGraph can be used on your posts by setting up it manually or using WordPress’s single plugin.

In your copy, combine Gurus and Audiences

This Facebook copy strategy is unique and comes from Social Media Today. A campaign went from a mere 7% increase in conversion rates to an impressive 40% with just two simple changes. One was to improve credibility by using gurus or events that your audience respects and admires.

Although TV shows are the best way to achieve this, copyrights and how the name is used can affect whether you use it (ask permission if in doubt) or whether you do so with celebrities, musicians, and other icons. If you want to reach new puppy owners through your dog training course, how many conversions can you make by promoting landing pages that offer this?

“The Dog Whisperer’s Guide to Preventing Chewing Barking and Jumping in 3 Days”

To find these people or what their shows are, you will need to leverage Audience Insights. This only requires 200 followers to effectively leverage.

Keep creating and curating great content

[tweet_dis] People engage with Facebook pages and brands primarily because they have great content[/tweet_dis], are personable, and share recommendations. The 5/3/2 rule is a formula that incorporates a good mixture of these points. It states that for every 10 posts:

  • 5 should contain content from other sources – industry news and infographics, case studies, and so on. This does not mean linking directly to your competitors, but it does refer to highlighting others’ work. Remember to include networking in social media.
  • Three posts should come directly from you. Not advertising but your thoughts and ideas. You could, for example, share your opinions on rewarding dogs with treats or clickers.
  • 2 should not be for entertainment – If you’ve ever wanted to make a hilarious cat video, this is your chance. You can share something completely unrelated to your company, such as funny images, inspiration, or videos. Entertainment is key.

Notice how none of these posts are about regularly announcing discounts, rewards, and so forth. However, you shouldn’t be promoting a product or offering. Remember that social media is not primarily for customers to purchase. They are social.

[tweet_box style=”default”)] The more fun, social, and personable your FB page is, the more likely it will earn you a blue star. [/tweet_box]

What are the Facebook Changes affecting Your Business Page?

Do you get a better response from your customers and followers? It is worth noting that while the See First program director has stated that it should not have much impact on Facebook, we would love to hear your thoughts! Please share your feedback and comments below!

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.