
Top 10 Growth Hacks With Marketing Automation


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You want to convert leads into customers and get new leads. You must target your leads effectively to achieve this. That meant looking through endless spreadsheets to see if there were any similarities between leads. This allows you to tailor your marketing as efficiently and effectively as possible.

All that has changed is Marketing Automation. It’s now possible to automate repetitive tasks in marketing.

These are Ten of the Best Marketing Automation Practices that Can Drive Growth

1. Map out your lead stages

You can categorize your leads by their level of engagement to create a ‘lead stage’. These stages are often dependent on your leads’ level, awareness, budget, and interest. Common stages include ‘all names’, or a lead that is part of all possible targets. Next, you can group your leads into stages such as ‘engaged, prospect, and finally, ‘customer. This is a great way to manage your leads and grow your customer base.

2. A lead scoring and qualification process should be implemented

A scoring and qualification process is one of the most important steps in converting leads to customers. There are two main classifications. The first is an MQL or market-qualified leader. An MQL engages with your brand via an inbound channel such as your website, social media, or advertisements. An MQL is a potential lead, but they aren’t yet ready to sell. SQL (sales-qualified leads) is closer to becoming customers and have taken actions to make them ready for sales. This qualification process allows you to focus on the important things: turning MQLs into SQLs and SQLs into customers.

3. Segment and target your leads

Segmenting leads means you are dividing them into smaller groups that are similar in key aspects. This is important. You can’t market to everyone because every person is unique. Instead, you can sell your product to a group of individuals, which will give the lead (and eventually a customer). Segmentation gives you a sense of personalization and is an efficient marketing strategy. Segmentation is a way to create economies of scale that ensures you don’t waste your marketing or R&D resources.

4. Personalization is key to outreach

Automation and personalization are no longer mutually exclusive. Marketing Automation allows you to personalize your outreach to customers and leads, which speeds up lead generation.

5. Enable an omnichannel approach

Modern customers are at the heart of many information channels. Televisions, smartphones, laptops, and social media platforms are all popular sources of information. One person, or even a whole marketing team, could not keep up with all the information modern consumers are receiving. Luckily, Marketing Automation can. Marketing Automation can help. An Omnichannel approach encompasses all media sources your customers use. This means that you can market 24/7 to them.

6. Scale up and organize lead generation assets

Your business can only grow if you have a strong lead generation strategy. Your assets are the tools that you use to attract consumers’ interest in your products or services. Marketing Automation increases the efficiency of these assets, resulting in greater returns on your investment.

7. Your lead database should be enriched

Lead enrichment, at its core, is the process of collecting data and verifying it for lead generation. Marketing automation makes this process easier and faster, as you’ve probably guessed.

8. Automate engagement tactics like Pop-Ups

Pop-ups are a great tool for B2B marketing. Pop-up advertising doesn’t have to be flashy advertisements on a website. It’s all about refocusing the customer’s attention. Exit popups are displayed when customers are about to leave your website. They are effective because they grab attention and create urgency. This gives the customer a unique offer that disappears once they click away.

Exit popups don’t have to repeat the same information on your landing page. It’s not about repeating the same information as your landing page. Visitors won’t be convinced by the same information if they don’t like it. An exit pop-up offers the visitor a special deal, or promotional offer to help them convert.

9. Allow A/B testing

A/B testing can be a great way to optimize marketing results. You can determine which messaging is most effective in converting leads by comparing the landing page’s ‘A’ and ‘B’ versions of your marketing copy. Marketing automation makes A/B Testing easy and scalable across email, landing page advertising, etc.

10. Provide full-funnel analytics

Marketing automation practices enable you to optimize and measure every aspect of customer life. From the suspects at top of the funnel to the bottom of sales activity and product engagement and retention below that, marketing automation practices allow you to measure and optimize every aspect of your customer lifetime. You can compare your business against the best-in-class companies with full-funnel analytics at multiple stages.


Many companies struggle to achieve a satisfactory ROI through their Marketing Automation strategies. Lack of experience is the most common reason that marketing automation software is not being used to its full potential. Growth Natives can help you scale your Marketing Automation operation to maximize your marketing automation software. We will also make managing lead generation and management easy for your business.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.