
Everything To Know About Setting Up A Hubspot Lead Scoring Model


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Do you feel like your website isn’t performing well? Or maybe you don’t know what you need to do to increase traffic. A HubSpot lead scoring model may be the answer to your website’s success. This guide will explain everything you need to know about lead scoring and how it can benefit your business.

HubSpot is a popular marketing automation tool. The lead scoring model makes it easy to target your leads with targeted messages. This guide will help you set up and manage your HubSpot lead scoring system.

What is a Hubspot Lead Scoring?

Hubspot lead scoring allows you to score leads based on a variety of criteria.

This system helps your sales team to identify potential buyers and determine which customers need more work before they are converted into buyers.

This ensures that you don’t lose any deals. It will only occur if they or their business are in serious trouble.

And since Hubspot has all the data about these clients, it makes sure nothing goes wrong in terms of sales activities/activities done by your employees so as long as the data is correct, you will get no complaints.

How does Hubspot lead scoring work?

HubSpot 3.0 introduced lead scoring. However, it has since been expanded to include more than just the number and contact count of your contacts.

This works by adding each contact (or lead), into one of the four categories.

  • A for high-quality leads
  • B is for medium-quality leads
  • C for low-quality leads
  • D is for abandoned or bad lists.

You then assign a score of 1-10 to each category. This is based on how closely they match what your business needs at any given moment. For example, if your B2B company has most of its leads being salespeople, the score will be high.

HubSpot values the number of contacts in each area (A-D) as a higher value. It’s not about how many contacts you have in each area (A-D), it’s about how they contribute to the results that your company requires at any given moment.

HubSpot can improve lead generation through lead scoring. It gives users insight into areas that need improvement and where to focus their efforts before they generate more leads.

How should you score your leads?

Hubspot Lead Scoring System:

1. HubSpot leads are scored on readiness to buy (RTB score). This means that your leads are scored from 0-100% depending on how ready they are to purchase and whether it is worth spending more time with them.

2. Each lead’s interest matches against buyer personas. To determine the type of buyers that your clients are looking for, we must look at their buyer personas. Hubspot stores all buyer information. This is how you can determine what kind of client they are.

3. You can score your leads based on their willingness to buy. Once you have scored each lead it will be easy to see which ones need more work to convert them into buyers.

This allows us to identify potential customers who are willing to buy but are not ready to purchase from us. It also helps us to determine those who are not interested in our products (they may still need convincing).

4. You can add a discount code – If your lead is interested in buying, you could offer them a discount code that will increase their chances of purchasing.

This will also increase your conversion rate. It’s not about how many people are interested, but how many buy once they have what they want.

5. Follow up on leads scored 100 %-. Next, follow up with leads scored over 80%.

This is a great opportunity to ensure that you do not let it pass. If someone shows interest, there may be something wrong. It might be worth further investigation.

6. Your leads will be scored based on how responsive they are to your scores. This is another step that we take into account.

We must ensure that they don’t ignore us or respond vaguely to us to not buy from us.

It’s crucial to keep in touch with potential buyers if you have any. If they aren’t interested anymore it is likely that they won’t respond to your emails.

7. Scoring leads based on interest in your product is important. We need to score leads now because they are ready to buy, but not willing to purchase from us or anyone else.

It’s important to not get too excited about scoring potential buyers over 80% or even 100%. There are still some factors that might cause them to turn down purchasing. Instead, they could choose other options that would bring them less profit.

If they’re interested in your product, but have a problem with it then you might consider looking into this.

8. You score the lead based on their willingness to purchase from you. This is where we get into the details because if someone shows interest, there’s no other way.

So that we don’t lose our leads forever, we need to ensure they are open to selling products that aren’t suitable for them or too costly (if necessary). If everything goes as planned, we will score them at 95% and above.

9. You can now score leads on the ability to afford your product.

If someone is interested to buy from you but doesn’t have much money, we need to find out if they are okay with it. This could affect the amount of profit you get.

If someone has $50 and wants to buy something that costs $100 or more, then the chances are good that they won’t purchase anything unless they get some sort of discount.

How to Setup a Lead Scoring Model in Hubspot?

Let’s now get into the details of lead scoring. This is an optional step that should only be taken if you are ready to do so.

Step 1: Create a project (if you have not created one already)- To access all the projects that are open in this account, click on the “Project” button in the top-right corner. Or create a new project by clicking on “Create Project”.

Step 2: Edit the lead scoring model. Once is in your project, click “Edit Lead Scoring Model” at the top-left of your screen.

Step 3: Add a new field for scoring leads – We’ve completed our first step, which was to add a field. (We do this because Hubspot already has several fields), but let’s continue to add one more to get things moving. Click on “+ Add a Field”.

Step 4: Select ‘Lead score’ and enter how it should be scored –Next, I would like you to choose the “Lead score” field and then write how you want it to be scored.

If a lead score is 100, it means that the person has purchased something from your company in the past. You can simply enter 100 to simplify this field when Hubspot calculates its final profit margin percentage.

Step 5: Add leads (if needed) – Now that we have reached step 4, where we have already created our first lead scoring model within Hubspot. Let’s add more leads to get things moving.

Click on the “Add” button at the bottom of your screen. Next, type in a few lead names to help you later when you calculate profit margins.

Step 6: Set up a lead scoring model – The next thing I want you to do is to create your first lead scoring model within Hubspot. Click on “Edit Lead Scoring Model”

After we reach step 5, where we have added more leads, we can edit the current one that is the first.

Step 7: Add lead scoring rules for your model – As I mentioned, we will now edit our existing lead scoring model. This is the first model that we have created within Hubspot. Click on “Edit Lead Scoring Model”.

After you’ve added more leads to step 6, let’s add some rules so we don’t get confused later when it comes to calculating profit margins.

Example: If someone purchases something from us for $200 or more, they are considered a lead. This means that we would like this person to be part of our model.

Step 8: Add more rules to your model – Now, that we have added our first lead-scoring rule let’s add another.

Click on the “Add” button at the bottom of your screen. Type in some names to make it easier later when you calculate profit margins.

Step 9: Calculate Profit Margin Percentage – After all leads have been added to Hubspot (which is not required), we can calculate how much money could be made by them using our current lead scoring system.

If we add a few leads, and all of them are considered “leads”, how much would they make?

Let’s click the button at the bottom-right corner (which looks like an Arrow) to do this.

Hubspot Lead Scoring Modells

Lead scoring refers to a set of rules you use to assign points to each lead in your database. Although it sounds easy, there are thousands of ways to use the term. Google lists over 5,000 different results.

However, it is possible to see the situation from the perspective of an analyst who creates scorecards and criteria for the customer acquisition model (for marketing teams), which gives us a lot more options.

There are three main distinctions between these popular methods: Qualitative vs. Quantitative, Boolean Logic MODIFICATIONS versus Variables, Attributes, and Exact vs. Fuzzy.

Let’s take a look at how Hubspot uses these three methods to score leads.

  • Qualitative Scoring This method is based on lead type (examples: “No, but they’ve purchased”, “Yes but not in the last 6 months”, or “Yes”).
  • Quantitative Scoring You can use variables such as date ranges, for example, when you look at purchase history.
  • Boolean Logic Variables/Modifiers – These enable you to be more precise in your scoring by allowing multiple responses per question.
  • Attributes These attributes are based upon the attributes of your leads like Location, Gender, Age
  • Exact Scoring To represent each lead, you only need one number.
  • Fuzzy Scoring This is where you assign points to determine how close someone comes to meeting certain criteria.

Hubspot employs three scoring models in this instance, depending on which one is most appropriate for your business.

If we wanted to figure out how many customers we would acquire from our new marketing campaign, we would want a model that is accurate and easiest but also fast and easy.

It should also be easily scalable, so we can use it for determining how many customers will be acquired by our next marketing campaign.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.