
The In-Depth People Ai Review: Everything To Know About Its Features


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People.ai, a predictive sales platform, analyzes sales behavior to provide insights and allows companies to automate sales ramping and coaching. According to the company, data should be used over intuition when making decisions about how to manage your team. These people’s ai reviews will help us determine if the tool is worth it.

People’s ai reviews give a quick overview of the tool’s features and capabilities. You will also find information about the alternatives to help you decide if this tool is right for your business.

People AI is a brand new software for business intelligence that uses artificial intelligence to predict the performance of your workforce.

It can assess your employees’ productivity and identify their strengths and weakness, analyze their work history, and spot possible errors. To ensure accuracy, you can also verify the data received.

People Review: Overview

This software provides valuable insight that will help you improve your management of your employees. People.Ai, an AI-powered Sales Productivity Technology, helps sales teams be more productive and increase their revenue by focusing on the following areas:

1. Sales Forecasting – Predicting, forecasting, and planning which prospects will purchase from each salesperson.

2. Sales Ramping – Automated sales ramp-up and coaching for each salesperson to increase their performance and revenue.

This is done by using historical data about how prospects respond to being contacted during campaigns to identify the best time for them.

The platform provides real-time feedback on which prospects are most likely to buy from each salesperson. This allows them to make better decisions about who to call next and what content should be more focused on to sell more long-term (eCommerce & Business to Business).

3. Sales coaching – Helping salespeople identify and improve their sales performance by automating coaching and identifying behavioral patterns. This includes increasing prospects’ calls, the frequency with which they call them, and the type of content they need to sell better over the long term (eCommerce and B2B).

People Review: Features

People.ai was created to provide you with the most accurate information about your sales team’s behavior and performance and help you make better decisions about managing them. This platform offers:

1. Sales performance analytics: This platform gives real-time data about sales team behavior through an intuitive dashboard. It provides actionable insight into the sales process of your company, which can help you make better decisions about how you manage your employees.

2. Individual coaching for reps: People.ai offers personalized coaching sessions with expert coaches. They will help each rep determine their strengths and weaknesses through an analysis of their past behavior within the system.

They can thus improve their performance at all stages of the funnel (pre-sales or initial qualification).

3. Automated ramping: This tool provides a robust, automated sales ramping and coaching system. It will allow your reps to increase their productivity by giving them the right guidance at just the right moment.

4. Analytics for sales process: These provide information on how each rep performs about other reps. This allows you to identify areas where support or improvement is needed within your organization and outside it (e.g. marketing, product management).

5. Data to hire/retain talent: These insights about individual team performance can be very useful in making decisions about who should get hired and who should go.

6. Sales Lead Generation: Based on the behavior of each rep, the platform can generate sales leads in real-time. This will allow you to attract more qualified buyers quicker and keep your cost per acquisition down compared with traditional marketing channels like email campaigns.

7. Forecasting sales: These tools will help you make better decisions about your sales pipeline, so you can plan accurately and efficiently.

8. Predictive modeling of marketing campaigns: People.ai’s predictive model identifies which reps are most likely interested in a campaign or offer. It helps them send the right message to the right reps at the right time (based on their behavior).

9. Real-time marketing campaigns: People.ai sends the right messages to the right reps based on their behavior. This allows you to deliver content that will resonate with them and increases your ROI.

People Review: Alternatives

There are many other AI-powered sales productivity technology companies that offer similar solutions to People. However, the value proposition and fit for People are quite different than those listed below.

1. Salesforce IQ: This solution makes use of AI to increase sales productivity. It identifies and coaches individual salespeople about their strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities.

This data also gives insight into which prospects are most likely to buy from each salesperson based on historical data about how they responded to different times and occasions during campaigns (eCommerce & B2B).

2. Zendesk is a customer support software company offering various tools to businesses with more than 1 million customers, including the ability to create chatbots and automated phone scripts.

These can replace human interactions between reps & customers (eCommerce and B2B).

3. HubSpot’s Lead Nurturing tool: This tool allows salespeople to send follow-up emails automatically based on certain criteria. For example, when a lead was given the opportunity but has not yet been converted into a sale.

This data also gives insight into which prospects are most likely to buy from each salesperson based on historical data about how they responded to different times and occasions during campaigns (eCommerce & B2B).

People Ai Review: Pros & Cons


1. Automated sales coaching and ramping for your team – People.ai provides a complete picture of the sales process including how each person contributes and what’s going on behind the scenes (e.g. pipeline updates, deals in the process).

This information can be used to create customized performance plans that include specific tasks that will allow them to close more deals quicker and reduce their overall cost per deal.

The result? The result? More closed deals with higher revenue levels than ever! All this without you having to do anything extra – our AI will take care of everything!

2. People.ai, a sophisticated predictive sales management platform – is an excellent tool to help you manage your team’s performance and identify any bottlenecks in your pipeline. It also allows you and your teammates to provide support.

They can then focus on closing more deals with higher revenue levels than ever before, without interrupting your day-to-day operations or spending weeks or months creating complicated systems for managing teams.


1. It’s only for some. People.ai, a sales-driven company, focuses on helping companies close more deals and generate higher revenue than ever before. It isn’t for everyone, as it is complicated.

2. AI is imperfect. People.ai’s algorithms continue to improve and learn. However, there will be times when it doesn’t recognize what you did or misunderstands your intentions. For example, creating an action plan for someone who wants to just talk.

3. You will need to be creative. People.ai cannot do all the work for your needs.

Understanding the workings behind the scenes is key. Create processes that align with our recommendations and set expectations for your team so that they don’t get disappointed when we misunderstand their intentions or don’t recognize them.

People Review: Final Thoughts

People.ai, a SaaS platform for clients, allows them to make better sales and marketing decisions as well as gain valuable insight into where they can improve.

People.ai can help your business benefit. You need people who can use data effectively and understand the questions to ask when making critical business decisions (e.g. hiring/firing employees, deciding which offers/campaigns to send).

Companies that work in the recruitment/HR industry, as well as those with sales and/or marketing staff (i.e. B2B or B2C), can use People.ai.

The problem is that they do not offer pricing plans so you don’t know how much it will cost for your business. The pricing plans start at $50 per month. Overall, ai is an excellent tool for your company.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.