
Popups for Shopping Promos That Generate Sales


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Think back to the last time you were able to use an e-commerce website to direct you to a discount or sale. 

Promoting popups works on the same principle. 

Popup ads can be a great way of increasing your website traffic.

This article will demonstrate how to create shopping deal popups with Kobe Digital. This post also contains real-life examples that will inspire you to create popups and increase your sales.

What’s a Shopping Deals Popup?

Promo pop-ups can be a great way to increase revenue and keep customers interested. 

To stay ahead of the competition, you need to increase your average order value (AOV) and convert more customers into customers.

Pop Ups can do everything thanks to their design.

Popups for website owners are a popular way to promote their products. 

But, popups can convert 3.09% when they are targeted and designed correctly.

Popup shopping deals are a popular method of onsite conversion optimization and retargeting.

Let’s take a look at some innovative ideas to promote your business and increase sales. Let’s talk about the benefits and drawbacks of shopping deal popups that convert well.

Create Creativity with These Pop-Ups

1. Enjoy Discounts and Coupons

Coupons and discount popups are great for driving sales to your online store. You can make your coupon code expire before it runs out.

You can also use a coupon popup to enhance the effectiveness of your offer.

Some popups may ask users to enter a coupon code or offer a discount on their first purchase. 

You can quickly set up targeting options for your popup campaigns using the tool Kobe Digital. 

  • Set your popup to display for a few seconds immediately after you land on the page.
  • Make your offer visible on all pages that are related to the homepage. 

This is the homepage of Makeup Forever. They use a popup to ask for an email address. Email lists are a great asset in email marketing.

This popup shows you what it can do:

  • Contrasts the bright colors of the landing page
  • Eyes have been captured
  • Optimal CTA

What can be optimized?

  • To attract attention, the popup colors might be brighter or more brand-related.
  • Brands can test different fonts using A/B testing. It is difficult to distinguish the differences.

2. Receive a First-Time Purchase Discount

Get new customers’ email addresses by using Discounts or free shipping

Famous brands also use this tactic

Kate Spade is one of these brands. They offer a 10% discount on your first order and invite you to subscribe to their newsletter.

This popup shows you what it can do:

  • A dual-color palette allows for a clean design
  • Clear call for action (CTA).
  • Accept or reject the offer with the best text
  • Easy-to-use exit button

What can be optimized?

  • An eye-catching image can be used.
  • The design has a lot of whitespaces. A/B testing is possible for the brand to evaluate a sidebar popup.

3. Cross-Sell Popups: Recommend products

You want more customers to buy your products Use promotional pop-ups

You can use cross-selling to convince buyers to purchase more products from your shopping cart. 

This is an example of a Kobe Digital cross-sells Popup.

4. Get emails addresses before they leave

Marketers understand the importance of email leads. Maintaining a relationship with customers is possible. You can engage them, strengthen your relationships, send them welcome and apology emails, and most importantly, follow up after they add a product to the cart.

Get customers to sign up first before you send abandoned cart emails.

Exit popups to detect exit intent are the best method to deal with this.

Tip: Offer a special deal to customers in return for their email addresses. This can help you get more leads.

5. Increase your customer base

Selling a product can be the best thing!

  • Convince customers to purchase the product in greater quantities.
  • A more expensive product with better features is recommended.

Dollar Shave Club sells hair cream by showing a full-screen popup as shown in the above image.

You have the option to choose auto-restock, which ships every 2 weeks. It is more prominent than the “buy now” option. This trick is used to convince people to select that option.

Customers can increase the number of items that they add to the popup.

6. Exit Popups Reduce Cart Abandonment

Statistics indicate that 69.80% of shoppers abandon their shopping carts every day.

Make an offer that can’t be turned down to decrease cart abandonment. Display an exit popup before users leave your site.

You might also consider offering to exchange their email addresses. You can also email them a reminder about the items that they have added to your cart.

Great Emails Uses a popup for users to collect their emails before they leave the site.

7. Skyrocket Sales: A Limited-Time Deal

Fear and obsession with missing out (FOMO) are powerful drivers in consumer behavior. 

You can make your special offers available for a limited time, so more people will click through and purchase them before they expire.

Limited-time offer: Get free shipping

Get ahead of your customers with free shipping. Shipping costs are the main reason people abandon shopping carts.

Encourage customers to convert quicker by highlighting the time left on your sticky bars or popups. Add a countdown clock to your sticky bar to increase urgency.

Limited Time Discounts

All discounts are the same. Increase your sales by using phrases like “limited time only”, for limited stock, and “for orders up to X”.

8. Gamify Incentives for Increasing Your Revenue

Everyone is open to a challenge. Give them a popup with Gamification. Set up the reward and when it will be offered.

This is the Tarte shopping deal popup from spin-to-wheel:

Gamification popups can help you increase sales.

  • They’re fun.
  • They encourage visitors to buy with their reward.
  • They improve user engagement.

Now is the time to make your promotional popup

Shopping deal popups can also be used in other ways than those we have already listed. 

  • Free content
  • Advertise a sale campaign
  • Organize a competition
  • Encourage social engagement
  • Receive a free ebook and other goodies

The most important things to pay attention to are your popup design, targeting settings, and popup copy. 

Once you have created the perfect popup, you can sit back and watch your conversions increase.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.