
Examples Of Successful Email Subject Lines For Sales


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Ever received an email from potential clients or customers? You know the importance of the subject line if you have. Your subject line can be a key factor in your business’ success.

Why is it important for sales emails to have strong subject lines

The subject line is often what a potential customer or client sees first when they open an email. This is a great opportunity to show your value and make it easy for them to learn more about you. You can guide them on the right path to ensure they don’t delete your message.

It is essential to create compelling email subject lines to sell to increase open rates and have the best marketing strategy.

How to Write Effective Subject Lines in Emails for Sales

You’ve probably received emails from salespeople asking for $20 off your next car purchase. or “Get $100 cashback on your next vacation.” What does this subject line say about the contents? How can this help them sell better? Remember that many people don’t reply to emails and many others are too busy to read them.

First, you will need a catchy subject that will grab their attention quickly. If they do decide to open your email, they will be able to quickly find out the subject line. Don’t force them to do this! Here are some tips for writing sales-oriented email subject lines:

1. When you have a lot to say, use action words and phrases to make it clear to the reader. Avoid using more than two sentences for your subject line.

You can use action words and phrases to describe the main benefit of your offer. You can use words like “free”, or “bonus,” to describe the main benefit of your offer. If you want to convince people to sign up for a free trial, this is an example: Free Sample – Discover why everyone is raving over X-Ray Vision(tm). (From an actual email I received …)

2. Don’t use selling adjectives like “new”, “latest”, and other similar words with negative connotations. Try this instead: “Product Review: Your favorite pencils.”

3. Keep it real

The subject line doesn’t have to be about the product. Instead, write something relevant to your target market.

Here’s an example: How to Get an iPhone X Free of Charge

4. Keep the message short and sweet

Most people check their email very quickly, before moving on to other things. It is less likely that a long subject line will be read.

For best results, keep it between 5-15 lines. For more space, you can break it into multiple lines (use spaces or commas) and add a subject line at the end that tells people about your email: “This week’s top …” tips

If you had unlimited email space, then 2 sentences would be fine. There won’t be any competition, and people’s eyesight will not get irritated trying to read long subject lines. The reality is that marketers are limited to only 1-2 sentences and many would prefer to take up more space than they need.

If you find yourself in this situation, make sure that each sentence links into the next. Also, be concise enough not to confuse people with long words and wordy sentences at times. The perfect subject line should be concise and not contain any unnecessary information.

5. After they click on your link, you can keep them engaged/motivated by providing additional detail.

You can keep people motivated and interested by adding things like “This article is brand new” or “The next steps.” These examples demonstrate how to use the “clarifying” approach to motivate readers.

6. Do not use the words “and” or “&”.

This is a mistake that email marketers often make. It’s one of my biggest tips for anyone who wants to be more successful with email marketing. This is important because the subject line should be easy to read and convey interest.

You cannot send a subject line that uses “and” or “&”, which is also known as a conjunction, because people will automatically discard any email you sent to them.

This exception would be likely if you were writing to express curiosity about a product you have not seen before or heard of and want feedback on its effectiveness.

7. A quote from an authoritative figure, or a quote from a blog post that rules out spammy subject lines.

It doesn’t sound like someone would be interested in reading an email about “snake oils” diet products, so why send it? Adding “quote” or ‘from” to your subject lines, it is already saying that the information contained in them will be of interest to someone who needs it.

Take, for example:

8. Do not use subject lines that contain personal information or brag about your product/service. This includes your name, email address, and telephone number.

As I have mentioned in previous articles, it is important to avoid using personal information in subject lines. If someone forwards the message, they will not know who sent it. This could lead to confusion and even legal problems down the line.

Although some businesses are now legally permitted to use the name of a person in their subject lines it is still a problem for many people.

I don’t like to use my full email address in my company name. I don’t know how many people will see it. However, some companies have to do this legally. Others choose to keep their personal information private. You can pick what works best for you.

9. Don’t Use Exclamation Marks! This one is often referred to as “Don’t Say It”. However, this is not true. If you use exclamation marks in your email subject lines, they will likely be opened by someone who doesn’t like being told what should be done or feels compelled to send them on. Even though they may not be able to identify you by your name they will still get an extra dose of your message.

10. Make sure you are specific! Be specific! You want your email to be so clear and compelling that people open it. However, they also need to understand the purpose of the message.

11. Don’t Tell People What To do While “Send us our order information” may get you in the door, if they don’t know who you are, all of your hard work crafting an email message to them will be lost. You want them to ask questions in the email they open.

12. Be Comprehensive! It is important to be comprehensive! Be sure to only include the most important information, but make sure to give an overview at the end if you have any additional details.

13. Give us an example! It’s tempting to write “We’re getting prepared for our opening weekend” without much thought. But you can bet that customers won’t spend the time to read your message if they don’t know who or what “we” actually are. Give them an example of how your company works so they understand what is happening and why it’s important.

14. Do not be pushy! Many companies will send emails saying things like, “We’d love to receive your order information immediately — it will take only a minute” or “Sign-up today and be the first to have this set up.” These emails aren’t very friendly so be gentle when asking for information. If they have an account, they will probably know at least some of what is going on. However, if they don’t, they might still have a reason to need the information you’re asking for. You don’t have to be rude, people will usually give you their details to get your business started.

15. Keep it simple, but not too simple! This is a delicate line to walk when trying to catch someone’s attention in an email. If everything on your website or contact form is too simple, they will not bother downloading anything from anyone. If you make it too difficult to read, or too confusing, people might not bother downloading anything from your website.

Bonus Tip

It should be casual, but not too casual.

This email comes from The Big Day Out. They have sent a lot of emails to promote their festival in New York City. The email starts with a casual sentence: “Hey! “We hope you find this to be well.” The email then states that they have just launched new products and want anyone interested to get in touch with them. The last line of the email concludes with a statement saying, “We love hearing about you.”

I hope you found this article helpful and that it has helped you get started on your email marketing journey. Let me know if you have any favorite emails.


A great subject line is the best way to begin your email marketing campaign. This will allow you to set up your email in a professional manner and make people excited about the content. The next step is to make sure that you include a clear call to action at the end of every email. This will ensure that people are clear about what to do next and that they see it as the best option.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.