
How To Successfully Start Your SEO Strategy


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Understanding the primary functions of SEO and understanding how it works can help your business create a successful SEO strategy.

Yellowball is committed to simplifying SEO for all. This should be a helpful introduction if you’re starting a search engine optimization strategy to help your business.

It’s worthwhile to have a basic understanding of search marketing if you are involved in any type of SEO. Clients who can understand the core principles and theories of SEO can collaborate more effectively with agencies.

Yellowball also has an animated version for those who want to know more.

Your business can improve customer relations and achieve better overall results by investing in SEO.

How to create an SEO strategy

  • Learn the primary functions and capabilities of SEO
  • Learn the basics of SEO.
    • Online optimization
    • Content creation
    • Link building
    • Analytics

Understanding SEO’s Primary Functions & Capabilities

SEO is a process that involves understanding search engines to understand their workings and make them sustainable. They are something we take for granted every single day. Google is your best friend. Just type in your query, and you’ll have instant access to all the information on the planet. You get it for free!

It’s not true. Search engines don’t come for free. They make money by advertising. Search engines make money by charging businesses for advertising to their users. This is big business: Google spent more than $100 million on ads in 2018.

It is important to provide great results for users who are not paying for search engines. You’ll continue to return to Google if you can find what you need quickly and easily. Google will continue to charge advertisers if you keep coming back.

Search engine optimization, at its core, is the act of increasing a website’s visibility on search engines to increase web traffic via these search engines.

If this is all you can remember, Google wants to give the most relevant and valuable results to each search. It’s our job as SEOs to ensure that our website (or any individual web page) meets this criterion. We aren’t trying to trick Google. To give ourselves the best chance at ranking, we are simply raising our authority.

Learn the mechanics of how SEO works

SEO has become more complicated as search engines get more complex. You can still depend on three core pillars: SEO, content generation, or link building. Keep in mind that many agencies have specialists in one or more of these core pillars.

1. On-site Optimization

Many people make the distinction between technical SEO and on-site optimization. We will, however, consider them both to be foundational elements for SEO.

Searches can be made on any topic, so search engines must be able to answer users’ queries intelligently.

This stage is about organizing your website in a way that Google can easily categorize it, and which search terms can be included in the results.

Visitors will be more likely to return to your site if you have a clean structure with all pages labeled and laid out properly. Search engines will not be able to find your site if it is messy.

Optimizing your website can help you rank higher in search engines.

2. Content creation

Recently, content has been a hot buzzword. Video content, social media, and content marketing are all viable ways to increase visibility and traffic. All of these are part of a larger SEO strategy but we’re likely to be referring to articles on your website when discussing content for SEO.

Search engines are robots. Although they are extremely intelligent, they must still work within their technology. Google and other search engines are excellent at reading the text on pages.

Search engine robots then analyze the contents of a page to determine what value it could offer a searcher.

We use content creation as SEOs to show Google that we are both experts on a topic and the best answer to a specific search term. SEO is more than just keywords and synonyms.

It is important to understand the intent behind each search term we target and to then try to fulfill that intent as best as possible. Content will always be an important part of any SEO strategy. We aren’t creating content to make more money, but rather to show our worth and answer specific questions.

Link building is the most powerful SEO tool.

Simply stated, linking to your website from a credible and authoritative website is an endorsement of your site.

Your article may be linked to and cited by Google as a reference. Google considers your site more influential the more votes it has.

SEO Link Building is done through many processes, including outreach. Offer great content to a website by contacting them. They may also publish your content on their website and cite you for reference.

The best type of link building is ” Link Earning“. This refers to creating content that ranks high enough to allow people to find it in organic search results and then link to it.

Link building is easy and scalable. People will eventually link to your content, even if you have not asked them. Your website will now have one piece of content that consistently earns links with minimal effort.

4. Analytics

Analytics is not a core part of foundational, core SEO practices, but they are vital. An SEO strategy must be scalable and successful.

We are more likely to make poor decisions based on emotions than facts if we don’t look at analytics. Make sure that your company invests in analytical SEO decision-making.

Create an effective SEO strategy

Marketers need to understand the principles, theories, and mechanics behind SEO. SEO’s primary functions are to create content and build links. You will now be able to achieve marketing success and business success.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.