
Expert Tips For Becoming The Best Sales Development Manager


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A sales development manager’s role is often overlooked. They are responsible for developing relationships with potential buyers and must be able to adapt quickly to changing situations. This blog post contains seven tips to help you succeed in this difficult position.

You should look into the position of sales development manager if you’re looking for a change in your career. This position has many benefits.

You’ll quickly build relationships with prospects and be able to see results! For 7 tips on how to succeed in this role, read on.

What is the Role of a Sales Development Manager?

The SDM’s role is to ensure that the associated sales team can function at its best.

This means that each person is given a role, task, and responsibility within the team. This will help everyone know what they need to reach their goals.

SDMs should also look at how technology can be used effectively, regardless of whether it is software-based. This will allow the company’s selling process to run more efficiently and minimize time loss through machine automation and other tools.

SDMs generally have the responsibility of communicating with the upper management regarding ongoing performance against each campaign’s progress milestones and keeping them informed about any new initiatives.

What is the Role of an SDM in Sales?

The primary role of an SDM is to sell. Although they may have several people working under them, it is their primary responsibility to ensure the team’s success. They must be proactive. This means they have to anticipate potential problems before it happens and put preventative measures in place.

If business development starts to slow down towards the end of a year, then a good SDM would have already discussed other ways to get leads with the upper management in advance, so that appropriate steps could be taken immediately if necessary.

What is the Difference Between Account Managers and Sales Development Managers

The difference between the titles is minimal. An SDM would normally be responsible for managing the entire team. A manager of accounts would be responsible only for one part of that team. This could include cold-calling clients, prospect gathering, or qualifying leads.

These roles often involve some degree of management of others. After deals are made with potential customers, account managers monitor the areas they have been assigned.

These deals may not be closed immediately, but they will require continued attention until that time. Account managers manage deals that have been successfully closed.

Account managers often continue to deal with customers who have signed earlier agreements. This is common for a team that has been assigned to tend to these clients’ needs.

Sometimes account managers will be promoted to lead small teams or given greater responsibilities within the company, such as acting as a liaison with other departments.

What are the Most Common Job Responsibilities of an SDM?

These are the most common job responsibilities:

1.) Identifying new business opportunities across accounts and prioritizing them appropriately. This can include assessing new business potential from existing accounts or prospective new ones.

Managers would normally look at potential and existing customers to determine what can be done to increase the customer base.

2.) Developing and implementing a plan to acquire new business. This plan would be tailored to the company’s specific needs and include methods like cold calling and email campaigns. Social media outreach

3.) Managing sales pipeline. This means that leads are followed up promptly and potential deals are moved through every stage of the buying cycle until they are closed.

4.) Reporting on customer activity to the top management. This could include updating on how many leads were generated, how many closed deals were, and what the average sales value was.

5.) Liaising within the company with other departments to ensure that sales targets can be met. This includes working with marketing to target new prospects and working with customer service to ensure that customers receive satisfactory service.

6.) Coaching and training the sales team, including how to qualify leads and close deals.

7.) Motivation for the sales team to achieve their goals.

What skills does a sales development manager need?

High-tech companies around the world have made SDMs a hot commodity. They now make up more than half the open positions in hyper-growth companies. It’s not the time for anyone to be hired, but it is the time to find the right person.

This role is so popular that you will be competing with them. These skills are essential if you don’t want your team to be left behind by the wrong person.

1.) Motivating Team Members- One of the most important skills an SDM must possess is the ability to motivate members and show them how they can contribute towards a bigger goal.

Sales reps desire to be part of a team that succeeds. This is what motivates them. If they don’t feel valued or appreciated by their colleagues, particularly those in leadership positions, they won’t be motivated.

2.) Social Media Knowledge- Being an SDM in today’s market can be very difficult. You will need to learn at least as much about social media as your sales reps so that you can support them when they interact with customers.

Even though social media should not be used solely for lead generation, its effectiveness can’t be overlooked.

Your SDMs need to be able to explain what social media is, and how they can use it as a tool for lead generation.

3.) Organizational Skills- Good organizational skills are essential for success as an SDM

Many people believe that the sales representative’s role is setting up meetings with prospective buyers and making calls. However, the truth is that it’s not.

Keeping track of all information collected throughout the process is one of your most important tasks. This will allow you to know where each lead stands. You must then have systems in place so that you can provide support when needed.

4.) Communication Skills To be a successful SDM, one must have excellent communication skills. This will allow them to support sales reps engaging in conversations with potential customers.

SDMs who are successful know how to listen to the prospects and provide feedback to help them move forward when needed.

5.) Problem Solving- It’s a must to have strong problem-solving skills when leading any role, but it’s even more important when we are talking about SDMs.

These individuals are always willing to help, so having problem-solving skills will not just save time but also increase productivity.

Being able to anticipate possible problems and avoid them before they occur will ensure no stressful situations. This helps everyone stay calm and collected.

These are just a few of the most important skills you should be looking for when interviewing candidates for your open SDM job.

Strong interpersonal skills such as empathy, problem-solving, accountability, and organization will make them valuable assets to your company.

7 Ways To Succeed In Sales Development Manager

SDMs are a great way to make a career change if you want to be a manager. You will build relationships with prospects and quickly see results in this role.

It is essential that you can work well with others, and communicate effectively. We have seven tips to help you succeed in your role.

1.) Have a Passion For Sales- If you want to succeed as an SDM it is important to have a passion for sales.

This is about being enthusiastic about helping prospects achieve their goals. It will be difficult for your team to get excited about sales if they don’t have the right motivation.

2.) Be an Effective Communicator – As an SDM, you will need to have excellent communication skills. Clear, concise communication is crucial for your success as an SDM.

This job may not be right for you if you struggle with speaking in public or communicating complex ideas. But don’t worry! If you are not confident in your abilities, many other occupations could suit your personality.

Effective communication skills as an SDM are essential because you have a lot of responsibility in your day to manage the day-to-day activities of your job. This role requires you to effectively coach and guide your team.

Don’t worry if public speaking and communicating complex ideas aren’t your forte. Many other jobs are available that match your personality.

3.) Have a Track Record of Success in Sales – To be a successful SDM you must have a track record of success in sales.

It means that you must be able to demonstrate your ability to generate leads and convert them. This experience will make it difficult to motivate and manage your team.

4.) Be organized and strategic-minded – It is crucial to be a successful SDM.

Management of multiple teams will require you to manage many tasks. It is important to be able to prioritize the most important tasks to make your business succeed. It will be difficult to manage all the activities simultaneously if you don’t have this organizational ability.

5.) Have a Personable, Outgoing Nature – Being an SDM is a challenging job due to the amount of time you spend with prospects during your day-to-day tasks.

It may not be the right job for you if you are shy or introverted. This is a fantastic opportunity for someone who enjoys building relationships and meeting new people.

6.) Lead by Example – As an SDM it is important to set an example. This requires you to be able to motivate your team and set the tone of how work should be done.

Don’t be discouraged if you are having trouble leading others or need to improve your leadership skills. There are many resources available to help you be a more effective leader.

7.) Keep up to date on Industry Trends – SDMs need to keep up to date with industry trends to succeed. This includes staying informed about changes in the market as well as new strategies that work for other businesses.

This knowledge will put you at a disadvantage when it comes to competing with others in your field.


Any business that wants to grow its revenues must have a solid SDM. They must be proactive in identifying business opportunities and have an eye for detail.

An SDM must be able and willing to coach and train the sales team to achieve its goals. An SDM’s role requires a lot of energy, skill, and experience.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.