
30 Tips to Make a Successful Freelance Writing Career


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Am I allowed to freelance as a writer?

Kobe Digital shared the top 30 Kobe Digital steps to help you understand how to make money as a freelancer.

You may be wondering if freelance writing is right for you, or how to become a freelancer with no experience.

Each career path has its pros and cons. Even if you are an experienced writer, your writing skills won’t get you far.

A freelance writer can help you start your own service business. It is possible to become a professional writer.

How do you become a freelance writer?

Are you sure this is the right choice? Would you like to learn how to be a freelance writer?

If you’re new to or want to become a copywriter, this guide will help.

Let’s get started…

1. Get started with the basics

A freelance writer has a lower overhead than a brick-and-mortar business.

Learn what you need to do to take your first step as a writer.

If you’re like me, you’ll need many Moleskine Notebooks.

Do you see? It’s not too difficult.

2. Both short-term and long-term goals should be taken into consideration

It’s exciting to consider all of the ideas and projects you have for your business.

But, the most important skill you can learn is the ability to keep your writing service in operation.

It doesn’t matter if your dreams are forgotten; all you need to do is set priorities.

It might feel like you’re spending money to learn how to become a freelance writer.

  • Your immediate responsibilities consume 90 percent of your time
  • You can spend 10% of your time on The Next Big Project       

You won’t achieve your long-term goals if you don’t meet your short-term goals

3. Create a list of steps that will lead to being a freelance writer

After you have identified your short- and long-term goals, it is possible to choose the order you wish to accomplish the tasks.      

Which marketing projects will help you find your first client?

A great idea can be distracting from making money.

This will allow you to focus on your short-term and long-term goals. 

4. Recognize your value to businesses

Many people struggle to understand how to make a living online, especially a writer.

It is possible to be presumed that you write fiction. These genres are simple to understand.

People will be confused if you tell them that this isn’t the type of writing you use.

This can lead to a loss of self-esteem as an author.

This perpetuates the false belief that Kobe Digital Certified Marketing content marketer Alaura Weber discussed in Making A Living as an Author when Creative Writing isn’t Paying the Bills.

“Anyone can write words. Anybody can be a writer. “

You’re not a professional at strategic writing. 

Use your communication skills to help others convey their messages.

5. Get a quote for freelance writing

Many people aren’t able to write better content or make their thoughts coherent sentences.

We offer professional writing services to suit your needs.

Set your prices with confidence. 

6. Demonstrate your commitment to creating excellent work

Proof that supports your professional rates is win-win.

You will communicate your marketing ethics to your clients. This will ensure that you don’t feel lazy and that your clients understand what it’s like doing work with you.

Copywriting and content marketing are two of the best ways to reach your goals. 

7. Be sure to include all details when evaluating a freelance writing job.

Not every proposal will be accepted by a premium service provider. When you’re excited to learn how freelance writing works, this is hard to remember.

You should be a good fit for the job, and you must enjoy the work.

It is possible to gather information about a project to decide if it is right for you. This will allow you to tailor your services before you have clients. This will help you determine the most reasonable rate for your outstanding work.

This will demonstrate that you are focused and committed to the client’s goals.

You might also ask the following questions:

  • Do you have a budget? How much is the client willing to spend on this project?
  • What’s the client’s business goal?
  • How does the project fit into the client’s marketing strategy?
  • Are there any modifications that the client plans to make to the project? Are there any edits to the text that the client or other service providers will make?
  • This could be a daily, weekly, or monthly job.

8. Make a compelling service offer

Once you have evaluated the project and described what you would do if a prospect hires you.

Tell them what you can do to help them achieve their goals

Your prospect can also be presented with the benefits of your offer, which will allow them to obtain the information that they have requested. This could generate interest in your collaboration.

9. It’s possible to set your deadlines, and you can meet them

Set an earlier deadline for your client than you do for them.

It’s better to act quickly than later. This allows you to manage unexpected events in your business or life and keeps your promise to your clients.

Based on the information in the project, you can give your client a deadline. Tell your client when the project will be completed and the time it will take.

10. Inform clients that they must agree to your terms of service and payment policy

It doesn’t have to be complicated to set your prices. However, it doesn’t have to be difficult to establish terms of service and payment policies.

These can be considered a “comprehensive frequently asked questions form” that clients must review and agree to before they can work with you.

Some aspects will remain the same for all clients while others can be modified each time.

These elements might interest you:

  • The client’s objectives for the project
  • What can your service do to achieve each goal
  • The deadline of your project — the date and time you will return the completed project
  • The number and revisions included in your price
  • You can choose your payment method and the due date
  • This is the best way for the client to get in touch with you       
  • When will the client get a receipt for payment?
  • What happens to a client who cancels work after payment is made but before the project has been completed?
  • Any additional requests beyond the ones outlined will incur additional fees and penalties

Refer to the work contract in case there are any questions after a client has signed a written agreement.

It doesn’t take a lot of time to address all scenarios when creating your first terms and condition of service or payment policy.

Consider them instead of “living” documents you can modify

  • Avoid common problems by following these rules
  • Additional information to assist clients to understand your offerings
  • These processes will streamline your workflow

These revisions will be a benefit to your business as well as future customers.

11. Consider yourself a professional artist

These tips are about business logistics that are crucial for a long-term writing career.

We must not forget that you are an artist.

“Wise marketers view art as an integral part of their work as strategy and execution. “

12. Learn to become a freelance copywriter

Kobe Digital was established in 2006 at the intersection between copywriting (persuasive writing) and blogging (blogging).

Words can be powerful and drive specific actions. Podcast episodes and blog posts can become business assets for you and your clients. 

13. Master your marketing voice

Your clients will be impressed by your ability to control your marketing voice and use it to their advantage. 

14. Find your ideal freelance writer client

The first step to attracting this type of company is to identify your ideal client.

Freelancers without a partner are often in low-paying, unfulfilling jobs.

It is dangerous to think that freelance writers are only able to do low-paying work, or can take on unfulfilling tasks.

If you want to work for large creative companies with big budgets, you must appeal to their sensibilities.

15. Learn content marketing strategy

Strong writers are great content marketers because they communicate clearly.

The Content Marketing Strategy helps you meet prospects right where they are and guide them to the destination they desire. Your company will be the best choice for their needs, all while you do this.

16. Demonstrate your authority      

Prospects can see your expertise and build trust by visiting a website.

People who can build their networks and prospects by consistent business blogging, as well as learning how to become freelance writer, are the most sought-after freelancers.

17. Start your freelance writing business.

It is smart to work on content while you are working on client assignments

Consider yourself a client. Add recurring tasks to your calendar for marketing activities like creating ebooks, podcast episodes, or videos.

Freelance writers who have survived the famines know that it is impossible to put off their work.

18. Contribute towards the publications that your ideal customers read

To get new clients for your business, follow best practices to guest post and write articles that will be read by your ideal clients.

Make a landing page for new visitors to your website.

19. Copy to convince people to hire you

Prospects looking to hire a freelancer are likely to find that many writing services are the same.

Share the unique talents that you have for the company.

Let’s look at an example of the mattress industry.

Finding the right mattress can be challenging. Many brands are nearly identical. The mattress shopper might not know how to narrow down their choices.

Purple mattress’s ad (which has been viewed over 150 million times) employs many tried-and-true copywriting methods, including problems. To make it stand out, Agitate, Solve

Mention that the script was created by a copywriter

How does your marketing story create positive change?

20. Clients can expect a return on investment

Your writing services should not be limited to words on a page. They can also deliver results for clients’ companies.

Everybody wins if your client’s profit exceeds your cost. You get paid what you are worth.

The Digital Copywriter teaches you how to be the writer that businesses value.

21. Organize your email inbox

A tidy inbox is vital for freelance writers. 

Labels or folders can help you keep track of all kinds of inquiries. It will be easy to find them later.

It is also important to decide when it is best to send important email messages.

22. You will need systems and processes to manage your time as a freelance writer.

Freelancers often blur the boundaries between work and personal life. This can cause burnout and overwhelm.

Writing services should be treated like a business. As an employee, you must set aside time for work as well as time for relaxation.

You should establish time management procedures for employees in your company. You should have a plan that defines your day, and templates that can help you answer common questions.

23. Contact people who are already searching for content marketers or copywriters

This will help you save time and effort.

Don’t try to convince people they need a copywriter or content marketer. Talk to someone who is looking for one.

The purpose of your content is to inform prospects on topics that are important to them and to demonstrate that you are qualified for the job.

24. If you’re a freelance writer, be sure to have a specialization

This is another win for both your business and your prospects.      

It will be easier to market your business if you are an expert in a particular type of writing. Prospects will immediately get a clear picture of what you have to offer.

You might also consider publishing houses to which you are pitching articles “prospects”. “

A publication that seeks out the best advice for its readers is worth more of your expertise.

25. Love your work

In one sentence, you can become a freelance writer by Sonia

“If you don’t love language, your topic, or the act of putting words together, then nothing matters.” “

26. Edit and create your story

Don’t listen to freelance writers who say it didn’t work for you or make negative comments about the way it was done

This doesn’t mean freelance writing isn’t for you.

What do you know about their lives? Their business strategy? How did they train their staff?

Only YOU can decide what you’re meant to do.

27. Your support network

Once you’ve removed all criticism that isn’t constructive, look for people who support you.

Many websites you love have an online community that you can join. You can also look into professional groups on social media platforms such as LinkedIn or Facebook.

28. Connect in person

You can expand your digital business by attending online meetups and conferences.

Live events are a great way to bring together potential customers as well as collaborators.

29. Flexibility in freelance writing

It’s possible for your first year, or even the first few years of freelance writing, to not go according to plan.

It’s unlikely. Now you are a freelance writer.

30. Reframe mistakes

Making mistakes is normal in a business venture. Success requires that freelance writers adjust their goals and acquire new skills to continue to succeed.

Refer to tip 1 if in doubt. Then, write down your goals and objectives for the year.

You could become a freelancer

Writing is hard work.

Get new clients, run your company, and position yourself to rise above the frugal cycles

The Digital Copywriter helps writers to secure more clients, more income, and more respect.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.