
What Impact Does Web Design Have On Content Marketing


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Content marketing and website design go hand in hand. Your message won’t engage your audience if one is weaker than the other, and you will not be able to bring in new customers. This guide will help you make your web design and content more cohesive. It also outlines the trends your brand should be following to achieve success in 2022.

What is the goal of content marketing?

Content marketing is all about creating and sharing valuable, relevant, and consistent content that attracts and retains a defined audience. Content marketing can drive customer action and profitability. When done right, content marketing can increase brand awareness, customer demand, and revenue.

Web Design

Web design is the creation of a website that provides a user with a clean, simple, and intuitive layout. This works in conjunction with the content to provide a clear path for the user to interact with your brand. Web design and content marketing are two sides of the same coin. Together they can help you communicate your brand’s message and promote it.

First Impression

Before visitors have the time to read the content, web design can make a first impression. A poor website design will result in visitors leaving the site in seconds. In less than five seconds, a visitor will decide whether or not to visit your website. What does your website tell you about your brand?

Websites should look professional and up-to-date. A website that looks outdated will not be appealing to your target audience and may not reflect trustworthiness. Your website design should engage your audience and communicate your brand’s values.

The content makes it easy for visitors to trust the information and feel that the solution is right for them.

Navigation on a Website

No matter how content-heavy the website is, navigation must be designed with visitors in mind. Visitors should be able to navigate the website seamlessly and find what they need within seconds. Instead of putting too much content on one page, make a drop-down menu that allows users to quickly find the page they are looking for. Visitors will leave complicated websites, which will affect your bounce rate.

Content Readability

A great design will encourage visitors to continue reading, but if it is difficult to understand then they are likely to leave. It is important to make the text attractive and consistent. Headers should be used to direct the visitor through the topic.

A large font is best. It should be easy to read. The font size and font should be consistent with the brand fonts.

Each year, content becomes more important. 2022 will see more of the same. Are you able to use content marketing strategies to reach your prospects’ needs? 2022 will see major trends in content depth, building thought leadership and personalization, as well as content atomization.

Add value to your content

It is still important to create value-driven content, but it will become a deciding factor for consumers in the coming year. People are more selective about the content they consume. Brands must focus on providing value to consumers and not just focusing on the product or service.

Content should focus on how the product/service solves specific problems. Your prospects should find solutions to their problems through content that leads them to engage further with you.

Expertise will Prevail

Google wants to share expert opinions with consumers, so it is putting more emphasis on sharing and finding websites that have strong and relevant content in the SERPs (Search Engine Response Pages). To be recognized as an expert, you no longer need to add a backlink or keyword stuff to a blog.

Content that is not only keyword-rich but also fits within the site’s context will be awarded rewards. Brands will have to create long-form content for pillar pages. In 2021, the goal is to create content around certain topics and then expand it from there.

Search Engines, Not Cater Content for Users

You could have written SEO content that was targeted at search engines, but not users, in the past to achieve a higher ranking. As algorithms improve, search engines now consider the user experience when ranking content.

Along with web design services in Miami, user experience, and load time, the best information will be given preference. This user experience aims to eliminate keyword stuffing and deliver it in a more personalized way to the user. Consumers expect personal communication and one-to-one interaction.

Atomization of Content

The process of content atomization involves breaking down a large-themed piece into smaller pieces. This technique can be applied to a large e-book by turning each lesson or chapter into a blog. The consumer will find it easier to digest and gain more from the e-book. Another benefit is that consumers will return to your site for more information and engagement.

Although the idea of repurposing content has been around for a while, it’s still a topic that is relevant in 2021. You can also use content atomization to take long videos of content and create snippets for your social media posts.

Creating A Strategy to Dominate

Content is king. Your content marketing strategy depends on the design of your website and how it is optimized for the user experience. We can help you if you have questions about how your brand will adapt to current trends and drive revenue. 

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.