
How Brands Use AI in Email Marketing to Boost Engagement


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In today’s digital age, brands are constantly seeking innovative ways to engage with their customers. One such innovation is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in email marketing. AI has revolutionized the way marketers approach email campaigns, allowing them to create more personalized and engaging content for their subscribers. In this blog post, we will explore the various ways in which brands can leverage AI to enhance their email marketing strategies and boost engagement.

What Is AI?

Artificial intelligence, or AI, refers to the use of computers and algorithms to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. It involves the ability of machines to learn from data and make predictions or decisions based on that knowledge. While AI does not possess human-like intelligence, it can simulate certain aspects of human reasoning and problem-solving.

What Is AI In Marketing?

AI in marketing refers to the application of advanced technological tools and algorithms to automate and optimize marketing strategies and tasks. Marketers can use AI frameworks and tools to analyze large amounts of data, predict customer behavior, personalize messaging, optimize campaigns, and utilize natural language processing (NLP). By leveraging these capabilities, marketers can make data-driven decisions that drive business growth and improve conversion rates.

What is AI-based Email Marketing?

AI-based email marketing harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to streamline various tasks involved in creating effective email campaigns. From drafting compelling email copy to analyzing customer data for personalization purposes, AI enables marketers to save time and improve efficiency. With AI-powered tools and platforms, brands can send highly targeted emails that resonate with their audience and increase engagement metrics like open rate and click-through rate.

6 Ways To Use AI To Improve Your Email Marketing

1. Improved Segmentation

Segmentation is a crucial strategy in email marketing as it allows marketers to tailor their messages based on individual subscriber interests. AI enables marketers to analyze subscriber data, such as purchase behavior and provided information, to create dynamic segments. By leveraging AI-driven segmentation, brands can gain data-driven insights that help them better understand their subscribers and send more personalized emails.

2. Optimized Subject Lines

Subject lines play a vital role in capturing the attention of email recipients and driving open rates. With AI, marketers can create engaging subject lines tailored to each subscriber’s interests. AI-powered tools like Phrasee use past metrics and campaign performance data to generate intelligent subject lines that have a higher chance of resonating with the audience. By eliminating human instinct and reducing the scope for error, AI helps brands optimize their subject lines for maximum impact.

3. More Relevant Email Copy

If your email click-through rate is consistently low, it may be time to reevaluate your email copy. Artificial intelligence can assist in determining the type of email copy that works best for your brand. By applying AI principles, you can set the right tone in your emails and entice recipients to take action. AI-powered cognitive computing simulates human thought processes, resulting in compelling email copy that prompts users to engage with your brand.

4. Compelling Product Recommendations

Product recommendations are a powerful strategy for upselling or cross-selling products. With AI, brands can send targeted product recommendations based on individual customer preferences and behaviors. For example, e-commerce platforms like Airbnb use AI algorithms to send reminder emails with relevant listings after customers have checked but not booked a listing. These retargeting emails keep track of user behavior and increase the likelihood of conversions.

5. Better Send Times

Determining the optimal send time for emails is crucial for maximizing open rates and click-through rates. Employing AI algorithms allows brands to analyze website activity patterns and identify peak engagement times. Rather than manually scheduling emails based on different time zones, brands can leverage AI to send emails at the most opportune times. By doing so, brands can boost their email metrics and generate a higher conversion rate.

6. Smarter Testing

AI-driven platforms offer robust testing capabilities that help marketers identify trends and iterate campaigns based on data-driven insights. Brands can conduct better A/B testing or multivariate testing to evaluate which version of a campaign resonates better with the target audience. By leveraging AI for testing purposes, marketers can make more accurate and powerful decisions that optimize email campaigns for maximum engagement.

Best AI Email Marketing Tools

To incorporate AI into their email marketing strategies, brands can utilize various tools and APIs:


CHATGPT is an AI-powered chatbot launched by OpenAI. It understands complex inputs and provides answers to questions in a conversational manner, making it an ideal tool for interactive email experiences.


Mailchimp offers personalization tools, send time optimization systems, and A/B testing tools to optimize email marketing processes and enhance engagement.


SEG is a Mailchimp extension that allows marketers to segment users based on browsing history and previous purchases. This segmentation enables targeted messaging tailored to individual customer preferences.


Automizy is a comprehensive tool that helps brands create automated workflows with personalized and dynamic user experiences. It also offers split testing capabilities and tracking metrics for optimizing email campaigns.


Google’s Cloud Prediction API enables brands to analyze data, track customer sentiments, build recommendations, and study user behavior for making accurate predictions in their email marketing efforts.

AI & Email Marketing FAQs

Can AI Write Emails?

Yes, there are several AI-powered tools available that can write emails. These tools can generate subject lines to increase open rates, optimize call-to-action (CTA) text for higher click rates, and even produce body content copy based on specific inputs.

What Are the Advantages of AI in Marketing?

AI learns about customers’ histories, engagement triggers, interests, and browsing habits, allowing for highly personalized email campaigns. It also automates tasks like data analysis, enabling faster decision-making and improved efficiency for marketing teams.

How Is AI Transforming Email Marketing?

AI is transforming email marketing by making it more personalized, automated, and effective. Through personalization, automation, predictive modeling, and segmentation capabilities, AI enables brands to create targeted messages that resonate with individual recipients.

Why Should We Use Automation in Email Marketing?

Automation allows brands to launch large-scale email marketing campaigns efficiently. It enables scalability by sending targeted messages to specific segments. Additionally, automation ensures consistency in email communication based on recipient behavior or other predefined criteria.

In conclusion, the integration of artificial intelligence into email marketing has revolutionized the way brands engage with their subscribers. By leveraging AI-driven tools and strategies, marketers can enhance segmentation efforts, optimize subject lines and email copy, provide compelling product recommendations, determine optimal send times, conduct smarter testing, and ultimately improve overall campaign performance. With the help of AI-powered tools and platforms mentioned in this blog post, brands can unlock the full potential of their email marketing efforts and drive higher engagement rates among their audience.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.