
Ecommerce Email Marketing For Beginners


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Email marketing is considered dead by most people. Did you know that 72% of people prefer email marketing to promote content? Surprisingly email marketing has become a major part of the eCommerce industry.

In this particular sector, the email open rate has risen to 21%. 2.56 percent of these people land on the website and a portion of them make purchases. Cool. Right?

You might be doing email marketing wrong if you feel it is not working for your business. E-Commerce email strategy includes many factors, such as campaign goals and personalization, timing, and other factors.

Let’s now dive into the best eCommerce email marketing strategies. Continue reading!

What is Ecommerce Email Market?

Let’s take a look at email marketing briefly. Email marketing can be defined as the sending of short- to long-form emails with commercial messages to a specific segment of people.

A specific message is sent via email to potential customers to be more precise. Emails are powerful tools for e-commerce businesses to attract, nurture and convert ideal prospects.

Email marketing is a great tool, but it has been subject to countless myths over the years. Email marketing is still considered a waste of time by many people today.

These are some eye-openers for anyone unsure whether email marketing works.

  • Research has shown that email marketing strategies are effective in generating $38 per $1 of brand spending.
  • McKinsey states that the AOV (Aka Average Order Value) is 3X greater than paid ads or social media branding techniques.
  • More than 80% of retail stores are using email promotions and campaigns.
  • Email marketing can influence 59% of your customers’ purchasing decisions

Most importantly, email is used daily by everyone, even you. Consider how often you check your email every day. MailMunch reports that more than 99% of customers check their email every day.

By 2023, the global email user base is expected to reach 4.3 billion. This is why email marketing is so popular.

9 Important Ecommerce Email Types You Must Not Miss

Different email templates are created by businesses based on their purpose or goal.

There are many types of emails: Loyalty and Re-engagement, Anniversary, Promoal, Post-Purchase Review or Rating Request Order Confirmation Tips/Educational Cart Abandonment Price Drop, Back in Stock, Delivery Confirmation Shopping Notifications, and many more.

Let’s look at a few types of email.

Promotional emails

You may receive a lot of promotional emails, but they are more strategic. Promo emails that don’t have a plan are a disaster.

To generate large clicks, promotional emails should be used in conjunction with email campaigns. The primary goal of promotional emails is to convert subscribers into customers and loyal customers.

Customer Nurturing/Loyalty emails

It is impossible to build trust and loyalty in one night. It takes a series of emails to make this happen. Your audience will be nurtured by a well-written email that is sent twice or three times per week.

Loyalty email marketing has side benefits. They increase brand credibility, and customer engagement, and increase customer lifetime value. You may have heard of premium or VIP memberships.

They are the most popular loyalty programs offered by brands. These emails require customers to sign up to receive great offers and invitations to special events.

Delivery emails

Delivering emails is a great way to increase customer engagement and trust with your ideal prospects.

After the product has been received by the customer, send an immediate delivery confirmation message and video tutorials. Based on product usage, the video length can vary from 30 seconds to 10 minutes.

You can also shoot user-generated content after that to get a glimpse into the product’s usage.

Confirmation Emails

A powerful tool in post-purchase email marketing is an order confirmation email. To prevent further disruptions, brands can use order confirmation emails to confirm the order.

These emails usually include pricing information, delivery dates, and other pertinent details. These emails usually include the order number/order tracking ID and delivery date. They also contain information about return policies, guarantee policies, and other highly-recommended items.

Re-Engagement emails

Even though you send emails to every email address, the majority of them are not noticed by your ideal prospects. Experts recommend leveraging re-engagement emails to engage users who haven’t responded to your emails.

These emails are tailored to a warm audience to help them get back on track. Personalization is key to re-engagement emails. It allows you to touch the user’s emotions.

It is even recommended to use phrases such as “It’s been a while.” We miss you!, “We love to see you again,” and “Please return (Name of the user)” are just a few examples. These messages should show your customer how much you love them. To make your customers feel special, send re-engagement emails.

Review or Rating Emails 

The eCommerce world is reliant on testimonials. Did you know that 4 out of 5 people check reviews before buying a product? Over 83% of customers check customer reviews before purchasing a new product.

Reviews and ratings build trust in brands and increase brand credibility. They also act as social proof and have a powerful impact on consumers’ buying decisions.

Review request emails are essential to building your brand. Review emails are used to solicit customer feedback about a product purchased.

Cart Abandonment emails

Consider how many times you have added an item to your “Add to Cart” but never bought it. Cart abandonment is a common problem in eCommerce.

Cart abandonment rates vary from 60% to 80%. Emails to customers are one of the best ways to deal with cart abandonments.

These emails are persuasive and conversion-oriented, motivating customers to buy. These emails are often used in marketing campaigns to increase ROI.

Price Drop Emails

Discounts and offers are a great way to save money. The success of eCommerce businesses is directly related to price drops. But, it is important to strategize price drops carefully, taking into account the prices of competitors and customers’ purchasing decisions.

While price drops can lead to quick sales, brands are vulnerable to losing their money if they’re not done right.

Send out emails immediately when you notice a price drop. These emails will encourage loyal customers and help them convert. Here’s a quick tip. To increase ROI, send personalized emails to cart abandoned users.

Back In-Stock Emails

Customers will be frustrated by the “out of stock” message on products. Sometimes the products are out of stock because of high demand for special occasions such as Black Friday, Christmas, New Year, or Halloween.

Stock-outs usually have a long-lasting effect.

  • This will reduce your sales.
  • Your customer will be influenced by the competition and they will purchase from them.
  • Ruins customer retention rate.

Back-in-stock email is a great way to get your customers. Back-in-stock emails build a strong relationships and increase sales quickly.

These Are The Key Elements To Create A Killer eCommerce Email Marketing Strategy

These are the most important elements to building a great eCommerce email marketing strategy. These elements include website conversions and personalized emails with persuasive messages.

Website Conversions

Building an email list is the first step to email marketing. How do you create an email list? Simple. It’s easy. Get great website traffic by creating amazing content and collecting visitors’ email addresses. Without an email list, email marketing is useless.

Website conversions are important because of this. To capture leads, optimize your website, particularly the homepage.

Here are some tips for generating emails:

  • A place for an email capture form is on the homepage of your website. The form should be eye-catching, but simple.
  • To increase signups, include testimonials, brand reviews, or ratings.
  • Your brand’s value and unique selling point should be displayed throughout the site.

Personalized emails

Personalization is the second most important aspect of email marketing. Personalization is viewed as a key factor in the future success of a brand by more than 30% of top marketers. Personalization is more than simply including the user’s name in the subject of an email. To build trust and establish a brand identity, send personalized messages to your audience’s email inbox. Here are some examples of email personalization:

  • Recommend similar products that your customers have purchased before.
  • Automate email based on user’s shopping behavior
  • Sending relevant content to specific users

Persuasive Messages 

You should ensure that you only send the most relevant messages to your customers based on your marketing goals. Every email should drive the audience through different sales funnel levels. You should have a clear message that motivates your audience to take specific actions.

Use non-spammy language and comply with the unsubscribe laws. To add emoticons to your copy, you can use emojis. Strong subject lines will increase your open rates. A split test is recommended to determine what works best for your situation.

Interactive Design

Email marketing is a big part of the online world. Design plays an important role. To attract customers, use brand colors that are retina-ready and soothing to their eyes.

Marketing should also consider mobile responsiveness. Mobile responsiveness is important because most people open the email on their phones.

Drip Campaign – The Evergreen Email Marketing Practice – 

Drip campaigns are great for launching products or selling products. This campaign works well for both B2B and B2C companies.

Launching a product is the most difficult task, no matter how much you have done in product development. It must be done correctly. The perfect drip email campaign to launch a product increases sales and yields the best results in no time.

The product launch email campaign consists of three components.

  • Pre-launch
  • Launch
  • Post-launch

Introduce the problem to start your pre-launch series. Next, explain how the problem will affect the customer’s daily life. This is an important step in the pre-launch process.

This is also known as agitation. Your customer will be more focused on the solution if you stress the problem more. Make sure to slowly present the solution.

This is the second stage, the launch. This stage is where you introduce the 48-hour challenge and offer products with deadlines.

A post-launch email should be included to inform the customer about the final discount. This is a great way to increase sales. These emails can be extended to as many people as you like based on conversion rates.

Drip campaigns can be powerful tools for increasing conversion rates. These drip campaigns are widely used in eCommerce. It’s now your turn to create highly strategic and purposeful media campaigns that drive sales.

Key Takeaways

Email marketing is one way to increase conversions. Email marketing is more effective than landing pages or social media. You only need to make sure you have all the customer data, analyze their behavior, and then send them personalized emails.

Avoid spam words in your email marketing. Every day, people receive a multitude of promotional emails. Most of these emails are treated the same as spam emails.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.