
The Most Effective Email Personalization Strategies For Sales


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This article will answer your questions about email personalization.

Before we look at the options, let’s first discuss email personalization and why it is important.

What does email personalization mean to you and why is it important?

Email personalization is a popular way to draw people into today’s digital world. Although you may not realize it, most content you see every day is personalized for you.

Facebook suggests posts that you might like from pages you don’t follow, Instagram ads, or LinkedIn posts. Everything you see is custom-designed for you and it’s based upon many factors.

According to Instagram’s access, they show you ads based on your Instagram and Facebook habits, as well as your overall engagement online.

It includes people you follow, websites you visit, and topics you are interested in. Instagram profiles you. They learn what content interests you and present it to you.

It’s a win-win situation. You get the content that you want and Instagram makes more money.

That’s the essence of customization: understanding your customers and learning their habits to create unique content that will interest them.

Email marketing customization is the act of targeting specific customers with targeted campaigns and engaging them using a personalized message.

Although personalized content does not guarantee success, it can increase your chances of conversion. Personalizing emails can increase open and click rates, for example.

Let’s now talk about email personalization.

Email is a powerful tool but can be tedious if you don’t know what to do.

You want to get the most from your email communications. Make sure they are relevant, personalized, and engaging.

There are six methods to achieve this:

1. Relevant

Relevance is one of the most important aspects of a personalized email. The average worker receives at least 121 emails each day. Many of those emails address the recipient by name.

Email personalization can be taken a step further to grab the attention of your subscribers by providing relevant content. Your email will be deleted if it doesn’t directly affect your subscriber.

2. Create Client Personas

Email personalization is a must for your business. Let’s now move on to segmenting customers’ emails. You can also use customer personas to make it even more personal.

With the help of lots of data, customer personas can be created. Instead of asking one question, group customers by combining attributes and actions.

NetProspex, a B2B marketing, and sales firm is one example that shows the value of customer personas.

They wanted to better understand their customers and create a more personal experience for them.

Each customer was assigned to one of three personas based on their website behavior and download history. Each lead can be sent personalized emails based on their website behavior and download history.

If a lead’s activity identifies them as “Christina”, then the firm knew that the visitor was more interested in Demand Generation.

NetProspex experienced a 111% rise in email charges after implementing client persona marketing. This was a smart, customized strategy that provided customers with a highly targeted experience.

3. Divide your audience

Now it’s time to split your email list.

Segmenting is an important step in achieving true customization.

It’s not good to send the same email to everyone, no matter what their buying habits or profile information.

This is exactly why you should examine your leads and reorganize them into smaller groups.

These segments are great for dividing leads.

Let’s take a closer look at these points.

  • Mobile vs. Desktop: Users who access most of their emails via mobile devices might need different creatives or HTML solutions that work better on smaller screens.
  • Demographics: Target segmentation can be made easier by using demographic data. For example, if your company sells clothes, for example, you will not send the same email to men and women with the same offer.
  • Engagement level: By seeing who opens your emails, and how often they do so, you can divide your audience into two groups: those that are high-potential leads or those that don’t care.
  • Buying habits: Targeting people based on their past purchases is one of the best ways to personalize emails.

4. Automated Behavior Trigger Emails

Behavior-triggered emails are real-time responses to your client’s reactions to your product.

If Facebook sends you an email because you haven’t logged in for a while, it is a behavior-triggered email.

They are amazing! You should use it if you don’t already.

Emails sent to triggers have a higher open rate than traditional emails. These emails are a great communication tool that can transform window shoppers into long-term customers for your company.

This clever use of behavior triggers is a smart one. It brings clients back to the website and encourages them to use the product. It is a well-timed and executed reminder that provides value to the customer.

5. Personalize your business

You don’t need to limit your customization to customers’ data.

Your brand can also be customized. Personalization can make big business more manageable and create a human connection between your customer and you.

Personalizing your emails is an important step towards targeting your customers more effectively, but there are more things your business can do.

To increase your success rate, you can link customized landing pages and emails. Your email and landing pages should have the same look and copy. They should also share the same personalized call-to-action for customers.

It can also be a marketing strategy that will work for your company. Look at the data that you already have about your customers to see what they can do with it. It is easier than you think.

6. It’s important to do so promptly

A personalized email must be timely.

You can learn what content your subscribers need at each stage of their customer journey by gathering enough information.

You can use your website to search for a topic or solution that they are looking for. Once you have an idea of what they need, craft and send them an email.


Email personalization doesn’t begin with the email you send. It starts with your leads, their habits, and how they use email.

Divide your leads and ensure that they are engaged at the correct time. To make things easier, you can send automated behavior-triggered emails.

You can then start working on messages and have fun with customization techniques.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.