
Enterprise Email Marketing: Ultimate Master Guide


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Did you know that 58% of adults check their email early in the morning? Email marketing is a powerful way to keep your brand front-of-mind with potential customers. It can also help you convert sales.

This page answers your most pressing questions about enterprise email marketing.

  • What’s enterprise email marketing?
  • What’s the difference between enterprise and traditional email marketing?
  • Why should I spend my money on email marketing for enterprise businesses?
  • How do I do email marketing for enterprise businesses successfully?

Need help with your enterprise email marketing strategy

What’s enterprise email marketing?

Enterprise email marketing is sending multiple emails to larger audiences to increase brand recognition and engagement. 

What’s the difference between enterprise and traditional email marketing?

The question, “What is enterprise email marketing?” has been answered. Let’s now address the most common question: How is enterprise email marketing different than email marketing?

Although these two types of email marketing might share some similarities, there are significant differences between a traditional strategy and an enterprise strategy.

These are just some of the emphases: 

1. Enterprise has more contacts

Enterprise email marketing differs from traditional email marketing in that enterprise companies tend to have a larger list of subscribers. 

Basic email plans are limited and can’t handle the volume required by enterprise businesses. Enterprise email marketing plans are required to manage your contacts.

2. Enterprise email processes more data

Increased subscribers mean more interaction.

Some basic email plans are not able to handle large amounts of data from email campaigns. Enterprise email strategies will be able to use email marketing software capable of processing your data.

3. Enterprise emails have a higher volume of messages

Your subscribers can receive emails continuously if your email strategy is in place.

Enterprises receive more emails than usual. Higher segmentation allows for more variety in your email strategy.

Basic email strategies may restrict you to sending emails to only three to four segments Enterprise businesses may have more subscribers or even double them.

An enterprise email marketing strategy can ensure that you provide a personal experience, even with a higher volume of emails.

Why invest in enterprise email marketing

If you are still not sure, here are some reasons to invest in enterprise email marketing.

1. Enterprise email marketing helps you nurture leads

You can nurture leads. This is why enterprise mail marketing is so important.

Once they have converted, you can continue to provide them with useful information to encourage them to choose your company.

2. Enterprise email marketing keeps your brand front-and-center

Email marketing for enterprises has the benefit of keeping your brand and business in front of your customers. 

These prospects will recall your brand and be more inclined than others to choose your business when it comes time to convert.

3. Enterprise sales increase through email marketing

Email marketing can be a great way for enterprise businesses to increase sales. It has a return on investment (ROI) of 4400%. This is $44 for every $1.

Direct promotions are sent to your email list to encourage conversions.

4. Enterprise email marketing helps you recover lost sales

Have you added products to your cart but left the page without purchasing them?

Chances are you’ll be among the 88% of people who abandon their online shopping carts. This problem can be solved with an email marketing strategy.

Email marketing can help recover sales lost by reminding prospects about their shopping carts and encouraging them to checkout. This will allow you to recover lost sales.

How do you choose the best enterprise email marketing tool

Enterprise email market software is an essential component of email marketing. Sometimes it can be hard to find the right software.

These characteristics are what you should be looking for when using enterprise email software.

1. Email automation

Automation Is a crucial component of your email marketing program. Automated Email Marketing is essential for helping you save time, engage prospects, and stay in touch at the right time.

Enterprises cannot send emails manually.

Automation features are essential when looking at enterprise email marketing tools. You can automate these tasks with email software.

2. Advanced segmentation

Learn how to do enterprise email marketing. This will allow you to understand the importance of segmentation in your email marketing campaign.

There are many subscribers, and not all of them will be interested in the same information. 

These advanced segment features are crucial.

Subscribers can be divided into groups using advanced segmentation. This is based on their interests in your business. 

Advanced segmentation lets you separate these two groups and focus emails on products that are of interest to them. 

Enterprise email marketing software requires advanced segmentation to ensure the right message is delivered at the right time.

3. A/B Testing

A/B testing is an additional feature you’ll need in your enterprise email marketing program.

A/B Testing is an important part of email marketing. Test the emails to see which ones drive the most traffic.

A/B Testing allows you to test one element at a time to determine which version works best. 

You can test different elements with email marketing software.

  • Your subject line
  • Your email header
  • Your graphics
  • For your Call To Action (CTA), click

The software allows you to conduct A/B tests and make modifications easily.

4. Custom dashboard

A custom dashboard should be a feature in enterprise email marketing software. When you invest, you want to track the performance of enterprise email marketing campaigns.

Email marketing can track a number of metrics such as

  • Open rate
  •  Clickthrough Ratio (CTR). 
  •  Bounce rate 
  •  Conversion Rate 
  • Unsubscribe
  • Spam complaints
  • There are many other

There are so many metrics that it can be overwhelming to decide which metrics are most important for your campaigns. Create a custom dashboard to see the most important metrics. 

To track your campaigns easily, a custom dashboard should be part of your email marketing software.

5. Email templates

Send multiple types of emails and personalized emails to your subscribers with an email campaign. 

An email template can help you keep your weekly newsletter consistent. You could also swap out outdated information and add new information.

To make it easy to create emails quickly, ensure your email marketing software has templates.

6. Support

Support should not be the last thing that you look for in enterprise email market software. Support should not be the last thing that you look for in email marketing software.

To reach your email marketing software, you should have an email support number. They can be contacted via chat, email, phone, or both.

Support is vital to resolve any issues quickly and ensure that your email marketing strategy works smoothly.

How to do enterprise email marketing successfully

While finding the right software is essential to ensure that enterprise email marketing succeeds, there are other best practices.

These six tips will help you master the strategy.

1. Segment your subscriber list

Segmenting subscriber lists will be the first step in enterprise email marketing. Enterprise businesses will have more subscribers.

Create buyer personas to segment your subscriber list. This will allow you to better understand your target market and help you market to them.

Take a look at your customers and draw out their characteristics, such as:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Occupation
  • Interests
  • Hobbies
  • Socioeconomic status
  • Shopping habits

After you have created your personas, you can segment subscribers based on the persona they are.

Segmenting subscribers allows you to send the most relevant content and increase conversion rates.

2. Customize the subscriber experience

You can personalize your experience by segmenting your subscribers. This is the next step to creating an enterprise email campaign strategy that works.

Customize the experience for your audience using

  • Send them content that is relevant to you
  • Include the subscriber’s name in the subject line of the email and the email content.
  • Include the subscriber’s email address in the email (“Memphis Member exclusive”)
  • Send trigger emails based on their behavior (e.g. they look at an item and send an email about it).
  • Products that you are interested in

A personalized experience can help increase engagement and convert more customers into your enterprise business.

3. Make your subject line attractive

You must start by creating a compelling subject line to market enterprise email

Since 47% of email subscribers open emails based on the subject line, it’s important to grab their attention immediately to encourage them to open your emails.

How do you increase your email open rates?

These are some suggestions:

  • Send an email asking a question.
  • Have a look at this …). sale
  • Personalize with a subscriber name
  • Use appropriate emojis for the context (e.g. the shoe emoji to market shoes).
4. Create email drip campaigns

Now let’s talk about email drop programs to keep prospects engaged with your emails. Email drip Marketing Is essential for keeping prospects interested in your email communications.

You can send emails to your subscribers using email drip campaigns. These emails are designed to track prospects’ interactions with your company and help them move down the sales funnel.

You can create multiple email drip campaigns, including:

  • Welcome campaigns 
  • Retargeting campaigns
  • Abandon cart campaigns
  • Post-purchase campaigns

Take, for instance, that someone signs up for your email newsletter. Next, you could send an email drip campaign to thank them for signing up. Invite these subscribers to follow your social media accounts a few days later.

The final email may contain a survey to “get to know you”. This is where subscribers can share their interests to help you market better to them.

Email drip campaigns are vital for keeping prospects engaged and moving them toward conversion (or the other way around). ).

5. Create email templates

Learn how to market your enterprise email marketing. You should begin by creating email templates.

Email templates can be used to outline your emails. You just need to add new information each time you send an email.

Make sure that your email template matches the style of your brand. You will need to use your branding throughout your email.

6. Test your emails

Test your email It is crucial to make sure you are sending the best email possible to enterprise customers.

You can test elements like yours, which we have already discussed.

  • Subject line
  • Multimedia
  • Style of CTA button
  • Placement for the CTA button
  • Email length

Testing your emails can help you get better results with your campaigns.

Need help with enterprise email marketing

Email marketing can be daunting for enterprise businesses. Kobe Digital is here to help.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.