
Everything You Need To Know About Responsive Websites


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What is responsive web design?

Responsive Web Design is a flexible and approachable web design that adapts to the screen size of each device. This allows for better web page design and user experience. Responsive web design can resize entire webpages according to the device’s needs. Responsive web design services in Miami offers a better user interface and better experience on any device (Mobile, Tablet, PC, Laptop, Tablet, etc ).

Responsive web designing is a way to create websites that are responsive. It allows you to display your website on a variety of devices. It adapts to every device and delivers the right output according to the screen size, resolution, platform, and platform.

It doesn’t matter what your initial impression is, it won’t hurt to learn more about the process developers use to create sites that meet modern mobile-driven web requirements. This article will explain Responsive Website Design and the concepts behind it.

Do You Need Responsive Web Design?

Online business is all about first impressions. In 2019, you cannot make assumptions about how visitors are using your site. Sweatpants are not appropriate for a first date. You wouldn’t want potential customers’ first encounter with your company marred by poor user experience.

In a matter of hours, a person can use a combination of a computer and a tablet or a smartphone, as well as a TV, on the same device. A recent study by Google showed that 90% of people use multiple devices to achieve a goal. Responsive is the best choice if you are considering a redesign of your website or looking to increase conversion and engagement.

Why are Responsive Websites important?

Responsive web design is the core of responsive web design. It means that a website can be built to offer a user an excellent experience, regardless of what device it is being accessed from. It is possible to only use one set of source codes regardless of how many ways you want the content displayed.

Responsive websites will be sensitive to screen resolution and size, and will adjust the layout and position of elements. To provide the best viewing and reading experience, the size of media and text will be adjusted to accommodate this. Navigation and menu behavior will also change to prioritize the most important content.

The Benefits of Responsive Web Design

You can save time and money by changing your approach and being more responsive. You can save money by investing in one site and not having to maintain two. You can save even more money by using a Content Management System (CMS). This means that you will only need to update one site.

Recommend by Google

Google publicly supports Responsive Web Design because it is consistent with their high standards for good content and a clean linking structure. You may be able to reap SEO benefits by making the indexing process easier for search engines and limiting duplicate content.


“61% have a higher opinion of brands when they provide a great mobile experience.” Source: Latitude

“57%” of users don’t like a mobile site that is poorly designed. Source: Google

Mobile web is more popular than ever and statistics show that great mobile experiences make a big difference for consumers. Site owners use responsive web design to deliver this. It offers them long-term advantages and keeps them in line against the increasing competition.

Go Responsive is the best choice if you care about making a good first impression, visitor retention and user experience.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.