
How Facebook Relevance Score and Quality Ranking Work


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The Facebook Ads Relevance Score was an old method that gave each a rating between 1-10 points. The Relevance Score was calculated based on your audience’s engagement and feedback.

In late 2019, Facebook replaced the Relevance Score with 3 new metrics called Ad Relevance Diagnostics.

  • Qualitative Ranking
  • Ranking of Engagement Rates
  • Conversion rate ranking

You now have more detailed guidance to improve your ad results, rather than one rating of 1-10.

Facebook now offers three quality metrics

You can still find many outdated articles when you search Google for “Facebook Ad Relevance score”. These guides are still useful for finding tips and tricks to improve your ads’ quality ranking.

This guide will show you how to calculate the Facebook Ad Quality Score in 2020.

We will also share many tips and tricks to improve your ad quality metrics and lower CPCs and CPAs in your Facebook Ad campaigns. 

Let’s first take a look at the quality metrics on Facebook before we move to the tips. We want to understand their meaning and how they are calculated.

Facebook Relevance Score Changed To Ad Relevance Diagnostics

Quality scores on Facebook ads are key indicators that can affect your ad delivery as well as the price of your Facebook campaigns.

This Facebook explanation explains the logic behind relevant ads:

People prefer ads that are relevant to their lives. Businesses that show their ads to the right audiences will see better results. Before delivering an advertisement to someone, we evaluate how relevant each ad is. More relevant ads are less expensive and produce more results.

You can use ad relevance diagnostics to determine if the ads you ran were appropriate for the audience you reached.

A higher ad relevance = less cost-per-result = better results

To determine if your campaigns are not meeting your advertising goals, use ad relevancy diagnostics.

  1. Your creative assets (ad photos and videos).
  2. Experience after clicking (landing page, app listing)
  3. Audience targeting (ad set’s targeting)

We shouldn’t jump too fast. Let’s examine each of these metrics more closely and learn how they are calculated.

Facebook Ad Quality Ranking and How to Improve It

Each ad is assigned a Quality Ranking. It can be viewed in your Ad Reports in the Facebook Ads Manager.

This shows how your audience responds to an ad, and how they interact with the post-click experience. Your ad will be ranked against other ads targeting the same audience.

Quality Ranking can be described as the sum of two quality metrics: Conversion Rate Ranking and Engagement Ranking.

Facebook also considers in its Quality Ranking calculations how many times your ad has been hidden as well as assessments of clickbait and engagement bait.

There are five levels of Quality Score.

  • Above average
  • Average
  • Below average (Bottom 35% ads)
  • Below the average (Above 20% of ads).
  • Below the average (Bottom 10%)

The highest possible rating for your ads is “Above Average”. We have found that ads that are rated “Average” and “Above average” indicate good performance.

If your ads are below average (or if you are unhappy with the results of your Facebook advertising campaign), you need to work harder on your landing page and ad creatives.

10 hacks and tips to increase your quality score on Facebook ads

Enhancing your Ad-Level Quality Scores means making your creatives more appealing and optimizing your landing pages.

These are the 10 best ways to reach that “Above Average” level.

  1. Increase the value proposition and copy of your Facebook ads.
  2. Enjoy special discounts and offers for a limited time
  3. Include more calls-to-actions in your ad copy.
  4. Try out new layouts and colors for your ads.
  5. Make sure that your ads are correct for every placement.       
  6. You can double the quality score of your ads by using higher-quality creatives.
  7. Try out new Facebook advertising types.
  8. Try Facebook video ads.
  9. Improve your landing page conversion rates.
  10. Mobile-responsive landing pages are essential.

1. Enhance your Facebook ads’ copywriting and value proposition

You are a marketer and you know that your value proposition is key to winning the hearts of your customers.

D. Ogilvy, an advertising legend, put it this way:

“Not just words, but product hype, not just show-window marketing. Every advertisement should say to the reader, “Buy this product and you will receive this benefit.”

Ogilvy’s advertisement for Sears is a great example of this guidance: Shop at Sears to SAVE! It’s simple.

Even small details in your Facebook ads can make a huge difference.

These rules will help you improve the copy of your ad copy

  1. Concentrate on one benefit per ad.
  2. Be sure that the benefits you offer are valuable and relevant to your audience.
  3. Make sure your ad copy is concise and clear.
  4. In the headline, include a call to action (what should the viewer next do?). ).

Additional tip: Make sure to add your key value proposition (or other copy) to your Facebook ad. This is the first copy that people will read.

Consumer Acquisition found that visuals are the most important aspect of Facebook ads. They are responsible for between 75% and 90% of your overall ad performance. Your Facebook ad image won’t grab attention and nobody will ever read the amazingly written copy.

2. Enjoy limited-time discounts and other offers     

Discounts are a favorite of people. Including a special offer in your ads will help increase engagement and click-through rates.

3. Incorporate more calls-to-actions in your ad copy

Facebook ads offer many text boxes you can use to customize your ads.

  • The main text
  • The headline
  • Link description

All of these can be converted into actionable advice to guide people to the next step (be that a purchase, signup, or reading your blog post).

Add a call-to-action in your Facebook ad’s title, just next to the CTA button.

Make sure to brand your call-to-action in your ad images with contrasting colors.

Additional tip: Make sure you end your video ads with a call-to-action.

Many advertisers have created amazing video ads, but they fail to convert. The reason this happens is that the call-to-action is not clear in the video ads.

Story-format ads are especially suitable for adding a CTA text at the end of your video ads, as there will be no accompanying copy to inform the viewer what comes next.

Here are some call-to-action formulas you can use

  • Get X for free for X Days.
  • Get started now.
  • Start now for nothing
  • Subscribe.
  • Sign up.
  • Take $X off your first order
  • Get an e-book/course for free

4. Try out new layouts and colors for your ad images

An alternative way to improve the performance of Facebook ads is to update their visuals.

You can expect people to get tired of your ads after you’ve run them for a month.

Sometimes, a background change can reduce ad fatigue and increase click-through rates.

You can use different layouts for your ads, in addition to playing with colors.

5. Be sure to use the correct format for every placement possible.

Facebook offers many different placements for your ads.

These are the top three ad sizes for all Facebook static image placements.

  • Landscape: 1200×628 pixels
  • Square: 1080×1080 pixels
  • Portrait: 1080 x 1920 pixels

We recommend you create your ads in each of these formats, and then add them to your campaigns using the Facebook Ad placement customization feature.

When editing your ads in Ads Manager, you can upload multiple sizes of images. This will increase your ads’ quality scores across all Facebook placements.

6. Get more creatives for your ads with better quality scores

You already have ads that have been rated “Above Average”, so why not use this to double the impact of what is working?

Facebook Ads Manager allows you to review the relevancy metrics of your ads and identify the ads that have the highest Quality Ranking. You can analyze the reasons they outperform other ads by looking at the messaging and visuals.

Look for ads with an “Above Average” rating

You can make new modifications to the most successful ads once you have found them.

  • Try a new copy to test your best-performing ads.
  • Try new colors and illustrations to improve the performance of your most successful ads.
  • Your top-performing static images can be animated.

Pro tip: After you add new ad creativity to an ad group, stop the old low-performing ads. This will help Facebook’s delivery algorithm learn more quickly. You can also increase your campaigns’ Quality Score by removing low-scoring ads.

7. New types of Facebook ads

We have focused mainly on improving your Facebook Ad Quality Ranking through better static single-image ads.

There are however many other Facebook ad types you can test:

  • Carousel ads
  • Ads for Lead
  • Ads from the Collection
  • You can also find many  other options

Facebook Lead ads are a great way to get leads without asking people to leave Facebook. If you don’t have a well-designed (and highly converting!) landing page, this is an option.

Facebook Carousel ads allow you to include up to 10 images in one ad. This is an excellent option for marketers who want to display multiple products simultaneously.

You can test the new Facebook ads by adding them to your existing ad set so they are competing with your other ads. This will allow you to see which creatives have the highest relevancy scores and other quality ratings.

8. Check out Facebook video ads

Video ads can be added to your Facebook campaign mix to improve the relevancy score.

Video ads can significantly lower the cost per result of your Facebook campaigns.

Start by creating simple animations. However, for the highest Quality Rankings, you should create fast-paced, elaborate video creatives.

 These best practices will ensure that your video ads are successful:

  • In 2 seconds, capture the attention
  • Copy and Scenes can be changed FAST.
  • Use a CTA to end the ad

9. Improve your landing page conversion rates

Your Facebook ad quality score is not only based on the ad copy, but also on the post-click experience. Your ads may lose their Quality Score if users click on your ad but land on uninteresting pages.

Poor landing page experiences can occur when:

  • The landing page loads too slowly.
  • The landing page does not grab people’s attention.
  • The landing page does not encourage people to convert, e.g. A purchase.

Good landing pages make it easy for the viewer to understand what is being offered and get so excited about the product that they sign up or buy.

These are the most popular sections for landing pages to include:

  • The hero section
  • The section on social proof
  • Section Features
  • Section “How it works”
  • Section Footer

Each section should have a clear message and be attractive to the eyes.

10. Mobile-responsive landing pages are essential

Mobile devices account for the majority of Facebook ad views. This means that the majority of website clicks happen on a smartphone screen.

Review your landing page mobile optimization if you aren’t seeing strong conversion rates or time-on-page.

You can also run a page loading speed test using Google’s free tool. This will help you determine how to speed up your website’s loading speed, especially for mobile devices.

Pro tip: Use landing page tools such as Unbounce to quickly create attractive and mobile-responsive landing web pages.

Now you should have plenty of ideas to improve your Facebook Ad Quality Score. Next, we will discuss how to increase your ad relevance by fixing the Engagement Rating Ranking.

Facebook Ad Engagement Ranking and Tips to Improve It

The Engagement Rating Ranking of Facebook Ad Campaigns shows the engagement level of your target audience with your ads.

This metric measures clicks and likes as well as comments. Your ad will be ranked with other ads targeting the same audience

There is a five-level engagement rate.

  • Above average
  • Average
  • Below average (Bottom 35% ads)
  • Below the Average (Bottom 20 Percent of Ads)
  • Below the Average (Bottom 10%)

It’s fair to say that steps to increase your Engagement Ranking are similar to those to improve your Quality Ranking. The creative quality of your ads will determine how click-through rates and how people interact.

Another trick to increase engagement in your ads is to collect as much social proof as you can under one ad.

Dark posts can be used to improve your engagement ranking via social proof

Facebook ads can target multiple audiences. To do this, you will need to create multiple ad sets with different ads.

But, if you have the same ad copy set up in 10 different ad sets, it will produce 10 unique post IDs. Each advertisement will start to get its shares, likes, and comments.

Now, imagine if you had 10 ads that were identical in likes and comments. But instead of 10 ads that have 10 likes each and 10 comments each, one ad could contain all comments from your ad set.

These are ads or posts that aren’t live but can’t be found organically. 

This will allow you to reuse the same ad in multiple ad sets. For a better engagement rate, you can collect more likes and shares.

1. Create a new Facebook ad in one of your ad groups.

Follow the Facebook Advertising Manager’s regular advertising creation process.

2. Get the ID for the new Facebook Ad.

Navigate to Ads Manager. Open the ad in a new tab. Copy the ID from the URL.

3. The ad can be added to other campaigns by using the correct ID.

Click on the appropriate ad sets to create a new advertisement. Next, select “Select Page Post” and enter your new ID.

Facebook can allow you to have hundreds of likes by using the same ad ID for multiple campaigns and ad sets.

This Asana ad has a lot of popularity. It is liked, commented on, and shared many times.

More likes on your Facebook ads will result in more clicks. More likes will increase trust in your brand.

Now we know how to evaluate and improve two Facebook ad quality metrics. Conversion Rate Ranking is our last task.

Continue reading to learn the best audience targeting strategies and campaign optimization tips for Facebook ads that are more targeted!

How can you improve your Facebook Ad Conversion Rate Ranking?

The Conversion Rating Ranking of Facebook Ads calculates your likelihood of reaching your ad optimization goals compared to ads with the exact opposite optimization goal.

It’s quite complex, right? Restore Facebook relevance score

The Conversion Rating Ranking simply puts, it shows how likely an ad is to convert. It can be used for website signups, or online store purchases.

There is a total of five levels for conversion ranking.

  • Above average
  • Average
  • Below average (Bottom 35% ads)
  • Below the Average (Bottom 20 Percent of Ads)
  • Below the Average (Bottom 10%)

A Conversion rate Ranking of at least one ad in your ad set is a good indicator that you are doing well.

What happens if your ads score lower than average? There’s a way! Here’s the advice:

8 tips to optimize your Facebook ads for higher conversion rates

Your audience’s interaction with your Facebook ads determines your engagement score. Your Conversion rank score, however, is directly tied to the relevancy of your offer to your target audience and their post-click activity.

To improve your Facebook ads’ Conversion Rate Ranking, you will need to make sure there’s a strong audience-offer match and that your ads and landing page are properly conversion-rate-optimized.

These Facebook campaign optimization tips and targeting recommendations will help you increase your Facebook ads’ conversion rate.

  1. Target Lookalike Audiences for Your Top Customers.
  2. Remarketing campaigns that have higher relevance scores are possible
  3. You should not have more than 5 ads per week.
  4. To scale your results, you need to expand your ad audience.
  5. Ad campaigns should be optimized to convert, not reach and clicks.
  6. Every ad set should generate 50+ conversions per week.      
  7. You can save money on impressions by lowering your budget.
  8. Make your ads local in

These best practices can be used to increase the performance of existing campaign campaigns. Learn about Facebook campaign setup.

1. Target Lookalike Audiences for your top customers

A Facebook campaign will most likely be launched with only 1-2 ad sets. These ads can be targeted at people who reside in a specific country.

Remember to use the most powerful Facebook targeting tool: Lookalike audiences.

These audiences are Facebook’s way to reach customers who have similar interests to your high-value customers. You will be able to target people more likely to buy or convert.

Create a “seed audience”, a Facebook Custom Audience, that represents the look you want your Lookalike audience members.

There are three main options for creating a seed audience to a Lookalike audience.

  1. Upload top customer data to Facebook
  2. Facebook Pixel events are a way to create a custom audience.
  3. Create a custom audience using Facebook Pixel data.

To create a Lookalike audience:

  • A Facebook Custom audience (the seed audience) can be created.
  • Create a lookalike audience using this Custom Audience

We recommend adding at least 1% and 5% lookalike audiences for your Facebook ads.

These three ideas will help you get started creating high-value Lookalike audiences.

  • Create a Lookalike audience by combining people who purchased in the past 60 days.
  • The top 10% of customers should create Lookalike audiences.
  • Create a Lookalike group with people who have completed valuable conversion events (like signing up for an account or adding items to your shopping cart).

Additional tip: To test multiple Lookalike audiences simultaneously, you can upload multiple ad sets.

2. Set up a remarketing campaign to increase your relevancy scores.

Facebook Remarketing Ads usually have a higher Quality Score than regular broad targeting campaigns. This is because your target audience is familiar with your brand.

Statistics from CMO.com show that remarketing ads have higher click-through rates than regular ads.

Retargeted audiences are 70% more likely to convert than cold audiences

Remarketing ads can help you increase your relevancy score and drive more sales.

Remarketing allows you to show more ads to people that have visited your website within the past 15 or 30 days.

Facebook remarketing can be used to reach past customers and invite them to come back to your online shop to purchase more products.

Tip – Use special offers to improve your conversion rate in remarketing advertisements

  • Take x% off your next purchase
  • Limited Time Offer: x% Discount
  • Get $100 off on All Orders Above 500
  • You may be eligible to receive a special discount on certain product lines

An additional tip: Make your special offers more urgent to encourage people to take action faster.

You might consider limiting the discount period to 10 or 1 month to increase sales.

Create a custom audience with the people you want to target and then create a Facebook remarketing campaign.

P.S. P.S. P.S.

3. You should not have more than 5 ads per week     

Facebook Ad Frequency measures how many people have seen your ads within a certain period.

The frequency of an ad is the number of times you have seen it repeatedly. 

AdEspresso looked at how frequency affects the ads’ click-through rate, CPC, and cost per conversion. 

Click-through rates for ads that are viewed twice by people dropped 8.91% after they were viewed two times. The cost per click for similar ads was 98.51% less than when they were first viewed.

Check your past 7 days of ad frequency to determine if you have a low Facebook Ad Quality Score.

  • Visit the Facebook ads, Manager.
  • Select the 7 most recent days.
  • Set your report’s columns to show delivery metrics.
  • View the frequency of each ad group and then go in-depth to see individual ads’ frequencies.
  • If your frequency is excessive, you can change your campaign.

What is the optimal Facebook ad campaign frequency? How often should you modify your ad set to decrease the view count per audience member?

  • Broad targeting Facebook ads. If your ad sets for broad targeting Facebook campaigns have a frequency higher than 5.0 points, it means that either your target audience is larger or your budget is lower.
  • Facebook Remarketing Campaigns are different. If you want to reach warm audiences more frequently, you can use a frequency between 5-15 points.

4. If you want to scale your results, expand your ad audience

If you’re getting great results, you will want to scale up your Facebook campaigns.

More people equals higher profits.

Sometimes it isn’t so easy.

Increase your Facebook campaign budget to achieve the same results. This could result in lower conversion rates and a decrease in your Quality Score.

To ensure you can scale your campaigns’ results, it is best to update multiple campaigns at once.

  • Increase the ad budget of top-performing ad sets every 24 hours by 20%
  • Increase your reach to reduce ad frequency.
  • Add new visuals to your ads to get people more interested in new visuals.

Another tip: Allow your ads campaigns to run for at most 48 hours after you have made any changes.

5. Ad campaigns should be optimized to convert, not reach or clicks

Facebook offers many optimization options. These can be set up at the campaign level or later at the ad set level. Reach, traffic, conversions, sales leads…

Your ad relevancy scores will be affected by the optimization method you use. It determines the segment of your target audience that your ads will reach.

Choose wisely.

This is a good option if you want to drive leads or sales through your website.

  • Select the Conversions campaign goal.
  • Optimize your Ad Delivery for Signup and Purchase Events at the ad set level

Facebook algorithms optimize your ads for conversions to ensure your ads are shown to the most likely users.

This will ensure that your ads reach a targeted audience.

P.S. P.S.

If you’re unable to optimize campaigns for conversions, Landing Page Optimization is a great option. The Facebook Pixel should always be used.

6. Every ad set should reach at least 50+ conversions per week

After optimizing Facebook ads for conversions have you started your campaign’s “Learning phase”?

This is the learning phase. It’s when Facebook’s advertising delivery system learns more about an ad set.

The learning phase usually ends after an ad set reaches 50 optimization events since its last significant edit.

After the 50th conversion, your ads won’t convert. Your ads will still be displayed to the right audience based on algorithms.

These Facebook tips will help your Facebook ads get to the end of their learning phase faster.

  • After the learning phase is complete, edit your ad sets or campaigns. This will reset Facebook’s optimization abilities and slow down learning.
  • Don’t make any changes to your ads that would cause them to go back to the learning phase.
  • Do not create large campaigns or ads. The delivery system will learn less about each ad and ad set.
  • Be realistic about your budget. Avoid frequent budget adjustments.

Additional tip: Instead of having five campaigns per country for your ads, create one cold targeting campaign per country and one remarketing campaign. This will limit the number of ads to 2-3.

This will allow you to create campaigns that are optimized with higher ad relevancy scores and faster.

7. To save money on impressions, reduce your budget.

If your cost-per-conversion for ad campaigns for advertising is too high, you can reduce your budget by 72 hours. 

How can you determine if your advertising budget should be cut?

  • Your ad frequency over the past 7 days is shown below. You are more likely to deliver than you promise.
  • Review past campaigns. If you notice an increase in cost-per-result, reduce your budget.

Facebook ads can be more effective than you think. You don’t need to lower your budget to get more results.

The extra budget can be used to fund an ad campaign in another market or you can save it and use it to create better ads.

By lowering your budget and delivery frequency, your ads will reach fewer people that aren’t interested. Your Quality Score will also be higher

8. Make your ads local in the language

This article is over. Let me give you a gift: Many advertisers, especially those in the US, overlook translating their ads for their largest markets.

Localized ads on Facebook have higher Quality Rankings, so people are more inclined to interact with ads in their native languages.

MeetFrank compared Facebook ads in English with the local languages of Estonia, Lithuania, and Finland. This figure is significant, especially when you consider the thousands of ad investments.

The ads were identical and they used the same copy. 

Is it worth it? Are you able to create a brand and messaging strategy for each market? Let’s face it…

  • Translations may take some time.
  • All creative ads must be locally translated
  • Advertising that uses different messages for each market will take 10x more time.

You should market a popular B2C product such as ecommerce or food delivery apps. Marketing a product that is not in English will result in a smaller user base.

A B2B/SaaS product can be translated into English. However, SaaS tools like Slack allow users to localize their products in all major markets.

This guide is finished. We hope you’ve gained some new information about Facebook Ad Quality Scores and Ad Relevance Diagnostics.

The Facebook Ad Relevance Score is often referred to as the old ad quality score of 1-10. 

Quick recap

We thought it would be useful to compile all of the tips in this article. To make it easier to use the new hacks, and to increase your quality score on Facebook ads.

Let’s get to the point… Here are some tips to increase your Facebook ads’ engagement, and conversion rates:

  1. Improve the value proposition and copy for your Facebook ads.
  2. Get special offers and discounts for a short time
  3. Add more calls to action in your ad copy.
  4. Create new layouts and colors to promote your business.      
  5. Make sure your ads are correctly formatted for all placements.
  6. Using higher-quality creatives can increase the quality of your ads.
  7. Explore new Facebook advertising options.
  8. Use Facebook video ads.
  9. Improve your landing page conversion rates.
  10. Mobile-responsive landing pages are vital.
  11. Target Lookalike Audiences for Your Top Customers.
  12. Remarketing campaigns that have higher relevance scores are possible
  13. You should not have more than 5 ads per week.
  14. Remarketing campaigns should have a maximum of 10-15 views per week.
  15. To scale your results, you need to expand your ad audience.
  16. Ad campaigns should be optimized to convert, not reach and clicks.
  17. Every ad set should generate 50+ conversions per week.      
  18. You can save money on impressions by lowering your budget.
  19. Use the remaining budget to create better ads.
  20. Make your ads local in

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.