
How To Build A Case Study For Effective Marketing


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You might already be familiar with the phrase “Content king,” but you may not know that there are many types and types of content in marketing. What type of content should you use?

Let’s look at it this way: What kind of content do your customers want to view, listen to, or read?

No wonder,

They want the truth!

They would rather have something that is credible, valuable, and impactful, instead of the countless content available on eCommerce websites. Case studies are an extremely powerful marketing tool.

This article will cover what case studies are and how you can use them in your marketing campaigns.

What is a Case Study?

A case study is a detailed investigation into a case in order to determine its functionality and potential success. A case study may be about a single person, group, or event.

A case study can be used to tell a story. A case study in medicine may show a successful treatment. A case study in business might be an example of a company’s strategy. A case study is a description of how a product/service helps customers achieve their goals. To consolidate the quality and incredibility of your products, you can post case studies on your website.

What is a marketing case study?

Telling a true story is a persuasive way to prove your point

A case study in marketing is a story about a customer or client who has seen positive results from using your product.

Statistics should show the success of your product or service. For example, a 10% increase in sales is a good indicator.

What is a case study?

From the beginning to the happy end

A case study format is usually very similar to a brief story about your product/service. The story structure generally includes three parts.

  • Introduction to the characters (a client/customer)
  • The plot is the problem that character is trying to solve
  • The happy ending (how your product/service helps the customer solve their problem).

Your narrative should be engaging. This will make it easier for the audience to relate and increase the number of leads that you can generate.

Is there any evidence that case studies are effective?

You can be proven to be proof

On average, UK marketers use 12 different marketing strategies. They used case studies most popularly after newsletters, blogs, social media and website articles.

According to the Content Marketing Institute (CMI), 73% of B2B marketers think case studies are valuable. The LinkedIn Technology Marketing Community ranks case studies among the top three content marketing strategies after social media content and blogging.

What is more powerful: a case study or a testimonial?

Both testimonial and case study are word of mouth marketing tactics, but the engagement results of these two strategies are significantly different.

The testimonials are not limited to generic praises

Testimonials can be very general statements about your products or services. The problem with testimonials is the lack of persuasive details. Consequently, testimonials are often not convincing enough to convince people to choose your product over the others.

Prospects will find it less convincing to use testimonials on many websites. They will quickly be able to skip the testimonial section of your website.

A case study to show how you can draw a complete picture

Consider your company offering architectural design services. A testimonial about how impressed your service has made someone who is looking for a designer to landscape their home is less likely than someone who is looking for a designer.

You can view statistics and listen to real-life stories from people who have used your service. They are more likely to pay for a case study that has been presented.

This case study shows the story of a customer who sought your services to renovate a small apartment measuring 25 m2. Another shows how your designer transformed a small space into a spacious and smart one using sliding wall partitions, light mixtures and multifunctional shelves. This second design will be more appealing to potential clients. Potential clients will be more inclined to spend longer on your site to learn about your services.

Because it provides objective evidence from beginning to ending, a case study can be more effective in engaging potential clients.

What are the advantages of case studies?

1. Your brand attributes should be highlighted

A case study can help a brand demonstrate their strengths effectively. A real customer story is used to demonstrate the brand attributes.

Case studies can help you differentiate your brand from the rest.

2. Support with thought leadership

When you’re trying to position your brand as the solution to your client’s problems, case studies can be a great way to show thought leadership. They will be able to get valuable advice from case studies.

Your potential clients will appreciate your expertise and be more comfortable with your credibility if you have more case studies.

3. It’s easy to make a difference in your life

When people hear/read about your product/service, it is easier for them to understand and remember its benefits.

4. Customers have a better chance of getting their endorsement

Case study is more convincing than direct advertising and customers are more likely to trust the brand’s credibility when they see genuine endorsements from customers.

5. SEO friendly

Search engines love case studies because they provide useful content (relevant keywords) for your website. Websites that regularly showcase case studies will likely rank higher than websites that don’t.

6. Multichannel distribution

You can publish case studies to various platforms, such as newspapers, YouTube for video, Twitter or Facebook for promotion.

How to use case studies in your website

Case studies are a great way to increase brand awareness and create value. These are some ways you can use case studies to your website.

1. Display case studies on our homepage

Your homepage is your living room. Prospects will take the time to look at your homepage before proceeding to the next step.

Don’t miss the opportunity to show them happy customers.

  • Customer quotes/ testimonials
  • To view case studies, click on the CTA (call to action)

2. Case studies can be used on product pages

Customers can benefit from each product’s unique benefits and solutions. Customers will find landing pages and product pages more attractive if they provide information about the product features as well as the success stories of customers using your product/service.

This will allow your audience to easily relate product features to real-life situations. As a result, the motivation to buy is increased.

3. Make case-study videos

Videos will make case studies more interesting because they include both sound and images. A video is more appealing than a long case study.

To attract customers, case study videos can be posted on the homepage, product pages, landing pages or any CMS page.

4. Blog posts about your case study

A blog post is a way to share a case study and to make it more accessible to the public. You should not make a blog post about your company, product, or service. Instead, the blog post should focus on the company’s challenge or issue and the solutions they have found. You can also mention your product/service support.

5. Use polite slide-in CTA

Visitors will often feel annoyed by a large, annoying popup in the middle of a page. Slide-in CTA allows you to save your users’ experience on-page and still display your message.

A slide-in CTA can be used on your product page. It also links to a case study which profiles a customer who had a positive experience using your product. The slide-in CTA can be relevant and discrete, which encourages customers to continue their journey instead of being distracted.

6. Create a case study website 

A dedicated website is required to house case studies that you have collected in large numbers.

To make it easier for customers to find the page, give it a clear title such as “Case studies” or “Successful tales”.

The second is the organization of the case study page.

How to use case studies on your website

1. Case studies of social media are available

Sharing case studies of social media is such a good choice of content.

To engage your audience, you can share customer stories on your social media channels. Your audience will trust the positive comments made by your customers. This shows that you have a positive relationship with your customers.

Remember to tag and mention your customers when you share a case study. This simple trick will make them feel more involved with your content and show appreciation.

You can also update your Facebook or Twitter cover photo with customers. You can combine multiple photos to create a complete one that features your customers. This will make your social media profile more friendly and customer-centric.

2. Email marketing should include case studies

Email marketing continues to be the leading contributor to both and B2B businesses in terms of the return on investment. There were 293.6 billion emails received and sent each day in 2019. Email marketing is a valuable tool that your business cannot afford to ignore.

How can you get your email noticed among the countless number of others? Use case studies.

Email nurturing can benefit from case studies. It’s also a great way for customers to re engage with you about your products and services.

3. Use case studies to help your sales team

Buyers are now more informed and circumspect. It’s not a good idea to talk about features and benefits with customers.

Instead, it would be great if sales reps could reach customers with real case studies of how other people have used your products.

4. Make case studies videos

You can make case studies videos if you have the budget and customers are willing to film. You can upload videos to your Youtube channel and share them on other social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter.

Videos are the future for marketing. It’s no surprise that once your video is recognized and engages with your audience, its benefits go beyond what you could ever imagine.

5. You can share case studies in person or digitally.

As I said earlier, it will be more beneficial to have your customers share their experiences with your products rather than just stating how great you are. Your customers should speak up. They are proud to be part of your company.

There are many ways to include customers.

  • Trade shows and events in the field off-line
  • Podcasting with your customers
  • Hosting a webinar for your customers
  • A live broadcast featuring your customers


Customer service is the core of every business. Don’t forget to tell their stories. Customers will love your products and your brand if they are happy. Listen to what they have to say and then capture it into case studies that will help you to captivate your prospects.

I hope you find this article useful. We would love to hear about your marketing success stories and case studies.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.