
The Fastest Way To Increase Engagement Using Interactive Content


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Interactive content is a great way to increase brand engagement and build bonds with customers. It also differentiates your brand from others. It is a key component of content marketing today. Here are some ways to increase your engagement with interactive content.

You’re a business that promotes exceptional products and services. You have a large audience and a loyal customer base. This sounds like a great deal, doesn’t it?

But there’s one problem…

It also involves engagement rates, and how low they are right now. We all know that great products and services don’t mean much if nobody is interested in them.

Therefore, even if your audience size is large, it doesn’t mean much if bounce rates are high. This will indicate that nobody is interested in purchasing your products or using your services.

What’s the problem?

Your website and landing pages are great for SEO.

Sometimes the problem is in places you least expect it. Perhaps it’s your content.

It’s not easy to get people’s attention these days. The process does not end there. Next, you need to think of ways to keep it. 

Interactive Content: The Answer to Your Worries

Many content marketers are given the responsibility of creating content that appeals to people and meets their needs. This is why quality and corner-cutting should not be joked about.

The audience is everything. It’s your world, content marketer.

It’s also worth noting that 66% of B2B marketers, and 56% of consumer marketers, identify engaging content creation among their greatest challenges.

We don’t even need to mention the fact that attention spans are so short these days and how easy it can be to get distracted by the constant stream of information. Simply put, content marketing is difficult for more than half the content marketers.

Let’s sum it up: If you are struggling, know that you’re not alone.

People want to be involved

Digital marketing services in Miami are changing the landscape. Instead of being able to post frequent updates on the blog or social media, the digital landscape now requires constant updates. It is not enough to provide static content that engages your website, visitors.

Content that resonates is essential. You need content that people can relate to.

It’s not all about the what. It’s all about the why’, where, and the? how.

The digital world is now dominated by social media and mobile usage. Your new audience wants content that they can relate to and interact with. They are looking for something with a ‘me-factor’. People want to be involved.

The new definition of content

In addition to being expected to think creatively, each year brings more competition. It is worth noting, however, that interactive content development has been ongoing since 2013, if not earlier.

Interactive content is not on a rise. This is the standard for the type of content that people are looking for in today’s digital age. It’s a two-way road.

  • 91% of B2B buyers prefer interactive content over plainly visual or textual content ( demand gen Report).
  • Interactive content converts 2x faster than static content ( kapos).
  • Interactive content generates up to 4-5 times as many views per page as regular content (LinkedIn).
  • 88% of content marketers report that interactive content gives them an edge against the competition (Business2Community).

3 Reasons to Bother Having Interactive Content

Interactive content isn’t on the rise, as we’ve already mentioned. Interactive content is thriving and demands your attention. It’s a great way to communicate your brand’s message, and it opens up many opportunities for interaction with your target market.

1. Social Media is the home of interactive content

It doesn’t take long to find a website that will broadcast your interactive content. Social media is easily accessible and available to you already. Social media is the primary channel for interactive content of all types, so it’s a good reason to get involved.

Social media is a great way to get more attention for interactive content.

2. Interactive Content generates conversions

It is not surprising to find that people nowadays have shorter attention spans. They can’t bear to spend even a few minutes reading web content.

Interactive content offers new ways for target audiences to interact with them and generates conversions, unlike anything you’ve ever seen.

60% of brands used interactive content such as apps, calculators, and quizzes. saw 70% higher conversions than static content.

3. Interaction Content Must Be Responsive

Mobile usage is on the rise and has overtaken desktop users. Your interactive content should be mobile-friendly.

It would be shameful for someone to abandon a quiz because they had to use a mobile to zoom in and pinch things.

It’s been proven that 61% of smartphone users access the internet using their smartphones. This means that brands would be more popular if they offered high-quality mobile experiences.

5 Engaging Types of Content for Better Engagement

There are many types of content you can create to increase engagement with your audience. As technology advances, there will be more interactive content in the future.

Catchy Quizzes

Quizzes that ask you questions about a particular aspect of your personality always attract a lot of attention. For example, take a personality quiz. I am willing to wager that you also enjoy a quiz asking you questions like, “What do these optical illusions tell you about yourself?”

When it comes to creating engaging quizzes, the key to success is to appeal to people’s curiosity about discovering something new about themselves. Next, curiosity is what you must consider.

Selecting a topic

You should choose topics that are current and relevant. You can also choose to stick with classic and timeless humor ideas. Quizzes can be created that highlight the most interesting aspects of your company. This can be your way to highlight your unique selling points.

Ask questions with titles. This sets the tone for your audience and encourages them to take part.

Include as many visuals as you can, even if the content is mostly question-based. You shouldn’t be afraid to use humor, but don’t make it too long.

Offer some reward after the quiz is finished. If you are a B2B service, offer a discount on one of your products/services or a form of downloadable content.

Followers can participate in social media contests

A challenge is something that no human can resist, especially when it seems easy to overcome. Who doesn’t love winning?

Social media contests offer the perfect way to increase your brand reach and show your customers and clients how your products are more effective. Many contests reward winners with extravagant giveaways, as well as campaigns that generate lots of media buzz.

It’s a win/win situation

Social media is an integral part of your overall marketing strategy. It’s a win-win situation. You get great prizes for your audience and you can build relationships with clients while increasing brand exposure.

Launching a social media contest to get followers talking is, in a nutshell:

  • Setting goals and budget: Each project starts with setting objectives, and then determining how much money you have available to achieve them.
  • Design the prizes and the contest. It’s easy. The prize and the premise must be compelling enough to get everyone involved. You won’t waste your time if the contest doesn’t interest the audience. Contest entrants must be able to convert into clients or customers again.
  • Select the right social media channel. This will help you choose the channel that best serves your contest and the one that hosts it the most effectively. As many social media sites as you like. It all depends on how big your contest is, what your goals are, and what your contest premise is.
  • Choose the frequency and duration. Will you have a contest that lasts a month? Perhaps you will only need a few days, or a week to create urgency. This could be a contest that is held every year or once a year.
  • Make sure your contest rules are clear. To avoid any untoward circumstances, it is important to clearly define the legal requirements.
  • Get involved and promote it consistently: Create a buzz! It’s not enough to post once and then leave it there for others to see. It is important to mention it in every social media post you can. If no one is aware of it, it’s useless.

Polls and Surveys

Do you only write about the things you are most interested in or do you consider your audience’s opinion when you think of content ideas?

Both you and your clients will benefit from the creation of surveys and polls. Your clients get new ideas and you get to hear their opinions.

Do you want to create engaging content that will grab their attention? The best way to do this is to ask them. It’s almost like getting into their heads. This will ensure that you don’t wander in the dark trying to assume what they are interested in.

There are many distribution channels available. You don’t have to limit the survey to your website or landing page. They can be included:

  • Your website
  • Pop-ups
  • Subscribe to our email newsletter
  • Social media channels

How do you create questions?

Here are some tips to help you create survey questions.

  • Answer yes/no questions. Not everyone is interested in answering survey questions, especially if they are aware that it’s for a survey. They want it to be done quickly. You don’t want biased results. So structure your questions according to how you want them answered.
  • Keep it short. Try to have 10 questions. The shorter the better. You won’t get the results you want if you give your respondents too many choices and ask too many questions.
  • All options are available to respondents. You must consider the answers you want, but also consider the possibilities from the point of view of your audience. To ensure that you get accurate responses, you can include additional responses such as “not sure”, “I don’t think so,” “same old,” and “same again.” Your respondents mustn’t click on the answer simply because they can’t find any other options.
  • Don’t confuse. Make it clear. Use concise language to avoid confusing others. Your job is to communicate the main points of the survey with each question as clearly and concisely as possible. Review them as often as you can.

Interactive pop-ups

Let’s look at your website again. It is there so that you can tell your audience all about your brand, including what it is, why it exists, and what your customers get out of it. This is a lot of information.

What if your audience is in a hurry to get what they need? What if your audience is expecting to find what they need? If they don’t immediately see it, that’s another bounce for your analytics board. You don’t want this.

Interactive pop-ups are a great solution.

Benefits of pop-ups

Your website will have an edge if you strategically time and place pop-ups, whether they are mobile or desktop. They do this because:

  • Attention: Let’s face the facts. People hate reading these days, making attention-stealing popups and content even more important.
  • Pop-ups can be flexible. Your pop-ups do not have to clutter people’s mobile or desktop screens. There are many options for how and when they will work. Pop-ups can be triggered when someone visits your site, or before they leave. Pop-ups may be activated by actions or when visitors scroll down the page.
  • Highlight the most important bits: A pop-up will draw your audience’s attention to the important things.
  • Pop-ups are good for conversions. On average, pop-ups can convert visitors at a rate of 3%. This is a huge number, especially when you consider the thousands of visitors to your site. Pop-ups with a good design have a 9 percent chance of success.

Pop-ups should have a purpose to be interactive and must match the overall look of the website. They should also be in the correct location and displayed at the appropriate frequency.

To make it all work, you need to segment your audience so that you can deliver personalized pop-up messages to the audience.

Interactive Videos

Interactive videos are used by marketers to:

  • Encourage people to sign up for a company event.
  • Direct potential clients to the homepage.
  • Promote the products on sale and those you wish to be purchased first.

The video shared some statistics that they discovered on Forbes Insight. 65% of people who watch videos click on the links provided to visit the vendor’s website.

Pay attention to them

Interactive videos are a type of video marketing that can result in better engagement and longer duration. People will be drawn to narratives that allow them to make their own decisions. Interactive video production is based on a similar principle.

The flow of a video can be controlled by viewers by clicking on objects or interactivity with the site, such as answering questions and buying products. All this happens within the video. It creates an immersive experience. This means that you can interact with visual elements in a variety of ways, not just through virtual reality simulations.

Interactive videos communicate clearly to consumers, giving them greater control over how they experience things.

  • Interactive videos are more popular than ads from linear videos by 47%.
  • Interactive videos are 32% more memorable and 9x more likely for viewers to intend to purchase.

Boosting Engagement Rates with Interactive Content

Content is the heart of your marketing strategy. When they are personalized and strategically crafted they build credibility, communicate the brand message and foster healthy relationships between customer and seller. It also helps you to guide your customer through the engagement funnel.

It’s your turn

You can continue to talk about interactive content and the best practices for ensuring that your efforts are successful. However, the final decision on creating exemplary interactive content lies with you and your marketing team. How you execute them is the most important thing.

  • Do not limit yourself to one. Interactive content is just as varied as static content. You should implement as many as you can, as long as they fit your goals and help you reach them.
  • Pay attention to your target audience. Nothing is worse than trying to come up with strategies that are just for fun but don’t address a need. It is easy to create content based on guesswork. You can conduct surveys, analyze your analytics, observe the behavior of your followers, and master social media listening.
  • Personalize your experience 56% of marketers believe personalized content leads to higher engagement rates. Your customers will remember you by customizing the experience to suit their needs. It optimizes the buyer’s journey.
  • Get involved with your customers and clients. It is not difficult to see the importance of using user-generated content. It is a great idea to involve your target audience in the decision-making process. This will help you build brand trust, increase your online presence and encourage client-client interaction.

The types of content have changed. But it has and always will be a solid foundation for a lot of people’s overall marketing strategies.

Make your interactive content engaging and simple, and make sure you convey your message strategically.

Creating interactive content takes more effort than writing blog posts. Interactive content is a great way to get the most out of your website. Interactive content is here to stay. It’s worth giving it a strategic shot.   

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.