
Logo Design Trends That Are Making A Comeback


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Over the past two decades, we have learned a lot from logo trends. The truth is that you can’t predict what will happen.

We’re better equipped to face the future. Your logo is the face of your company and the most visible part of your business.

We encourage you to be imaginative this year. Make sure your logo is strong and durable

These are the top logo design trends in 2022.

Brands will expand their digital presence over the next year and engage customers in new ways. The following logo trends are a way for brands to create their identity and refresh old concepts.

  1. Gradients 
  2. 3D logos 
  3. Animation
  4. Nostalgic vibes
  5. Monochromatic color schemes
  6. Hand-drawn Details
  7. Brush strokes
  8. Layered looks
  9. Typography focused
  10. Organized Chaos
  11. Classic black

1. Gradients

Gradients aren’t new this year. Gradients aren’t new this year. They have been around for a while now and won’t be going anywhere soon.

Gradients are a design feature that allows colors to fade into each other. This is a great alternative to flat logo design which is still very popular.

Gradients can enhance your logo in many ways. Be sure to balance this trend if you choose to follow it.

Use a gradient only in a small area of your design

2. Logos in 3D

Skeuomorphism was a popular trend in the 2000s. We all know the Y2K aesthetic. This allows objects to be imitated by real-life items.

3D logos are a major trend in 2022. You can keep your 3D logo simple and modern by keeping it minimal. 

3D logos might not be for everyone.

3. Animation

Animations are becoming increasingly popular with small and large businesses alike. You have the unique ability to give context and life to static designs. This can make your brand stand out from its competitors.

Animation can be complicated. Animation can be simple or complex. It can be animated logo assets or simple animations.      

Authenticity is key to making the most out of the logo trend for 2022. It’s important to distinguish between what is creative, engaging, or distracting.

Online presentation of animated logos is not possible. You can make them available on your social media channels and websites.

4. Nostalgic vibes

We sew retro looks with modern twists emerging off fashion runways and Web design trends. The ’80s neon colors, the grunge style from the 1990s, as well as the futuristic optimism of the ’00s, are all still in style.

Generation Z taught us that it’s best to make your style. 

You can have both traditional and modern elements in your logo. You can combine old and new elements in your logo.

Emotional branding is key to success. Logo psychology Customers will associate your logo with a familiar and nostalgic image if they like it. 

5. Monochromatic color schemes

This fashion trend is always in style, from couture to sweatsuits. Monochromatic colors are simple, clean, and versatile.

Monochromatic means that your logo is only one color. This is a way to add depth to your palette by mixing different shades and tints from the same shade.

It is important to use logo colors. It is important to use at least one color in your logo.

Color trends will include bright, earthy, warm, and bold colors. Use colors that convey your message and keep your brand identity.

6. Details hand-drawn

Hand-drawn logos, like your signature, allow for greater creativity. Because they are hand-drawn, your logo will be easier to understand and more accessible to everyone who uses it.

2022 is a year in which beauty can be found even in imperfections. The authenticity of hand-drawn details can shine through. They give the impression of authenticity. However, sometimes they can be a great addition to a logo design because of their fluidity and delicacy.

Logos of all types can be created using hand-drawn scribbles and freeform shapes. This year will see new ways for brands to express themselves with hand-drawn details.

7. Brushstrokes

The simple, but elegant brush strokes can add an element of tangibleness to your logo design. You can use it in a variety of elements, such as a background inspired by watercolor or a calligraphy font.

There is a shift to bolder colors, deeper impasto layers, and shorter brush strokes to create textured effects. 

This look is hand drawn and feels more natural than digitized. This design is perfect for brands that want to establish personal relationships with customers.

8. Layered looks

Layering adds depth to your logo. Layers that are well-designed direct the eye by placing some of the design in front.      

In 2022, we will see new contours and transparent effects as well as layered letter logos. 

Layers let you combine and separate complex design elements. You can create unexpected layouts by playing with spacing and thickness, texture, color, and spacing. 

9. Typography: The focus

Typographic logos have always been in fashion. We will see many font trends emerge in 2022.

Both letterform and wordmark logos work well in all industries. They convey professionalism and confidence. To find the perfect font for your brand, you must think strategically.

In 2022, we’ll see the more creative spacing and playful layering in typographic logos. 

10. Organized chaos

The last two years have been chaotic. The past two years have been chaotic.

The logo design trend for 2022 will be subtle and understated. To tell an original story, you can use some of the trending trends such as layers and monochromatic color palettes. Unusual symbols, asymmetrical shapes, and negative spaces are being used in new and innovative ways.

It doesn’t mean you have to break the rules. Make one element stand out in your logo. Use an unusual style.

11. Classic white and black

In 2022, we will see more white logos. Don’t be fooled by their modesty. Black and white logos are powerful and stylish. They can also be timeless.

A great way to add contrast to a black-and-white logo is negative space. You can create a striking chiaroscuro effect by using negative space.

Simplicity is the best when it’s intentional. Black and white logos require thought and precision.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.