
3 Things You Can’t Forget When Managing A Lot Of Content


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An internet map. It is no accident that the internet looks like an explosion in content. 

Since 1996, the internet has been ruled by Bill Gates’s adage that “content is king”. This maxim has been repeated over and over again: A picture is worth a thousand words but a GIF is worth a thousand views.

Content to drive inbound traffic is one of the first steps in a website’s development. Content marketing is becoming more about “more”. This means that there’s a lot to offer everyone.

BuzzFeed is the internet’s most popular viral content site. It has a shareability that every company would love. BuzzFeed is a great example of how virality has created the mass amount of content that we see today. The Demolisticle is the best example. It’s a combination of “demographic” & “listicle, hyper-targeted lists that are meant to be shared with one group. You can think of lists that are only targeted at one group: “16 things that only Rutgers University grad students will get” or “21 signs that your ferret is a ferret owner.”

Many businesses that have been following content marketing trends pursue hyper-specific niches. This only increases their content management problems. Customers must deal with too much content in all aspects of their lives. The culture of “binge-watching” has exploded in recent years. It’s not enough to just watch a show at your own pace. People now can use a single word to describe the multi-hour marathon of content to help them process it all.

Many commentators have highlighted the fact that the current online marketing environment is too saturated with content. While content still reigns supreme, it must be managed properly. These are the best content practices in a world of so much content.

Ideal Lengths For Shorter Content:

In 2014, 87% of marketers used social media channels for getting their content to potential customers. You can increase your chances of being seen by using content marketing best practices, as the best web agencies in Miami and businesses around the world are competing with puppy GIFs via social media.

Twitter: 100 characters is the ideal tweet length

Even though 140 characters may seem like too many, it is more. Twitter posts with 100 characters or less have a 17% greater engagement rate. Content creators are forced to be creative due to limited space.

Remember to be trendy and responsive on Twitter. Twitter rewards those who keep up with the most popular hashtags and respond promptly to users.

Facebook: Ideal Post Length Is Less Than 40 Characters.

Jeff Bullas, a content marketing strategist, found that the most successful B2C Facebook posts were less than 80 characters. The preceding sentence had almost 100 characters. This means that you only need one sentence to increase your chances of getting a click.

To get the best engagement, keep your post to 40 characters. Engagement jumps up from 66% to 86% when a post has a headline. Facebook is the place where businesses must compete with family updates and engagement photos: tell your customers just a few lines.

How and when to post longer content

If the content is worth reading, customers will be willing to read more. Courtesy Mike Sall, Medium Data Lab.

While LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are great channels for sharing your content, long, more substantive posts remain the core of content marketing. How can you give readers and potential customers the right amount of longer content without being too long?

Remember that content is not always better. However, it’s okay to write more when necessary. Observations from my most shared pieces: People like lists, people like new information, and people love getting free stuff. You can share this kind of information for a long time.

First, however, some basic information about longer content is required.

The same rules apply to longer blog posts than to shorter pieces for social media. The headline should be between 40 and 80 characters long. It should also give readers a sense of what you’re doing.

To break up the reading, include images in your body. Medium analyzed their analytics to determine the optimal length of longer content. Medium discovered that is the ideal length for a longer post. This is a seven-minute read or approximately 1,600 words.

You can expect to capture readers’ attention for seven minutes if you have a catchy title, attractive images, and something to share. These best practices will ensure that your digital marketing agency in new york is successful in content marketing. Do you have a method that gets your content shared? Please share your ideas with us in the comments

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.