
Simple Yet Effective Ways To Increase Form Conversion Rates


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A form online is meant to collect information about prospects. 

Your prospects may not complete forms for a variety of reasons. There is no simple solution.

While it’s impossible to see beyond your customers’ minds, you can use best practices to increase form conversion rates.

1. Popup forms can be created

Studies show that the average conversion rate for popups was 3.09%. You can even get higher conversion rates if you follow the best practices.

Popup forms convert more leads than on-page embedded forms. 

  • These grab the attention of site visitors.
  • These forms are simpler to fill out because they have fewer fields.
  • Offer incentives to your popup form to increase leads.

Kobe Digital has the best user-friendliness and design options. This will help you achieve higher conversion rates.

These are some tips to help you make the most of your popups

  • Offer different incentives (e-books, discounts, coupons, etc. Find the one that converts the most.
  • Use prefill popup forms. Use Prefill Popup Forms.
  • Conversion-ready Forms: Gone are those days of traditional popups. Kobe Digital will make your forms visually appealing and UX-friendly.
  • The popup should wait for at least 30 seconds. Most visitors hit the close key after a popup appears.
  • Make sure that the close button is visible. 
  • Your popup should only be shown once per user
  • Add a privacy policy to the checkbox.
  • Use smart tags

Combining these two methods can help you generate more leads than regular website forms.

This will have such a positive impact on your conversions that you may be tempted just to ignore the rest.

2. Position your forms just above

The ultimate goal of a landing page is to convince and inspire people to take action. 

The majority of studies show that forms and CTAs should be placed higher up on landing pages to increase engagement. 

Engagement starts just above the fold. The bottom of the fold is where most people feel most motivated to take action.

Mobile users tend not to scroll down until the page loads. Don’t place forms above the fold.

When optimizing a position for a lead-generation form, the above-the-fold is a common practice. It attracts visitors to your CTA.

Popups are more efficient than embedded forms because users don’t have to scroll.

3. For usability, UX, and appeal, design web forms 

No matter what type of form it is, The design of your form has the power to make a first impression. 

Don’t fill out lengthy forms. Lead generation forms should have a background and color.

First impressions are crucial.

These tips will help you design your website forms.

Removing unneeded form fields

Too many fields can affect your form conversion rate.

I remember abandoning many checkout pages due to the form’s length. 

It’s possible to use my experiences, but Not likely. 

The best number of fields in a form is determined by its type. However, 3 fields will maximize form conversion rates.

  • Ask for what you want.
  • Please indicate the required and optional fields.
  • Pre-filling can be a great way of speeding up the filling process.
  • Kobe Digital has a Data Enrichment function that allows you to pull data from the user’s site, including their company name, address, and size.

You can convert more leads if you use fewer fields. If your sales team doesn’t have enough information to follow up with leads, high conversion rates will not compensate for low close rates.

Let’s summarize: You can A/B test the number of fields to determine the best balance. This will enable you to obtain the most relevant lead information using the least number of fields.

Fill the easiest to most difficult orders forms

Robert Cialdini says that when someone makes small steps towards a goal they feel compelled to complete it.

You should rank your lead generation forms in order of difficulty.

Background and coloring

If you intend to use a popup form, your landing page design should be consistent with your brand colors.

The text should be bold enough and balanced to make it stand out.  

Additional design tips:

  • Use a consistent color palette
  • Dividing multiple sections into pages


You can increase your lead generation and conversion rate by placing an image of your offer (ebook or sample product) on the internet. Potential customers will be more inclined to provide their information.

4. Optimize Your Lead Forms For Mobile

Nearly half of all web traffic is generated by mobile devices around the world (Statista). 

Mobile traffic has become too important to ignore. Your mobile visitors must have an enjoyable experience while visiting your website. 

  • Remove all fields not required
  • The popup should not obscure the important elements on the screen.

All Kobe Digital leads forms are mobile-friendly. 

5. These forms can be filled out easily

Long or complicated forms can result in lost leads or customers.

These are some tips to optimize forms for a better user experience

  • Prefill Forms: Why would you ask users to fill out forms that are prefilled? Prefill allows users to input specific information, but they won’t have to.
  • Multi-Page forms: If your form requires a lot more scrolling or has multiple sections, you can divide it into multiple pages.
  • Save and Create a Resume: If a form is too long or time-consuming, users can save their progress and create a new resume later.

6. Give a strong call for action

Your words have the most impact on your customers’ decisions  

  • The title of your landing page should be catchy enough to keep people reading.
  • CTAs such as “Buy Now” use powerful words. Add to Cart, Start. Free. ” “
  • Personalize your calls for action with pronouns like “You, Your, and Our 
  • You can increase the urgency of your sentences using phrases such as “Today, Now, and Last Chance.” “
  • You should align your CTA and forms with your landing page copy

7. Include a Privacy policy

Data privacy research shows that 95% of Americans worry about businesses collecting personal information without their consent.

Normally, internet users are concerned about the security of their personal information, given the number of frauds occurring every day.

How can you win the trust of your prospects? Privacy policies can increase conversion rates. 

Create a privacy page. People will fill in your forms more often if you trust them.

8. Optimize your landing page for form conversions 

The average conversion rate for landing pages in all industries is to HTML 2.35%.

Optimizing landing pages can help increase conversion rates for contact forms. The landing page design must direct attention to the form.

You may also like the Top Twelve Landing Pages Optimization Tool.

  • Reducing friction around lead forms.

A landing page must contain a form at its core if it intends to collect leads via a website form. Make it stand out by reducing the number of elements around it.

  • Eye gaze

A landing page that is eye-tracking-friendly can make it more effective. People usually use the eye gaze pattern.

Customer testimonials and faces can dramatically increase conversion rates for forms.

9. A/B Test Your Lead Generation Forms

The three most common lead-generation strategies used by digital marketers are email marketing and content marketing. Make sure your call to action is visible on every page where you capture leads using one of these lead-generation strategies.

Test it first and then make any necessary adjustments to get the best results.

Also, you should try these other things:

  • Catchy headlines are important.
  • Copy your landing page. Use bullet points, images, testimonials, and videos.
  • The landing page copy should not be hard to read or understand 

These are just some of the many benefits social proof can bring to customers’ decision-making processes. Trust cards, testimonial videos, and trust cards can increase customer trust which can lead to more conversions.

10. Countdown timer

It’s normal for humans to feel anxious about the ending of a time. Adding a countdown timer to your landing page or popup form might encourage customers to take the right actions.

Kobe Digital lets you add a countdown on your popup forms to increase conversion rates.


These are 10 proven ways to increase your conversion rates for your lead-generation form. Optimizing lead generation forms will ensure that you don’t waste your inbound marketing and landing page traffic.

Prospects should fill out the landing page form to collect their personal information, and not sell products 

Clear away clutter from your CTAs and lead forms People can get distracted and take a different action than they intended.

We hope you find these tips helpful and that you start generating more forms of conversions today.

Use Quick Checklist to increase the conversion rate of forms

  1. Popup Forms can be created
  2. Place your forms just below and above the fold
  3. Web forms must be simple to use, visually appealing, and easy for users to understand.
  4. Mobile optimization for your lead forms
  5. Fill them in quickly
  6. A strong call to action
  7. Include a privacy statement
  8. Optimize your landing pages
  9. A/B test your lead generation forms
  10. Add a countdown timer

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.