
What Is An SSL Certificate And Why Do You Need It?


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Have you ever wondered why certain URLs begin with http:// and others with https ://??

Perhaps you noticed an extra “s” on websites that ask for personal information such as credit card numbers.

Where does that extra “s” come from? What does this really mean?

The extra “s” in Security stands for Secure. This means that any information you provide is encrypted and secure. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the technology behind that little “s”.

When you visit any website you trust with your personal information, https:// is a must. You will need an SSL certificate to market to your audience.

Our guide below will help you understand SSL certificates, their importance, and how to obtain them.

Let’s get started!

What is SSL (Secure Sockets Layer certificate)?

Hackers can intercept your information if you visit an unsecure website and ask you to fill out a form. This information can include your email address or details about a bank transaction.

How can attacks sometimes happen?

One of the most popular ways is to hack into a website hosting server. The undetected program waits until the visitor begins typing their personal information. It will then activate to capture the information and send it back.

When you visit a website with an SSL certificate, however, your browser will establish a connection to the web server. This will bind your browser with the server. This binding connection guarantees that only you and the website can access or see what you have entered.

An SSL certificate, in technology terms, is a protocol that servers and web browsers use to ensure data between them are secure. This is done by using an encrypted link between the browser and server.

Netscape created SSL in 1995 to protect data integrity and privacy in Internet communications.

Websites that ask for personal information (e.g. email address, payment information etc.) SSL certificates should be available on any website that requests personal information (e.g., email address, payment information, etc.) from users. One SSL certificate means that you can keep the information you collect private. This ensures that your customers will not be able to see https ://, without their consent.

Types of SSL certificates

There are many types of SSL certificates. The type of certificate you choose can be applied to one website or multiple websites.

  • Multi-domain. Multi-domain SSL certificates, as the name suggests, can be applied to multiple domains that are not related.

SSL certificates may also be available with different levels of validation. A validation level can be thought of as a background check. The extent of the background check will affect the level.

  • Domain validation. This level is the most stringent and cheapest. You only need to prove that you own the domain.
  • Validation of organizations. This is a more direct process. The Certificate Authorities (CA), directly contact the business or person who requests the certificate. These certificates are more reliable.
  • Extended validation This type of certificate requires an extensive background check before it can be issued.

SSL certificates are important

In the beginning, the Internet sent data in plain text. Anyone could read it if they intercepted it. If a customer visited a shopping site, placed an order and then entered their credit card number on the checkout page, this information would be hidden.

SSL certificates were created in order to address this issue and protect users privacy. SSL certificates encrypt data between a user (or web server) and ensure that no one can see the encrypted data. SSL certificates make the customer’s credit card number secure and only visible to the website where it was entered.

An SSL certificate offers four major benefits:

  • Authentication. Authentication ensures that the server to which you are connected is the right server
  • Encryption. Encryption protects data transmissions (e.g. server to server or browser to server or app to server etc.).
  • Data integrity. This ensures that the requested data is delivered as it is submitted. The servers and your client will not modify your data during transit.
  • SEO ranking. Google has made SSL certificates a ranking factor. This can make your site rank higher in search results than sites that don’t have one.

How do you find out if your site has SSL?

A few differences can be seen when you visit a website that has an SSL certificate.

The URL does not say “http ://”” but “https ://,””.

Remember that SSL-encrypted websites always have the extra “s”. It stands for secure, as we have already mentioned.

In the URL bar, you will see a padlock icon

Depending on which browser you use, the padlock icon may appear on either the right- or left-hand sidebars of the URL bar. It will appear on Safari and Chrome for example, but it will also be on the right.

In the URL bar, you will see a padlock icon

To learn more about the website or the company that issued the certificate, click on the padlock icon.

The certificate is valid

The certificate may still be expired even if the site is marked with https:// and the padlock icon. This means that your connection won’t be secured. The previous two points are sufficient to prove that the site’s security is good. If you find a site that asks for personal information, double-check to make sure the certificate is valid.

It is important to verify that the SSL certificate you have purchased is valid.

You can check if the SSL certificate is valid for Chrome by pressing Ctrl + Shift+ C, clicking the “>>” icon and choosing “Security”.

How do you obtain an SSL certificate for your site?

It is essential that you get an SSL Certificate for your eCommerce Website from the right provider. This organization, known as a CA, issues the certificate. An incorrectly installed SSL certificate or a faulty one is worse than none at all.

It’s easy to obtain an SSL certificate. The process is usually as follows:

  • #1. Choose a Certificate Authority
  • #2. Buy and verify your SSL certificate
  • #3. Download your SSL certificate files
  • #4. Install your certificate
  • #5. Validate it and confirm that it is working

An SSL certificate can be obtained from:

Before you choose an SSL certificate, it is important to determine the type of certificate you require. Consider that you might need multiple SSL certificates if you plan to host content on different platforms, or on separate domains/subdomains.

A standard SSL certificate will usually cover your content. For companies involved in financial or insurance, a standard SSL certificate will cover your content. However, it is worth speaking with your IT department to ensure that your company meets the requirements of your industry.

An SSL certificate costs a different amount. You can get a free certificate, or you can pay monthly to have a custom certificate. This is where the old adage “You get what your pay for” applies. The type of website you have and the company that you work for will determine which certificate to choose. SSL certificates can cost thousands of dollars annually for large financial institutions. However, a blog or online portfolio might not need the same level of security so a cheaper certificate may be sufficient.

You should also consider the validity of SSL certificates. Standard SSL certificates can be purchased for one to two years. However, if you need more time, you have the option of purchasing longer-lasting certificates.

Is SSL and TLS one thing?

SSL is considered to be the direct predecessor of Transport Layer Security (TLS).

The IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force), proposed an update for SSL in 1999. The name of the update was changed to TLS as it was being developed by the IETF. Netscape was not involved in the development.

The differences between SSL version 1.0 and TLS version 1.1 aren’t that significant. The name change was made to indicate the ownership change.

Because they are so closely related, both terms are often interchangeable and misunderstood. Because SSL is still so well-known, some people use “SSL/TLS encryption”.

The bottom line

You can verify the encryption status of any website you visit next time. You can check if your website is encrypted. You can also make sure that your business has an SSL certificate if you don’t have one. This will allow you to protect your customers’ privacy and data.

You can also continue to upgrade your security system by adding advanced options. Magento 2 security extension can help you keep out the bad guys. It offers great security features and affordable pricing plans. Get it now!

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.